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15288973619 · 2023年07月24日




At a meeting for the local municipal pension fund, a group of beneficiaries expressed concern about current investment management fees. The beneficiaries asked the Investment Committee for a fee summary of each manager in the portfolio.

The next day, a pension fund staff member briefed the Committee on the managers’ full contracted fee schedules. The Committee was surprised to hear that the managers work under numerous different fee structures and rates. A sample of these fee schedules for two managers is provided in Exhibit 1:

In explaining the differences, the staff member said that fee structures may lead to misestimates of portfolio risk. She also noted that performance-based fees sometimes are a close equivalent to a manager’s call option on active return.

Identify which manager’s fee structure is most similar to a call option on a share of active return. Justify your selection.



Correct Answer:


1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2023年07月25日





不对称结构,也称为 call option。同学理解正确。


rickyjoy · 2024年08月01日

老师,想问一下,题目的表格里我真的没看出来,Hidden Lake亏了,经理要一起赔钱。具体是哪里看出来的,能指一下吗?

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NO.PZ2022122701000054 问题如下 a meeting for the locmunicippension fun a group of beneficiaries expresseconcern about current investment management fees. The beneficiaries askethe Investment Committee for a fee summary of eamanager in the portfolio.The next y, a pension funstmember briefethe Committee on the managers’ full contractefee scheles. The Committee wsurpriseto heththe managers work unr numerous fferent fee structures anrates. A sample of these fee scheles for two managers is proviin Exhibit 1:In explaining the fferences, the stmember saithfee structuresmleto misestimates of portfolio risk. She also notethatperformance-basefees sometimes are a close equivalent to a manager’s calloption on active return. Intify whimanager’s fee structure is mostsimilto a call option on a share of active return. Justify your selection. CorreAnswer: 如题。

2023-08-19 14:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022122701000054 问题如下 a meeting for the locmunicippension fun a group of beneficiaries expresseconcern about current investment management fees. The beneficiaries askethe Investment Committee for a fee summary of eamanager in the portfolio.The next y, a pension funstmember briefethe Committee on the managers’ full contractefee scheles. The Committee wsurpriseto heththe managers work unr numerous fferent fee structures anrates. A sample of these fee scheles for two managers is proviin Exhibit 1:In explaining the fferences, the stmember saithfee structuresmleto misestimates of portfolio risk. She also notethatperformance-basefees sometimes are a close equivalent to a manager’s calloption on active return. Intify whimanager’s fee structure is mostsimilto a call option on a share of active return. Justify your selection. CorreAnswer: 老李的讲解没听明白,我看了几个答疑之后,想到的,麻烦老师帮我确认一下。Hien lake的话,是有0.3%的base fee,然后这个15%,没有写minimum,如果收益低于0.3%,那就要付出一定的钱,那其实这个的图形,就是一条直线,和股票一样,做得好就是多拿,做的不好还要倒贴。一条直线,所以是对称的。那Carpenter,是写了0.18%是minimum fee,那就是如果它的收益是低于0.18%的,它就不用付钱,最低不管怎么样都能拿到0.18%,然后超过base fee的部分,就可以拿到20%的提成,但是如果太多了,它也就只能拿到0.8%的收益。那这个图形,其实是一个collar的图形吧?就是有下限,也有上限。但这个不也是对称的吗?(就旋转180°,他们不就一样了吗?因为那个直线,也是旋转180°一样呀?)那这样的话,不对称结构才是call option,就都不是了呀。。。(其实我当时的理解是,call option,就是收益率有下限,没有上限,但是两个好像都不符合,因为hien lake会亏,然后carpenter有上限。)所以,老师你看下我的理解错在哪里。谢谢。

2023-08-03 15:44 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2022122701000054 问题如下 a meeting for the locmunicippension fun a group of beneficiaries expresseconcern about current investment management fees. The beneficiaries askethe Investment Committee for a fee summary of eamanager in the portfolio.The next y, a pension funstmember briefethe Committee on the managers’ full contractefee scheles. The Committee wsurpriseto heththe managers work unr numerous fferent fee structures anrates. A sample of these fee scheles for two managers is proviin Exhibit 1:In explaining the fferences, the stmember saithfee structuresmleto misestimates of portfolio risk. She also notethatperformance-basefees sometimes are a close equivalent to a manager’s calloption on active return. Intify whimanager’s fee structure is mostsimilto a call option on a share of active return. Justify your selection. CorreAnswer: 1

2023-07-23 10:04 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022122701000054问题如下 a meeting for the locmunicippension fun a group of beneficiaries expresseconcern about current investment management fees. The beneficiaries askethe Investment Committee for a fee summary of eamanager in the portfolio.The next y, a pension funstmember briefethe Committee on the managers’ full contractefee scheles. The Committee wsurpriseto heththe managers work unr numerous fferent fee structures anrates. A sample of these fee scheles for two managers is proviin Exhibit 1:In explaining the fferences, the stmember saithfee structuresmleto misestimates of portfolio risk. She also notethatperformance-basefees sometimes are a close equivalent to a manager’s calloption on active return. Intify whimanager’s fee structure is mostsimilto a call option on a share of active return. Justify your selection. CorreAnswer: 怎么看出Hien Lake是对称的呢

2023-06-30 15:45 2 · 回答