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今天读书了吗 · 2023年08月06日

为什么A不是?请用中文翻译一下 A与B



What is the primary objective of the EU Taxonomy?


A.Clear labelling of the use of proceeds for green bonds. B.An EU-wide classification system of sustainable activities. C.A classification of what ‘green’ activities states can finance domestically without breachingcompetition rules. D.A classification system of the Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions associated with the activities ofEU companies.



为什么A不是?请用中文翻译一下 A与B

1 个答案

王岑 · 2023年08月07日






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NO.PZ2022072901000015 问题如下 Whis the primary objective of the EU Taxonomy? A.Clelabelling of the use of procee for green bon. B.EU-wi classification system of sustainable activities. C.A classification of wh‘green’ activities states cfinanmestically without breachingcompetition rules. A classification system of the Scope 1, 2, an3 emissions associatewith the activities ofEU companies. 欧盟分类法旨在通过提供分类系统来确定经济活动是否具有环境可持续性,从而显著降低(甚至可能完全消除)金融产品漂绿的风险。 C和内容貌似也没错。尤其在导图里说的是提供分类系统以确定何种经济活动是环境可持续的。C不就是这个理念么。当然可能B是不是突出了systerm这个词。

2023-10-29 12:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022072901000015 问题如下 Whis the primary objective of the EU Taxonomy? A.Clelabelling of the use of procee for green bon. B.EU-wi classification system of sustainable activities. C.A classification of wh‘green’ activities states cfinanmestically without breachingcompetition rules. A classification system of the Scope 1, 2, an3 emissions associatewith the activities ofEU companies. 欧盟分类法旨在通过提供分类系统来确定经济活动是否具有环境可持续性,从而显著降低(甚至可能完全消除)金融产品漂绿的风险。 cope1,2,3的分类是欧盟哪个法规

2023-08-29 20:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022072901000015 问题如下 Whis the primary objective of the EU Taxonomy? A.Clelabelling of the use of procee for green bon. B.EU-wi classification system of sustainable activities. C.A classification of wh‘green’ activities states cfinanmestically without breachingcompetition rules. A classification system of the Scope 1, 2, an3 emissions associatewith the activities ofEU companies. 欧盟分类法旨在通过提供分类系统来确定经济活动是否具有环境可持续性,从而显著降低(甚至可能完全消除)金融产品漂绿的风险。 如题

2023-06-11 23:41 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022072901000015 问题如下 Whis the primary objective of the EU Taxonomy? A.Clelabelling of the use of procee for green bon. B.EU-wi classification system of sustainable activities. C.A classification of wh‘green’ activities states cfinanmestically without breachingcompetition rules. A classification system of the Scope 1, 2, an3 emissions associatewith the activities ofEU companies. 欧盟分类法旨在通过提供分类系统来确定经济活动是否具有环境可持续性,从而显着降低(甚至可能完全消除)绿色洗涤金融产品的风险。 如标题, 错在描述中的scope1,2,3吗B是不是也不严谨呢

2022-12-21 22:42 1 · 回答