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摆摊修飞机 · 2018年05月14日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016012102000156 [ CFA I ]

这道题是不是出的不严密呀?会计上coupon是全部作为operating cash flow,但是分析师观点是分开看呀(一部分是operating,一部分是financing)。问题如下图:






1 个答案

品职辅导员_小明 · 2018年05月14日


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NO.PZ2016012102000156问题如下Unr U.S. GAAP, whiof the following statements about the coupon payment on a bonis correct?A.The coupon payment on a bonis reporteoperating cash outflow.B.The coupon payment on a bonis reportea financing cash outflow.C.The coupon payment on a bonis reportepart operating cash outflow anpart financing cash outflow. A is correct.Unr U.S. GAAP, the coupon payment on a bonis reporteoperating cash outflow考点债券票面利息(coupon payment)在不同会计准则下的现金流分类 USGAAP下,债券票面利息(coupon payment)or 支付的利息(interest pai为CFOIFRS下,债券票面利息(coupon payment)or 支付的利息(interest pai可以归为CFO也可以归为CFF。 有一点我搞不清楚,在premium里,会计师认为那个减项也是pmt 是现金流cfo,但分析师认为,-84是cfo因为是interest,-16是本金是cff,对比,会计法则,cfo被低估,cff被高估。。我怎么都弄不懂为啥。。。。会计法则不是100都是cfo吗?比84大呀?怎么就低估呢?

2023-02-07 07:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000156 问题如下 Unr U.S. GAAP, whiof the following statements about the coupon payment on a bonis correct? A.The coupon payment on a bonis reporteoperating cash outflow. B.The coupon payment on a bonis reportea financing cash outflow. C.The coupon payment on a bonis reportepart operating cash outflow anpart financing cash outflow. A is correct.Unr U.S. GAAP, the coupon payment on a bonis reporteoperating cash outflow考点债券票面利息(coupon payment)在不同会计准则下的现金流分类 USGAAP下,债券票面利息(coupon payment)or 支付的利息(interest pai为CFOIFRS下,债券票面利息(coupon payment)or 支付的利息(interest pai可以归为CFO也可以归为CFF。 为何不是c呢?严格来说不是本金算cff利息算cfo吗?

2022-10-13 12:36 2 · 回答

The coupon payment on a bonis reportea financing cash outflow. The coupon payment on a bonis reportepart operating cash outflow anpart financing cash outflow. A is correct. Unr U.S. GAAP, the coupon payment on a bonis reporteoperating cash outflow 这个在美国准则和国际准则是没有区别的吧?只是会计准则和分析师观点的区别吧?

2020-02-27 14:00 1 · 回答

    什么时候用会计师和分析师观点?是不是债券的coupon都是operating cash flow?

2018-06-03 18:09 2 · 回答