Which of the following machine learning techniques is most appropriate for executing Step 2:
A.K-Means Clustering
Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
Classification and Regression Trees (CART)
A is correct. K-Means clustering is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm which repeatedly partitions observations into a fixed number, k, of nonoverlapping clusters (i.e., groups).
B is incorrect. Principal Components Analysis is a long-established statistical method for dimension reduction, not clustering. PCA aims to summarize or reduce highly correlated features of data into a few main, uncorrelated composite variables.
C is incorrect. CART is a supervised machine learning technique that is most commonly applied to binary classification or regression.
这题不是根据financial and non-financial characteristics进行分类了么,这种应该是监督式学习啊,为什么是k-mean啊,不是很明白。非监督式不是不应该设定参数的特点么,