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lynn666 · 2023年05月01日

Apple bond就是指苹果公司的债券?



An investor holding a five-year Apple bond will get a return closest to the return of:



A five-year Apple credit default swap on which the investor pays fixed and receives a payment in the event of default


A five-year Apple credit default swap on which the investor receives fixed and makes a payment in the event of default


A five-year U.S. Treasury bond plus a five-year Apple credit default swap on which the investor pays fixed and receives a payment in the event of default


A five-year U.S. Treasury bond plus a five-year Apple credit default swap on which the investor receives fixed and makes a payment in the event of default


D is correct.

考点:Credit Default Swaps


A long corporate bond position is equivalent to a long Treasury bond position plus a short CDS.


1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2023年05月01日


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NO.PZ2020033002000061问题如下 investor holng a five-yeApple bonwill get a return closest to the return of: A five-yeApple cret fault swon whithe investor pays fixeanreceives a payment in the event of fault A five-yeApple cret fault swon whithe investor receives fixeanmakes a payment in the event of fault A five-yeU.S. Treasury bonplus a five-yeApple cret fault swon whithe investor pays fixeanreceives a payment in the event of fault A five-yeU.S. Treasury bonplus a five-yeApple cret fault swon whithe investor receives fixeanmakes a payment in the event of fault is correct.考点Cret fault Swaps解析 A long corporate bonposition is equivalent to a long Treasury bonposition plus a short C. 当利率上升时,on钱,C支付的增加,也没有得到return呀

2023-07-19 16:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033002000061 问题如下 investor holng a five-yeApple bonwill get a return closest to the return of: A five-yeApple cret fault swon whithe investor pays fixeanreceives a payment in the event of fault A five-yeApple cret fault swon whithe investor receives fixeanmakes a payment in the event of fault A five-yeU.S. Treasury bonplus a five-yeApple cret fault swon whithe investor pays fixeanreceives a payment in the event of fault A five-yeU.S. Treasury bonplus a five-yeApple cret fault swon whithe investor receives fixeanmakes a payment in the event of fault is correct.考点Cret fault Swaps解析 A long corporate bonposition is equivalent to a long Treasury bonposition plus a short C. A five-yeU.S. Treasury bonplus a five-yeApple cret fault swon whithe investor receives fixeanmakes a payment in the event of fault.short C或者说short put跟receives fixe什么关联呢,short一个东西就是付浮动的意思吗。

2022-10-16 23:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033002000061 这题的相关知识点在讲义的哪里

2021-12-01 11:10 1 · 回答

但是题目问的是return并不是price啊,如果是risky bonReturn 那应该等于risk free bonreturn 加上 c sprea

2021-11-20 11:41 1 · 回答