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toffee · 2023年05月14日


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Thompson’s comments to Taylor regarding the evaluation of alternative investments are least likely appropriate with regard to:


A.benchmarks for private investments. B.valuation and risk of alternative investments. C.the need to monitor managers and investment processes.



B is correct. Infrequent pricing (in this case, quarterly) can make it difficult to measure volatility and correlation because too few observations are available. Furthermore, stale pricing and the use of appraisals for valuation lead to smoothing effects (swings in market values are muted), which in effect understates return volatility and reduces measured return correlations with publicly traded assets, making the diversification benefits of alternative assets seem better than they actually are. Efforts must be made to correct for these biases when measuring the performance of alternative investments.

A is incorrect. Although no benchmark for alternative investments is perfect, the ones identified by Taylor are in keeping with industry practice and appropriate given the nature of the investments (nonventure for private equity and direct lending for private credit).

C is incorrect. With alternative investments, investors do need to pay attention to numerous aspects of the investment process, including key-person risk, conflicts of interest between the general partner and the investor, style drift, client and asset turnover, reliability of service providers, and so on. In general, investors do not need to monitor the manager or the investment process when investing in publicly traded assets because these tend to be more transparent and more highly regulated.

原文:We will measure return and return volatility using reported values from each fund’s quarterly reporting and market values for the indexes. 

题目让选错的, 选项B 错 是不是因为 原文中“market values for the indexes” 这几个单词啊, 只来源于报告数据?

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2023年05月15日


是 quarterly reporting和measure return and return volatility。但是另类投资不透明,无法做到评估收益和风险,特别一个季度这种频繁报告,无法做到


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NO.PZ202206260100000404 问题如下 Thompson’s comments to Taylor regarng the evaluation of alternative investments are least likely appropriate with regarto: A.benchmarks for private investments. B.valuation anrisk of alternative investments. C.the neeto monitor managers aninvestment processes. SolutionB is correct. Infrequent pricing (in this case, quarterly) cmake it fficult to measure volatility ancorrelation because too few observations are available. Furthermore, stale pricing anthe use of appraisals for valuation leto smoothing effects (swings in market values are mute, whiin effeunrstates return volatility anreces measurereturn correlations with publicly traassets, making the versification benefits of alternative assets seem better ththey actually are. Efforts must ma to correfor these biases when measuring the performanof alternative investments.A is incorrect. Although no benchmark for alternative investments is perfect, the ones intifieTaylor are in keeping with instry practianappropriate given the nature of the investments (nonventure for private equity anrelenng for private cret).C is incorrect. With alternative investments, investors neeto pattention to numerous aspects of the investment process, inclung key-person risk, conflicts of interest between the generpartner anthe investor, style ift, client anasset turnover, reliability of serviprovirs, anso on. In general, investors not neeto monitor the manager or the investment process when investing in publicly traassets because these tento more transparent anmore highly regulate 麻烦老师讲下这道题,谢谢

2023-02-04 21:27 3 · 回答