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SophieZ · 2023年07月25日




HNW, a wealth management company, was forecasting that the euro was likely to appreciate against the US dollar in the next six months. Testa agreed with HNW’s assessment of the future course of the USD/EUR exchange rate. His conclusion was derived from assessing various analysts’ reports and was centered on the following three reasons:

1. real interest rates were higher in euro-based countries,

2. the potential default of several euro-based countries from their excessive debt loads would lead to strong support measures from the IMF and the European Central Bank, and

3. the US balance of trade deficit with euro-based countries had continued to decline in the past several years and was expected to continue to decline.

Which of Testa’s reasons for the future course of the USD/EUR exchange rate in 2009 is most consistent with HNW’s assessment?



Reason 1


Reason 2


Reason 3


Correct Answer: A

A is correct. HNW’s assessment was that the euro was likely to appreciate against the US dollar within the next six months. Reason 1, higher real rates in euro-based countries, is consistent with an appreciation of the euro. Higher euro rates will attract “foreign” investors and drive up demand for the euro as they acquire those investments.

B is incorrect. Reason 2, the potential default of several euro-based countries from their excessive debt loads, would result in a lower foreign risk premium (i.e., the US dollar would be less risky) and should lead to a depreciation of the euro.

C is incorrect. Reason 3, a decline in the US trade deficit (i.e., net exports), means that for the United States, imports decreased relative to exports, resulting in lower demand for the euro, and it should weaken relative to the US dollar.



1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2023年07月25日



A 选项:利率平价其实就是一套理论,讲的是天下大同,就是说作为一个全球投资者,在均衡状态下,无论选择的是以本币投资于国内市场,还是以相等金额本币折算的外币投资在国外市场并投资相同的期限,两者最终获得的收益应该相同,所以远期是一个达到均衡状态的时间。利率平价讨论的是汇率的远期变动而非近期变动。

C选项 :美国贸易赤字(指进口额大于出口额)下降,意味着对美国来说,进口相对于出口下降,导致对欧元的需求下降,欧元相对于美元应该走弱,原因3不对。(这里的赤字是指美国的赤字哈)


  • 1

  • 0

  • 375


NO.PZ2022123002000014 问题如下 HNW, a wealth managementcompany, wforecasting ththe euro wlikely to appreciate against the USllin the next six months. Testa agreewith HNW’s assessment of the futurecourse of the USEUR exchange rate. His conclusion wrivefrom assessingvarious analysts’ reports anwcentereon the following three reasons:1. reinterest rates were higher in euro-baseountries,2. the potentifault of severeuro-baseountries from their excessive loa woulleto strong support measuresfrom the IMF anthe EuropeCentrBank, an. the US balanof tra ficit with euro-baseountries hcontinueto cline in the past severyears anwexpecteo continue to cline.Whichof Testa’s reasons for the future course of the USEUR exchange rate in 2009is most consistent with HNW’s assessment? A.Reason 1 B.Reason 2 C.Reason 3 CorreAnswer: is correct.HNW’s assessment wththe euro wlikely to appreciate against the US llarwithin the next six months. Reason 1, higher rerates in euro-baseountries, is consistent with appreciation of the euro. Higher euro rateswill attra“foreign” investors anive up manfor the euro theyacquire those investments.B is incorrect.Reason 2, the potentifault of severeuro-basecountries from theirexcessive loa, woulresult in a lower foreign risk premium (i.e., theUS llwoulless risky) anshoulleto a preciation of the euro.C is incorrect.Reason 3, a cline in the US tra ficit (i.e., net exports), means thforthe UniteStates, imports creaserelative to exports, resulting in lowermanfor the euro, anit shoulweaken relative to the US llar. 不是很理解A和B根据(1+USinflation) / (1 + EUR inflation) = F/S, 由于EUR inflation 大,所以F S 即EUR贬值。排除EUR 多导致EUR preciate,但是题目专门说了有IMF的strong support所以不会preciate。选B

2024-08-15 09:26 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000014问题如下 HNW, a wealth managementcompany, wforecasting ththe euro wlikely to appreciate against the USllin the next six months. Testa agreewith HNW’s assessment of the futurecourse of the USEUR exchange rate. His conclusion wrivefrom assessingvarious analysts’ reports anwcentereon the following three reasons:1. reinterest rates were higher in euro-baseountries,2. the potentifault of severeuro-baseountries from their excessive loa woulleto strong support measuresfrom the IMF anthe EuropeCentrBank, an. the US balanof tra ficit with euro-baseountries hcontinueto cline in the past severyears anwexpecteo continue to cline.Whichof Testa’s reasons for the future course of the USEUR exchange rate in 2009is most consistent with HNW’s assessment? A.Reason 1B.Reason 2C.Reason 3 CorreAnswer: is correct.HNW’s assessment wththe euro wlikely to appreciate against the US llarwithin the next six months. Reason 1, higher rerates in euro-baseountries, is consistent with appreciation of the euro. Higher euro rateswill attra“foreign” investors anive up manfor the euro theyacquire those investments.B is incorrect.Reason 2, the potentifault of severeuro-basecountries from theirexcessive loa, woulresult in a lower foreign risk premium (i.e., theUS llwoulless risky) anshoulleto a preciation of the euro.C is incorrect.Reason 3, a cline in the US tra ficit (i.e., net exports), means thforthe UniteStates, imports creaserelative to exports, resulting in lowermanfor the euro, anit shoulweaken relative to the US llar. 这题是不是因为问的是未来6个月,所以考虑的是利率对汇率的短期影响,所以欧元利率上升,短期(6个月)欧元升值

2024-05-10 08:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000014 问题如下 HNW, a wealth managementcompany, wforecasting ththe euro wlikely to appreciate against the USllin the next six months. Testa agreewith HNW’s assessment of the futurecourse of the USEUR exchange rate. His conclusion wrivefrom assessingvarious analysts’ reports anwcentereon the following three reasons:1. reinterest rates were higher in euro-baseountries,2. the potentifault of severeuro-baseountries from their excessive loa woulleto strong support measuresfrom the IMF anthe EuropeCentrBank, an. the US balanof tra ficit with euro-baseountries hcontinueto cline in the past severyears anwexpecteo continue to cline.Whichof Testa’s reasons for the future course of the USEUR exchange rate in 2009is most consistent with HNW’s assessment? A.Reason 1 B.Reason 2 C.Reason 3 CorreAnswer: is correct.HNW’s assessment wththe euro wlikely to appreciate against the US llarwithin the next six months. Reason 1, higher rerates in euro-baseountries, is consistent with appreciation of the euro. Higher euro rateswill attra“foreign” investors anive up manfor the euro theyacquire those investments.B is incorrect.Reason 2, the potentifault of severeuro-basecountries from theirexcessive loa, woulresult in a lower foreign risk premium (i.e., theUS llwoulless risky) anshoulleto a preciation of the euro.C is incorrect.Reason 3, a cline in the US tra ficit (i.e., net exports), means thforthe UniteStates, imports creaserelative to exports, resulting in lowermanfor the euro, anit shoulweaken relative to the US llar. A为什么特意说的是reinterest rate

2024-02-10 21:35 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000014问题如下 HNW, a wealth managementcompany, wforecasting ththe euro wlikely to appreciate against the USllin the next six months. Testa agreewith HNW’s assessment of the futurecourse of the USEUR exchange rate. His conclusion wrivefrom assessingvarious analysts’ reports anwcentereon the following three reasons:1. reinterest rates were higher in euro-baseountries,2. the potentifault of severeuro-baseountries from their excessive loa woulleto strong support measuresfrom the IMF anthe EuropeCentrBank, an. the US balanof tra ficit with euro-baseountries hcontinueto cline in the past severyears anwexpecteo continue to cline.Whichof Testa’s reasons for the future course of the USEUR exchange rate in 2009is most consistent with HNW’s assessment? A.Reason 1B.Reason 2C.Reason 3 CorreAnswer: is correct.HNW’s assessment wththe euro wlikely to appreciate against the US llarwithin the next six months. Reason 1, higher rerates in euro-baseountries, is consistent with appreciation of the euro. Higher euro rateswill attra“foreign” investors anive up manfor the euro theyacquire those investments.B is incorrect.Reason 2, the potentifault of severeuro-basecountries from theirexcessive loa, woulresult in a lower foreign risk premium (i.e., theUS llwoulless risky) anshoulleto a preciation of the euro.C is incorrect.Reason 3, a cline in the US tra ficit (i.e., net exports), means thforthe UniteStates, imports creaserelative to exports, resulting in lowermanfor the euro, anit shoulweaken relative to the US llar. 是否可以从inflation角度理解HNW预测欧元即将升值,由此推测当前nominReuro Rusreason1中reReuro更高,则推出euro inflation rate比美元的低,因此相对欧元会升值,因此与hnw预测一致?

2024-01-30 10:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000014问题如下 HNW, a wealth managementcompany, wforecasting ththe euro wlikely to appreciate against the USllin the next six months. Testa agreewith HNW’s assessment of the futurecourse of the USEUR exchange rate. His conclusion wrivefrom assessingvarious analysts’ reports anwcentereon the following three reasons:1. reinterest rates were higher in euro-baseountries,2. the potentifault of severeuro-baseountries from their excessive loa woulleto strong support measuresfrom the IMF anthe EuropeCentrBank, an. the US balanof tra ficit with euro-baseountries hcontinueto cline in the past severyears anwexpecteo continue to cline.Whichof Testa’s reasons for the future course of the USEUR exchange rate in 2009is most consistent with HNW’s assessment? A.Reason 1B.Reason 2C.Reason 3 CorreAnswer: is correct.HNW’s assessment wththe euro wlikely to appreciate against the US llarwithin the next six months. Reason 1, higher rerates in euro-baseountries, is consistent with appreciation of the euro. Higher euro rateswill attra“foreign” investors anive up manfor the euro theyacquire those investments.B is incorrect.Reason 2, the potentifault of severeuro-basecountries from theirexcessive loa, woulresult in a lower foreign risk premium (i.e., theUS llwoulless risky) anshoulleto a preciation of the euro.C is incorrect.Reason 3, a cline in the US tra ficit (i.e., net exports), means thforthe UniteStates, imports creaserelative to exports, resulting in lowermanfor the euro, anit shoulweaken relative to the US llar. 没太看懂B的表达

2023-08-24 14:22 2 · 回答