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xiaodi · 2023年07月10日




Snyder and Clark are meeting to discuss the family’s possible interest in private equity investing.Snyder begins the meeting by asking about the risks and costs of private equity investing.

Clark acknowledges that private equity contains risk factors and cost considerations that are less prevalent than those in public equities. One risk factor is illiquidity, since private equity investments are not traded on an active secondary market. Thus, an important consideration is the timing of exits relative to a private equity investor’s time horizon. Another risk factor is diversification. Because of the highly concentrated nature of a typical private equity fund, investors have little opportunity to benefit from diversification. A cost consideration is management fees; private equity is generally regarded as being more costly than public mutual funds and ETFs. Both types of funds charge administrative costs as a percentage of an investment’s net asset value.

Clark’s explanation of private equity risks and costs is least likely correct with respect to:


A.illiquidity. B.diversification. C.management fees.


Clark’s example regarding diversification is incorrect. Private equity investors are able to diversify their private equity investments via a mix of different vintage portfolio companies at different stages of development and by investing across various private equity strategies, such as large and mid-market buyouts, venture capital, mezzanine finance, and restructuring.






2 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2023年07月12日


本题题干说investors have little opportunity to benefit from diversification。其实不论从我们的常识角度理解(通常我们认为PE相较于传统的股和债,是有更好的diversification效果),还是按照书上的lack of diversification说法,这句话都不对,缺少分散化,但是有解决方法的,而不是说不能解决。


Lucky_品职助教 · 2023年07月11日


本题让选least likely,也就是主人公说的那句关于diversification低的话是错的

Clark 对于私募股权投资的风险和成本解释中,关于风险因素对于多样化(diversification)的例子是不正确的。私募股权投资者可以通过投资不同阶段发展的不同年份组合的公司,并通过投资于大型和中型收购、风险投资、次级融资和重组等各种私募股权策略来实现私募股权投资组合的多样化。


xiaodi · 2023年07月11日

私募股权投资者可以通过投资不同阶段发展的不同年份组合的公司,并通过投资于大型和中型收购、风险投资、次级融资和重组等各种私募股权策略来实现私募股权投资组合的多样化。 这句话就是说即便高度集中,但还是可以分散风险? 那这样解释的话,所有风险都不是风险了,因为总可以找到例外... 比如我说一句话:PE因为成立年份相近,分散性不好。 你可以解释:那可以投不同年份的。 我怎么知道出题人想的啥....

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NO.PZ2023041004000068 问题如下 Snyr anClark are meeting to scuss the family’s possible interest in private equity investing.Snyr begins the meeting asking about the risks ancosts of private equity investing. Clark acknowlees thprivate equity contains risk factors ancost consirations thare less prevalent ththose in public equities. One risk factor is illiquity, sinprivate equity investments are not traon active seconry market. Thus, important consiration is the timing of exits relative to a private equity investor’s time horizon. Another risk factor is versification. Because of the highly concentratenature of a typicprivate equity fun investors have little opportunity to benefit from versification. A cost consiration is management fees; private equity is generally regarbeing more costly thpublic mutufun anETFs. Both types of fun charge ainistrative costs a percentage of investment’s net asset value.Clark’s explanation of private equity risks ancosts is least likely correwith respeto: A.illiquity. B.versification. C.management fees. Clark’s example regarng versification is incorrect. Private equity investors are able to versify their private equity investments via a mix of fferent vintage portfolio companies fferent stages of velopment aninvesting across various private equity strategies, sularge anmimarket buyouts, venture capital, mezzanine finance, anrestructuring. one of the risk in PE is laof versification, why versification is incorrect? Anmanagement fee is baseon paiin-capitrather thNAV, right?

2023-05-16 05:32 1 · 回答