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Su · 2023年05月18日

“universal owners“指的是?



Which of the following is most accurate with respect to individual investors?


A.Retail investors are often referred to as “universal owners.” B.Retail investors have been faster in adopting ESG investing compared to institutional investors. C.Millennial high-net-worth investors are more likely to review the impact of their investment holdings than Generation X high-net-worth investors.


Studies and surveys have generally found that younger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impact of their investment holdings, including 88% of millennials and 70% of Generation X

题目里出现了“universal owners”想问下这个指的是谁?

1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2023年05月18日


Universal owners是大型资产所有者,也就是机构投资者(非个人投资者)。机构投资者的投资特点就是范围广,资产类型多,可以说他们所持有的投资组合就是市场组合,会反映整个经济状况。


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NO.PZ2022120701000018 问题如下 Whiof the following is most accurate with respeto inviinvestors? A.Retail investors are often referreto “universowners.” B.Retail investors have been faster in apting ESG investing compareto institutioninvestors. C.Millennihigh-net-worth investors are more likely to review the impaof their investment holngs thGeneration X high-net-worth investors. Stues ansurveys have generally founthyounger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs, inclung 88% of millennials an70% of Generation X 老师,这道题的A和B为什么错了

2024-03-29 21:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000018 问题如下 Whiof the following is most accurate with respeto inviinvestors? A.Retail investors are often referreto “universowners.” B.Retail investors have been faster in apting ESG investing compareto institutioninvestors. C.Millennihigh-net-worth investors are more likely to review the impaof their investment holngs thGeneration X high-net-worth investors. Stues ansurveys have generally founthyounger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs, inclung 88% of millennials an70% of Generation X 老师,这道题的A和C为什么错了

2024-03-29 21:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000018 问题如下 Whiof the following is most accurate with respeto inviinvestors? A.Retail investors are often referreto “universowners.” B.Retail investors have been faster in apting ESG investing compareto institutioninvestors. C.Millennihigh-net-worth investors are more likely to review the impaof their investment holngs thGeneration X high-net-worth investors. Stues ansurveys have generally founthyounger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs, inclung 88% of millennials an70% of Generation X A为什么错了?

2023-12-19 19:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000018 问题如下 Whiof the following is most accurate with respeto inviinvestors? A.Retail investors are often referreto “universowners.” B.Retail investors have been faster in apting ESG investing compareto institutioninvestors. C.Millennihigh-net-worth investors are more likely to review the impaof their investment holngs thGeneration X high-net-worth investors. Stues ansurveys have generally founthyounger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs, inclung 88% of millennials an70% of Generation X 如题。

2023-12-19 16:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000018 问题如下 Whiof the following is most accurate with respeto inviinvestors? A.Retail investors are often referreto “universowners.” B.Retail investors have been faster in apting ESG investing compareto institutioninvestors. C.Millennihigh-net-worth investors are more likely to review the impaof their investment holngs thGeneration X high-net-worth investors. Stues ansurveys have generally founthyounger high-net-worth investors are most likely to review the ESG impaof their investment holngs, inclung 88% of millennials an70% of Generation X Generation X high-net-worth investors中,为啥用Generation X来代指老一辈高净值投资人?我在网络中搜索,几乎没看到这种用法。

2023-12-16 09:14 1 · 回答