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北欧神父 · 2023年08月04日


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Identify the behavioral biases Young is most likely exhibiting. (Circle the correct answers.) Justify each response.



Of the six potential behavioral biases, Young is most likely exhibiting three as explained below.

请问这个怎么分辨是loss aversion还是available bias 呢,感觉产生阴影划分在loss aversion也没问题

1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2023年08月05日


Availability bias:是指基于能立刻被我们想起来的或容易出现在我们脑海中(广告)的事件来做决策。一般情况下有痛苦记忆的往往让我们印象深刻容易想起。案例中提到这个人基于童年的经历,对投资的安全性要求有很高的优先级,体现了这个bias。

loss aversion是gain时卖出,loss时持有,一单位损失带来的效用减少要大于相同水平收益带来的效用增加。那么这种现象就会导致人们面对损失和面对收益的时候有不同的决策。面对损失的时候反而会搏小概率事件,想要翻盘。面对收益的时候想要落袋为安。这个只与对风险的态度有关,不涉及阴影。


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NO.PZ201805280100000301 问题如下 Intify the behaviorbiases Young is most likely exhibiting. (Circle the correanswers.) Justify earesponse. Of the six potentibehaviorbiases, Young is most likely exhibiting three explainebelow. 感觉如果真的要写的话,每一个都有合适的理由,但题干问的感觉是选一个最有可能的全部都写原因的话,感觉根本写不完

2024-03-28 22:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000301问题如下 Intify the behaviorbiases Young is most likely exhibiting. (Circle the correanswers.) Justify earesponse. Of the six potentibehaviorbiases, Young is most likely exhibiting three explainebelow. 24 年还会考这个知识点吗?

2024-01-16 19:14 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000301 问题如下 Intify the behaviorbiases Young is most likely exhibiting. (Circle the correanswers.) Justify earesponse. Of the six potentibehaviorbiases, Young is most likely exhibiting three explainebelow. Loss aversionEmma places a high priority on retirement security anwants to avoilosing money in any of her three accounts. She hates loss more ththe same value of return.Illusion of control: She wants to avoilosing money in any of her three accounts. The market is accompaniewith volatility anone cannot avoiany loss if she invests in risky assets.Mentaccounting: She hthree accounts to meet fferent goals: a money market account.T account.after-taccount for her ughters’ ecation、unexpectenee, anher home.Representativeness bias: Framing bias: Availability bias: She aften reminthshe is orpheight who experiencechiloofinanciharhips, therefore her choiare baseon this experience.麻烦老师批改下。。谢谢。

2023-12-25 14:31 3 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000301 问题如下 Intify the behaviorbiases Young is most likely exhibiting. (Circle the correanswers.) Justify earesponse. Of the six potentibehaviorbiases, Young is most likely exhibiting three explainebelow. 课上老师也讲到mental了,这道题我也知道体现了mental。就是想在这问一下,为什么mental分goals做配置,反而也属于bias?

2022-06-22 19:55 1 · 回答