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Azuremiss · 2023年06月07日


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Which of the following statements best describes how an investor should evaluate the terms of the Baywhite Financial LLC Structured Note as compared with the stand-alone derivative price in order to make a recommendation?


A.The Baywhite Financial LLC Structured Note issuance price of 2% above par value should be compared with the upfront premium for a six-month SIXV call option with an exercise price at 5% above the current SIXV spot price. B.The Baywhite Financial LLC Structured Note 20% Principal at Risk should be compared with the upfront premium for a six-month SIXV call option with an exercise price at 5% above the current SIXV spot price. C.The Baywhite Financial LLC Structured Note issuance price of 2% above par value plus the 20% Principal at Risk should be compared with the upfront premium for a six-month SIXV call option with an exercise price at 5% above the current SIXV spot price.



C is correct. The 20% Principal at Risk, or USD200 of Face Value for each USD1,000 (the minimum denomination), combined with the 2% (or USD20) issue premium, should be compared with the upfront premium for a six-month SIXV call option with an exercise price at 5% above the current SIXV spot price. The comparison should also consider the additional credit risk and liquidity risk of the Structured Note versus the exchange-traded option.


1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2023年06月11日



以下哪项陈述最能说明投资者应如何评估Baywhite Financial LLC结构性票据的条款,与独立衍生工具价格进行比较,以便提出建议?

A、 Baywhite Financial LLC结构性票据发行价格比票面价值高2%,应与六个月SIXV看涨期权的前期溢价进行比较,其中行权价格比当前SIXV现货价格高5%。

B、 Baywhite Financial LLC结构性票据20%的风险本金应与六个月的SIXV看涨期权的前期溢价进行比较,行权价格为当前SIXV现货价格的5%。

C、 Baywhite Financial LLC结构性票据发行价格高于票面价值2%,加上20%的风险本金,应与六个月期SIXV看涨期权的前期溢价进行比较,行权价格高于当前SIXV现货价格5%。



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NO.PZ202208260100000304 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes how investor shoulevaluate the terms of the Baywhite FinanciLLC StructureNote comparewith the stanalone rivative priin orr to make a recommention? A.The Baywhite FinanciLLC StructureNote issuanpriof 2% above pvalue shoulcomparewith the upfront premium for a six-month SIXV call option with exercise pri5% above the current SIXV spot price. B.The Baywhite FinanciLLC StructureNote 20% PrincipRisk shoulcomparewith the upfront premium for a six-month SIXV call option with exercise pri5% above the current SIXV spot price. C.The Baywhite FinanciLLC StructureNote issuanpriof 2% above pvalue plus the 20% PrincipRisk shoulcomparewith the upfront premium for a six-month SIXV call option with exercise pri5% above the current SIXV spot price. SolutionC is correct. The 20% PrincipRisk, or US00 of FaValue for eaUS,000 (the minimum nomination), combinewith the 2% (or US0) issue premium, shoulcomparewith the upfront premium for a six-month SIXV call option with exercise pri5% above the current SIXV spot price. The comparison shoulalso consir the aitioncret risk anliquity risk of the StructureNote versus the exchange-traoption. 麻烦老师讲一下题目和。。谢谢。。

2022-12-07 15:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208260100000304 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes how investor shoulevaluate the terms of the Baywhite FinanciLLC StructureNote comparewith the stanalone rivative priin orr to make a recommention? A.The Baywhite FinanciLLC StructureNote issuanpriof 2% above pvalue shoulcomparewith the upfront premium for a six-month SIXV call option with exercise pri5% above the current SIXV spot price. B.The Baywhite FinanciLLC StructureNote 20% PrincipRisk shoulcomparewith the upfront premium for a six-month SIXV call option with exercise pri5% above the current SIXV spot price. C.The Baywhite FinanciLLC StructureNote issuanpriof 2% above pvalue plus the 20% PrincipRisk shoulcomparewith the upfront premium for a six-month SIXV call option with exercise pri5% above the current SIXV spot price. SolutionC is correct. The 20% PrincipRisk, or US00 of FaValue for eaUS,000 (the minimum nomination), combinewith the 2% (or US0) issue premium, shoulcomparewith the upfront premium for a six-month SIXV call option with exercise pri5% above the current SIXV spot price. The comparison shoulalso consir the aitioncret risk anliquity risk of the StructureNote versus the exchange-traoption. RT

2022-12-07 15:27 1 · 回答