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摇一摇 · 2023年07月29日




With respect to capital market theory, an investor’s optimal portfolio is the combination of a risk-free asset and a risky asset with the highest: (原版书)


A.expected return. B.indifference curve. C.capital allocation line slope.


Investors will have different optimal portfolios depending on their indifference curves. The optimal portfolio for each investor is the one with highest utility; that is, where the CAL is tangent to the individual investor’s highest possible indifference curve.


1 个答案

Kiko_品职助教 · 2023年07月31日


这道题问的是投资者的optimal portfolio是什么。optimal portfolio是CAL和indifference curve的交点。题干中说的the combination of a risk-free asset and a risky asset 这就是CAL的意思。所以直接选无差异曲线,B就行了。


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NO.PZ2023021601000026 问题如下 With respeto capitmarket theory, investor’s optimportfolio is the combination of a risk-free asset ana risky asset with the highest: (原版书) A.expectereturn. B.infferencurve. C.capitallocation line slope. Investors will have fferent optimportfolios penng on their infferencurves. The optimportfolio for eainvestor is the one with highest utility; this, where the Cis tangent to the inviinvestor’s highest possible infferencurve. 这几个线之间的切点很晕,老师能给逐个梳理一下嘛?常考的这些点都叫什么,分别是什么线和什么线相切?

2024-09-17 21:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023021601000026 问题如下 With respeto capitmarket theory, investor’s optimportfolio is the combination of a risk-free asset ana risky asset with the highest: (原版书) A.expectereturn. B.infferencurve. C.capitallocation line slope. Investors will have fferent optimportfolios penng on their infferencurves. The optimportfolio for eainvestor is the one with highest utility; this, where the Cis tangent to the inviinvestor’s highest possible infferencurve. -

2024-09-07 23:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023021601000026 问题如下 With respeto capitmarket theory, investor’s optimportfolio is the combination of a risk-free asset ana risky asset with the highest: (原版书) A.expectereturn. B.infferencurve. C.capitallocation line slope. Investors will have fferent optimportfolios penng on their infferencurves. The optimportfolio for eainvestor is the one with highest utility; this, where the Cis tangent to the inviinvestor’s highest possible infferencurve. 之前做题说infferencurve的斜率,怎么能用Highest来形容?

2024-08-20 09:01 1 · 回答