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13675759099 · 2023年05月06日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Q. Discuss the relevance of the endowment’s spending policy to Brodka’s expressed concerns.




In voicing his concerns, Brodka is cautioning that a higher allocation to illiquid investments may have adverse effects on the endowment’s spending rate and risk profile. Kemney University’s spending policy is an example of a geometric smoothing rule, sometimes called the Yale formula. It is intended to bring about a predictable pattern of distributions for better planning of resource deployment through its programs across varying conditions, even as extreme as the 2008 global financial crisis.

While this spending policy would be consistent with an investment objective of achieving long-term returns that support the spending rate while preserving the value of the endowment in real terms over time, the policy design also incorporates a smoothing, countercyclical element. This leads to lower spending rates in a period of sustained strong investment returns but higher spending rates in a protracted weak return environment.


1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2023年05月08日




这道题关于endowment’s spending policy,在基础班讲义的110-113页,同学只要了解一下就可以了。考场上一般不会遇到,如果碰到这类题就回到题干。

视频在基础班private foundations:liabilities and investment horizon1倍速4分钟处,同学可以看一遍。但是答案中提到的geometric smoothing rule是老考纲中的说法(为了避免同学搞混,我就不把内容放在下面了),现在原版书中只在Quinco case里提到了,其实就是hybrid,视频在Case study:Quinco case第一个视频两倍速07:30分处。



Brodka has three related concerns given that the higher allocation toilliquid investments may reduce the liquidity profile of the endowment.

主要就是因为题干中B同学说的流动性差会带来流动性风险等。是不利于endowment 想要维持spending rate的目标的。

然后答案介绍了一下geometric smoothing rule的特点。

最后第三句,说当前的策略可以达成endowment的目标,即investment objective of achieving long-term returns that support the spending rate while preserving the value of the endowment in real terms over time。甚至还有平滑、逆周期的设计, smoothing, countercyclical element,因此是符合B同学的考虑的。


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NO.PZ202205190400000101 问题如下 Q. scuss the relevanof the enwment’s spenng polito Broa’s expresseconcerns. SolutionIn voicing his concerns, Broa is cautioning tha higher allocation to illiquiinvestments mhave aerse effects on the enwment’s spenng rate anrisk profile. Kemney University’s spenng poliis example of a geometric smoothing rule, sometimes callethe Yale formulIt is intento bring about a prectable pattern of stributions for better planning of resourployment through its programs across varying contions, even extreme the 2008 globfinancicrisis.While this spenng poliwoulconsistent with investment objective of achieving long-term returns thsupport the spenng rate while preserving the value of the enwment in reterms over time, the polisign also incorporates a smoothing, countercyclicelement. This lea to lower spenng rates in a perioof sustainestrong investment returns but higher spenng rates in a protractewereturn environment. 这道题有点找不到它的重点,不知道是想要说明什么,有什么重要结论需要掌握的吗

2024-06-14 10:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202205190400000101 问题如下 Q. scuss the relevanof the enwment’s spenng polito Broa’s expresseconcerns. SolutionIn voicing his concerns, Broa is cautioning tha higher allocation to illiquiinvestments mhave aerse effects on the enwment’s spenng rate anrisk profile. Kemney University’s spenng poliis example of a geometric smoothing rule, sometimes callethe Yale formulIt is intento bring about a prectable pattern of stributions for better planning of resourployment through its programs across varying contions, even extreme the 2008 globfinancicrisis.While this spenng poliwoulconsistent with investment objective of achieving long-term returns thsupport the spenng rate while preserving the value of the enwment in reterms over time, the polisign also incorporates a smoothing, countercyclicelement. This lea to lower spenng rates in a perioof sustainestrong investment returns but higher spenng rates in a protractewereturn environment. 老师好,这道题的考点在哪个视频??

2024-01-24 13:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202205190400000101 问题如下 Q. scuss the relevanof the enwment’s spenng polito Broa’s expresseconcerns. SolutionIn voicing his concerns, Broa is cautioning tha higher allocation to illiquiinvestments mhave aerse effects on the enwment’s spenng rate anrisk profile. Kemney University’s spenng poliis example of a geometric smoothing rule, sometimes callethe Yale formulIt is intento bring about a prectable pattern of stributions for better planning of resourployment through its programs across varying contions, even extreme the 2008 globfinancicrisis.While this spenng poliwoulconsistent with investment objective of achieving long-term returns thsupport the spenng rate while preserving the value of the enwment in reterms over time, the polisign also incorporates a smoothing, countercyclicelement. This lea to lower spenng rates in a perioof sustainestrong investment returns but higher spenng rates in a protractewereturn environment. 老师,题目中要scuss的“the relevanof the enwment’s spenng polito Broa’s expresseconcerns.”,但是增加illiqui资本来就会降低流动性,增加risk,改变risk profile,怎么跟spenng policy关联上呢?答案也没太看懂,答出哪些关键点就可以了呢?

2023-12-23 00:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202205190400000101 问题如下 Q. scuss the relevanof the enwment’s spenng polito Broa’s expresseconcerns. SolutionIn voicing his concerns, Broa is cautioning tha higher allocation to illiquiinvestments mhave aerse effects on the enwment’s spenng rate anrisk profile. Kemney University’s spenng poliis example of a geometric smoothing rule, sometimes callethe Yale formulIt is intento bring about a prectable pattern of stributions for better planning of resourployment through its programs across varying contions, even extreme the 2008 globfinancicrisis.While this spenng poliwoulconsistent with investment objective of achieving long-term returns thsupport the spenng rate while preserving the value of the enwment in reterms over time, the polisign also incorporates a smoothing, countercyclicelement. This lea to lower spenng rates in a perioof sustainestrong investment returns but higher spenng rates in a protractewereturn environment. 这个题是哪种题啊,课后题?mock?押题

2023-11-27 22:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202205190400000101问题如下Q. scuss the relevanof the enwment’s spenng polito Broa’s expresseconcerns.SolutionIn voicing his concerns, Broa is cautioning tha higher allocation to illiquiinvestments mhave aerse effects on the enwment’s spenng rate anrisk profile. Kemney University’s spenng poliis example of a geometric smoothing rule, sometimes callethe Yale formulIt is intento bring about a prectable pattern of stributions for better planning of resourployment through its programs across varying contions, even extreme the 2008 globfinancicrisis.While this spenng poliwoulconsistent with investment objective of achieving long-term returns thsupport the spenng rate while preserving the value of the enwment in reterms over time, the polisign also incorporates a smoothing, countercyclicelement. This lea to lower spenng rates in a perioof sustainestrong investment returns but higher spenng rates in a protractewereturn environment.This lea to lower spenng rates in a perioof sustainestrong investment returns but higher spenng rates in a protractewereturn environment. Smoothing的效果不应该是在弱环境下降低spenng rate在强势经济环境下提高spenng rate吗?

2023-11-10 10:02 1 · 回答