Based only on Exhibit 2, which of the following statements is correct?
A.The quality of earnings for R-bank was the highest in 2009.
Relative to the other banks, N-bank has the highest quality of earnings in 2017.
C.Trading represented a sustainable revenue source for T-bank between 2005 and 2013.
B is correct.
The quality of earnings is directly related to the level of sustainable sources of income. Trading income tends to be volatile and not necessarily sustainable. Higher-quality income would be net interest income and fee- based service income. Because N-bank’s 2017 trading revenue contribution is the lowest relative to other banks, its quality of earnings would be considered the best of the three banks.
考点:Analysis of Financial Institutions - Analyzing A Bank - The CAMELS Approach - Earnings
在 CAMELS 的 E:Earnings 中,我们介绍过银行的利润来源:质量最高的是 net interest income ,其次是 service income,最后是 trading income。
因为 trading income 主要赚的是金融产品价格的价差,但是金融市场波动比较大。所以 1)trading income 不稳定;2)更大比例的 net interest income 和 service income 通常比 trading income 更具有可持续性
Exibit 2 提供的信息是:各年份,trading income,占总 revenue 的比例。比例越高,银行的盈利质量就越差。
选项 A 错误。2009 年 R-bank 的数据为 17.0%,trading income 占总盈利的比例,为三个银行中最高,所以盈利质量最「差」。而选项 A 的描述是 highest,错误。
选项 B 正确。2017 年,N-bank 的数值为 4.2%,trading income 占总盈利的比例,为三个银行中最低,所以盈利质量最「好」。选项 B 描述是 highest,正确
选项 C 错误。可持续的收入来源,应该是 net interest income 和 service income。而选项 C 的描述是 trading income,错误。