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kekekeke · 2018年05月19日

问一道题:NO.PZ2015122801000009 [ CFA I ]




B. 为什么B选项不对呀?



1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2018年05月19日

题目要我们选的是least likely,A是错误的,市场价格反映的不仅仅只是当前的信息,还要包括历史信息等。加油~

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NO.PZ2015122801000009 问题如下 Whiof the following is least likely to a characteristic of a well-functioning financisystem? A.e to the informationefficiency, market prices refleall current information. B.The financisystem is informationally efficient, anthe security prices reato new information quickly. C.A market cperform low trang costs e to the operationally efficiency. A is correct.informationally efficient market is characterizereflecting all available information about the value of the securities.A是正确的。本题考察的是功能健全市场的特点。一个功能健全的市场,价格应该反映所有过去和当下的可得信息。而A只说反映当下的信息,所以不全面。 本题问题描述的是最不可能,答案回答的是最可能,错误。

2023-08-08 03:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122801000009 问题如下 Whiof the following is least likely to a characteristic of a well-functioning financisystem? A.e to the informationefficiency, market prices refleall current information. B.The financisystem is informationally efficient, anthe security prices reato new information quickly. C.A market cperform low trang costs e to the operationally efficiency. A is correct.informationally efficient market is characterizereflecting all available information about the value of the securities.A是正确的。本题考察的是功能健全市场的特点。一个功能健全的市场,价格应该反映所有过去和当下的可得信息。而A只说反映当下的信息,所以不全面。 如上

2022-09-07 20:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122801000009 问题如下 Whiof the following is least likely to a characteristic of a well-functioning financisystem? A.e to the informationefficiency, market prices refleall current information. B.The financisystem is informationally efficient, anthe security prices reato new information quickly. C.A market cperform low trang costs e to the operationally efficiency. A is correct.informationally efficient market is characterizereflecting all available information about the value of the securities.A是正确的。本题考察的是功能健全市场的特点。一个功能健全的市场,价格应该反映所有过去和当下的可得信息。而A只说反映当下的信息,所以不全面。 B说股价反应最新的信息,可是实际上应该是全部产品都反应最新的信息不是么。那么这么说B是不是也是不全面的呢。。。。。

2022-05-24 16:03 1 · 回答

current information单单指当前市场信息吗?从中文理解,现在市场信息难道不是包括历史信息和当下信息吗?还是说英文里面current就不包括过去信息

2019-11-08 21:51 2 · 回答


2019-01-22 17:41 1 · 回答