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𝒜𝒩𝒥𝒜 安雅🎃 · 2023年05月07日

2023 Mock B卷: 竞争业务 & Bonus structure

助教你好:这道模考题是关于loyalty to employer以及bonus,我看了解析,可是还有些疑问想请教一下,谢谢!


【疑问1】 本题里面有competitive business吗?是Step Up Social Impact PE Fund和Asset Management firms?如果O'Connor主人公的PE Fund是针对social impact,而Asset Management firms也是针对social impact,那他们们就是竞争对手的关系?如果Asset Management firms不是针对social impact,那这两间公司还是竞争的关系吗?

【疑问2】O'Connor主人公的PE Fund用两名兼职的分析师,这个必须要对外披露吗?文章里是说主人公披露了('We disclouse it"),如果不披露的话,是否违反了准则?

【疑问3】解析中的With regard to the year-end bonus pool, Standard VI(A): Disclosure of Conflicts is not violated, because the participation in the bonus pool is not structured to provide immediate compensation or give returns based on short-term investment action with little or no long-term value creation.”,这段话是指bonus pool若是structured to provide immediate compensation or give returns based on short-term investment action with little or no long-term value creation,那就是违反了准则?我没在道德讲义里面找到bonus structure的细节,然后原版书有这么一句话,但也没说得很明确...

3 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2023年05月08日

【疑问3】解析中的“With regard to the year-end bonus pool, Standard VI(A): Disclosure of Conflicts is not violated, because the participation in the bonus pool is not structured to provide immediate compensation or give returns based on short-term investment action with little or no long-term value creation.”,这段话是指bonus pool若是structured to provide immediate compensation or give returns based on short-term investment action with little or no long-term value creation,那就是违反了准则?我没在道德讲义里面找到bonus structure的细节,然后原版书有这么一句话,但也没说得很明确...


王暄_品职助教 · 2023年05月08日

【疑问2】O'Connor主人公的PE Fund用两名兼职的分析师,这个必须要对外披露吗?文章里是说主人公披露了('We disclouse it"),如果不披露的话,是否违反了准则?

没有说要把兼职人员的信息进行披露的,文章里的披露是因为她在做自己PE Fund的介绍,所以做了披露

王暄_品职助教 · 2023年05月08日

【疑问1】 本题里面有competitive business吗?是Step Up Social Impact PE Fund和Asset Management firms?


如果O'Connor主人公的PE Fund是针对social impact,而Asset Management firms也是针对social impact,那他们们就是竞争对手的关系?


如果Asset Management firms不是针对social impact,那这两间公司还是竞争的关系吗?


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