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四喜 · 2023年03月31日

about C



PZ company is an education company headquartered in China. It complies with IFRS. In 2018, PZ held a 20% passive equity ownership interest in T-internet company. At the end of the 2018, PZ company decides to increase its ownership interest to 50% T-internet on 1 January 2019 through a cash purchase. There are no intercompany transactions.

At the end of the 2019, which of the following statement is most likely correct about PZ company’s Equity:



the equity will be highest if PZ has control over T company.


the equity will be highest if PZ has significant influence over T company.


the value of equity is unrelated with accounting method.


A is correct.


解析:A 选项因为是control,所以用acquisition method,由于不是100%控股,那么在合并报表之后,母公司的资产负债表合并了子公司100%的资产和负债。合并的Equity会增加一个minority interest(用于调平报表)。

B选项因为是significant influence,所以用equity method,对于母公司来说,cash减少一笔,资产里的增加一笔相同的金额的investment in associate, Equity是不改变的。

因此在acquisition method下,母公司的equity是最大的。选项A正确。

C不正确是因为 full 和 partial 的会计选择吗

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年03月31日

同学你好,你的理解也不错,在acquisition method下,选择partial还是full goodwill本身也会影响equity的大小

但是你可以再看下解析中关于AB的说明,在使用acquisition method还是使用equity method的情况下,equity value就已经不相同了

  • 1

  • 0

  • 294


NO.PZ2018111303000003 问题如下 PZ company is ecation company heauarterein ChinIt complies with IFRS. In 2018, PZ hela 20% passive equity ownership interest in T-internet company. the enof the 2018, PZ company cis to increase its ownership interest to 50% T-internet on 1 January 2019 through a cash purchase. There are no intercompany transactions.the enof the 2019, whiof the following statement is most likely correabout PZ company’s Equity: A.the equity will highest if PZ hcontrol over T company. B.the equity will highest if PZ hsignificant influenover T company. C.the value of equity is unrelatewith accounting metho A is correct.考点不同的会计方法下对会计比率的影响解析A 因为是control,所以用acquisition metho由于不是100%控股,那么在合并报表之后,母公司的资产负债表合并了子公司100%的资产和负债。合并的Equity会增加一个minority interest(用于调平报表)。B因为是significant influence,所以用equity metho对于母公司来说,cash减少一笔,资产里的增加一笔相同的金额的investment in associate, Equity是不改变的。因此在acquisition metho,母公司的equity是最大的。A正确。 business combination下,母公司还有单独的报表吗?如果有,那么这里equity是否和equity metho同?

2024-04-13 16:57 1 · 回答

老师,即便拿到了T的控制权,PZ“母公司原来的股权价值”,应该是不变的呀? 如果说改变了的话,那就是“母公司原来的股权价值”,加上了“少数股东权益”。但这个少数股东权益,是属于“PZ’s equity”的吗?

2020-03-09 21:20 1 · 回答