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awen · 2023年08月03日

constraint 3解释一下

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Which of Pure Mobilebank’s external constraints would least likely apply to the portfolio of a life insurance company?


A.Constraint I B.Constraint II C.Constraint III


SB is correct. Both a bank and a life insurance company will have reporting and transparency requirements, and a life insurance company’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholder claims that may arise on both a short-term and a long-term basis, as well as statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funding ratios are a mandated liquidity requirement for banks, not life insurance compaB is correct. Both a bank and a life insurance company will have reporting and transparency requirements, and a life insurance company’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholder claims that may arise on both a short-term and a long-term basis, as well as statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funding ratios are a mandated liquidity requirement for banks, not life insurance companies.

B is correct. Both a bank and a life insurance company will have reporting and transparency requirements, and a life insurance company’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholder claims that may arise on both a short-term and a long-term basis, as well as statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funding ratios are a mandated liquidity requirement for banks, not life insurance companies.

A is incorrect. Both banks and life insurance companies have reporting and transparency requirements.

C is incorrect. Both banks and life insurance companies are subject to versions of statutory accounting.

constraint 3是不是说都需要在资产负债表上展示surplus 啊,我只记得养老金的surplus要展示在资产负债表上,银行和保险公司指的什么需要放在资产负债表呢?

1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2023年08月03日


constraint 3是不是说都需要在资产负债表上展示surplus 啊,我只记得养老金的surplus要展示在资产负债表上,银行和保险公司指的什么需要放在资产负债表呢?


这道题问我们,适用于这家银行的Constraints中,最不可能适用于Life insurer的是哪一条。相关的题干信息如下:

• Constraint III. The need for balance sheet comprehensive income accounts mandated by statutory accounting rules”

Constraint III: 这点说按照会计准则的要求,需要使用Balance sheet comprehensive income accounts。并不是说以surplus来展现的意思哈。关于这点,适用于银行与保险公司。

综合以上,这道题选出Constraint II只适用于银行而不适用于保险公司。因此这道题选B。


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NO.PZ202206210200000203 问题如下 Whiof Pure Mobilebank’s externconstraints woulleast likely apply to the portfolio of a life insurancompany? A.Constraint I B.Constraint II C.Constraint III SB is correct. Both a bank ana life insurancompany will have reporting antransparenrequirements, ana life insurancompany’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholr claims thmarise on both a short-term ana long-term basis, well statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funng ratios are a manteliquity requirement for banks, not life insurancompis correct. Both a bank ana life insurancompany will have reporting antransparenrequirements, ana life insurancompany’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholr claims thmarise on both a short-term ana long-term basis, well statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funng ratios are a manteliquity requirement for banks, not life insurancompanies.B is correct. Both a bank ana life insurancompany will have reporting antransparenrequirements, ana life insurancompany’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholr claims thmarise on both a short-term ana long-term basis, well statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funng ratios are a manteliquity requirement for banks, not life insurancompanies.A is incorrect. Both banks anlife insurancompanies have reporting antransparenrequirements.C is incorrect. Both banks anlife insurancompanies are subjeto versions of statutory accounting. 因为是不同的主体,所以实用的监管政策是不一样的,No.PZ202206210200000101这道题的答案是这么解析的,但是本题又是另外一种说法,到底以哪个为主。

2024-06-26 21:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210200000203问题如下 Whiof Pure Mobilebank’s externconstraints woulleast likely apply to the portfolio of a life insurancompany? A.Constraint IB.Constraint IIC.Constraint III SB is correct. Both a bank ana life insurancompany will have reporting antransparenrequirements, ana life insurancompany’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholr claims thmarise on both a short-term ana long-term basis, well statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funng ratios are a manteliquity requirement for banks, not life insurancompis correct. Both a bank ana life insurancompany will have reporting antransparenrequirements, ana life insurancompany’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholr claims thmarise on both a short-term ana long-term basis, well statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funng ratios are a manteliquity requirement for banks, not life insurancompanies.B is correct. Both a bank ana life insurancompany will have reporting antransparenrequirements, ana life insurancompany’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholr claims thmarise on both a short-term ana long-term basis, well statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funng ratios are a manteliquity requirement for banks, not life insurancompanies.A is incorrect. Both banks anlife insurancompanies have reporting antransparenrequirements.C is incorrect. Both banks anlife insurancompanies are subjeto versions of statutory accounting. 这个知识点在哪里啊?

2023-08-10 17:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210200000203 问题如下 Whiof Pure Mobilebank’s externconstraints woulleast likely apply to the portfolio of a life insurancompany? A.Constraint I B.Constraint II C.Constraint III SB is correct. Both a bank ana life insurancompany will have reporting antransparenrequirements, ana life insurancompany’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholr claims thmarise on both a short-term ana long-term basis, well statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funng ratios are a manteliquity requirement for banks, not life insurancompis correct. Both a bank ana life insurancompany will have reporting antransparenrequirements, ana life insurancompany’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholr claims thmarise on both a short-term ana long-term basis, well statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funng ratios are a manteliquity requirement for banks, not life insurancompanies.B is correct. Both a bank ana life insurancompany will have reporting antransparenrequirements, ana life insurancompany’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholr claims thmarise on both a short-term ana long-term basis, well statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funng ratios are a manteliquity requirement for banks, not life insurancompanies.A is incorrect. Both banks anlife insurancompanies have reporting antransparenrequirements.C is incorrect. Both banks anlife insurancompanies are subjeto versions of statutory accounting. 这题也很牵强,对于bank来说,三个都是要求的,不能说对保险公司来说不需要 net stable funng ratios就选b吧。。

2023-07-03 21:53 1 · 回答