开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


dognmnm · 2023年03月22日




Johnson is the investment adviser for Zhou, a relatively small investment manager company(the company),their return goal is modest . therefore,two key investment considerations for Zhou are maintaining low overhead costs and minimizing taxes in the portfolio. Zhou has not been willing to incur the costs of in-house investment resources.Johnson discusses with Zhou its goal of diversifying the company’s portfolio to include alternative assets. Johnson suggests considering the following potential investment vehicles for consideration:

· Publicly traded US REIT

· Relative value hedge fund

· Tax-efficient angel investment

Johnson explains that for the relative value hedge fund alternative, the company would be investing alongside tax-exempt investors.

Determine which of the potential investment vehicles best fits the company's the investment considerations. Justify your reaction.For each investment not selected, explain why the investment considerations are not met.



Johnson should recommend Publicly traded US REIT as most suitable for the company.

The publicly traded US REIT offers tax advantages to the company from the depreciation of its US real estate assets. The depreciation would help offset income received on those assets. In addition, the REIT would not require an in-house management team; thus, the company can maintain low overhead costs.

The relative value hedge fund is unlikely to be a tax-efficient strategy for the company. This tax inefficiency is seen frequently with many hedge fund strategies, especially those funds and fund companies where tax-exempt investors dominate the client base. The fund manager may be insensitive to tax considerations for a taxable investor such as the company.

The tax-efficient angel investment is a specialized investment that will require a highly customized investment approach. Researching and managing this type of investment will require an in-house team to locate and supervise these more specialized investments. Adding these resources would increase overhead costs and violate the Zhou’s investment consideration of maintaining low overhead costs.

Johnson 应该推荐最适合该公司的Publicly traded US REIT

Publicly traded US REIT 为其美国房地产资产的贬值提供了税收优惠。折旧将有助于抵消这些资产的收入。此外,REIT 不需要内部管理团队;因此,公司可以保持较低的管理费用。

The relative value hedge fund不太可能成为公司的节税策略。这种税收低效率在许多对冲基金策略中经常出现,尤其是那些免税投资者主导客户群的基金和基金公司。基金经理可能对应税投资者(例如zhou的公司)的税务考虑不敏感。

The tax-efficient angel investment 是一项专业投资,需要高度定制的投资方法。研究和管理此类投资将需要一个内部团队来定位和监督这些更专业的投资。增加这些资源会增加间接成本,违反了zhou的保持较低间接成本的投资考虑。

The relative value hedge fund不太可能成为公司的节税策略。这种税收低效率在许多对冲基金策略中经常出现,尤其是那些免税投资者主导客户群的基金和基金公司。基金经理可能对应税投资者(例如zhou的公司)的税务考虑不敏感。

这段说明实在没看懂, 我怎么知道relative value就不节税呢? 在税务的地方也没单独说哪种投资方是最能节税吧? 这我该怎么理解? 如果换成其他的对冲基金又应该怎么回答? 例如说我换event-driven, 那怎么回答他不适合呢? 你能给我写写看参考答案吗

2 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2023年03月23日


你说的这两个我逐一提问 1. 是说另类投资策略都不具备避税性质吗? 是哪几个不具备可以说清楚点吗——能有明显避税属性的基金另类里面我回忆里一下好像只有和房地产相关的,因为这种基金带有折旧的可以用来抵扣盈利进而减少税基。

2. 哪种策略是免税投资者主导客户群的基金? 这个基金还能在一开始就限制客户是不是免税?! 难道对税务敏感的人就一定不买吗?!——不是,我说的是这个题说的是基金里都是免税投资者。这个纯粹是题目出的这样,现实也有这种情况,比如那些专门为养老基金管理的基金。税务敏感的人可以买,但是这种就会在这种基金享受不到其它基金因为要考虑税收带来的影响而承担可能比其它基金多的税负


伯恩_品职助教 · 2023年03月22日


这个意思是说这个基金本身不带有避税性质,相对于 Publicly traded US REIT可以通过折旧等方式进行避税,而The relative value hedge fund却不行。这是其一,这个其它很多策略也适用,比如你说的event-driven。其二是这个题本身,由于其参与者都是免税客户,那么GP就不会考虑通过一些手段避税,比如卖出盈利的股票的同时卖出亏损的股票来避免交税。



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NO.PZ2021060201000022 问题如下 Johnson is the investment aiser for Zhou, a relatively small investment manager company(the company),their return gois most . therefore,two key investment consirations for Zhou are maintaining low overhecosts anminimizing taxes in the portfolio. Zhou hnot been willing to incur the costs of in-house investment resources.Johnson scusses with Zhou its goofversifying the company’s portfolio to inclu alternative assets. Johnson suggestsconsiring the following potentiinvestment vehicles for consiration:· PubliclytraUS REIT· Relativevalue hee fun Tax-efficientangel investmentJohnson explains thatfor the relative value hee funalternative, the company woulinvestingalongsi tax-exempt investors. termine whichof the potentiinvestment vehicles best fits the company's the investment consirations. Justify your reaction.For eainvestment not selecte explain why the investment consirations are not met. Johnson shoulrecommen Publicly traUS REIT most suitable for the company. The publicly traUS REIT offers taantages to the company from the preciation of its US reestate assets. The preciation woulhelp offset income receiveon those assets. In aition, the REIT woulnot require in-house management team; thus, the company cmaintain low overhecosts.The relative value hee funis unlikely to a tax-efficient strategy for the company. This tinefficienis seen frequently with many hee funstrategies, especially those fun anfuncompanies where tax-exempt investors minate the client base. The funmanager minsensitive to tconsirations for a taxable investor suthe company.The tax-efficient angel investment is a specializeinvestment thwill require a highly customizeinvestment approach. Researching anmanaging this type of investment will require in-house teto locate ansupervise these more specializeinvestments. Aing these resources woulincrease overhecosts anviolate the Zhou’s investment consiration of maintaining low overhecosts.Johnson 应该推荐最适合该公司的Publicly traUS REIT。Publicly traUS REIT 为其美国房地产资产的贬值提供了税收优惠。折旧将有助于抵消这些资产的收入。此外,REIT 不需要内部管理团队;因此,公司可以保持较低的管理费用。The relative value hee fun太可能成为公司的节税策略。这种税收低效率在许多对冲基金策略中经常出现,尤其是那些免税投资者主导客户群的基金和基金公司。基金经理可能对应税投资者(例如zhou的公司)的税务考虑不敏感。原文中Johnson explains thfor the relative value hee funalternative, The company woulinvesting alongsi tax-exempt investors.翻译Johnson说,对于相对价值对冲基金的另类投资, The company 将与免税投资者一起投资。因为 the relative value hee funalternative的投资者基本都是免税投资者,所以基本不会关心避税的方法,例如通常基金经理在卖出盈利的股票的时候同时卖出亏损的股票,然后再买回来,这样就可以避免卖出盈利的股票而交税,但是现在既然投资者都是免税的,也就无所谓这些避税的措施了,The company 作为纳税的投资者就会很吃亏在避税这方面。The tax-efficient angel investment 是一项专业投资,需要高度定制的投资方法。研究和管理此类投资将需要一个内部团队来定位和监督这些更专业的投资。增加这些资源会增加间接成本,违反了zhou的保持较低间接成本的投资考虑。 如题

2024-07-14 13:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021060201000022问题如下 Johnson is the investment aiser for Zhou, a relatively small investment manager company(the company),their return gois most . therefore,two key investment consirations for Zhou are maintaining low overhecosts anminimizing taxes in the portfolio. Zhou hnot been willing to incur the costs of in-house investment resources.Johnson scusses with Zhou its goofversifying the company’s portfolio to inclu alternative assets. Johnson suggestsconsiring the following potentiinvestment vehicles for consiration:· PubliclytraUS REIT· Relativevalue hee fun Tax-efficientangel investmentJohnson explains thatfor the relative value hee funalternative, the company woulinvestingalongsi tax-exempt investors. termine whichof the potentiinvestment vehicles best fits the company's the investment consirations. Justify your reaction.For eainvestment not selecte explain why the investment consirations are not met. Johnson shoulrecommen Publicly traUS REIT most suitable for the company. The publicly traUS REIT offers taantages to the company from the preciation of its US reestate assets. The preciation woulhelp offset income receiveon those assets. In aition, the REIT woulnot require in-house management team; thus, the company cmaintain low overhecosts.The relative value hee funis unlikely to a tax-efficient strategy for the company. This tinefficienis seen frequently with many hee funstrategies, especially those fun anfuncompanies where tax-exempt investors minate the client base. The funmanager minsensitive to tconsirations for a taxable investor suthe company.The tax-efficient angel investment is a specializeinvestment thwill require a highly customizeinvestment approach. Researching anmanaging this type of investment will require in-house teto locate ansupervise these more specializeinvestments. Aing these resources woulincrease overhecosts anviolate the Zhou’s investment consiration of maintaining low overhecosts.Johnson 应该推荐最适合该公司的Publicly traUS REIT。Publicly traUS REIT 为其美国房地产资产的贬值提供了税收优惠。折旧将有助于抵消这些资产的收入。此外,REIT 不需要内部管理团队;因此,公司可以保持较低的管理费用。The relative value hee fun太可能成为公司的节税策略。这种税收低效率在许多对冲基金策略中经常出现,尤其是那些免税投资者主导客户群的基金和基金公司。基金经理可能对应税投资者(例如zhou的公司)的税务考虑不敏感。原文中Johnson explains thfor the relative value hee funalternative, The company woulinvesting alongsi tax-exempt investors.翻译Johnson说,对于相对价值对冲基金的另类投资, The company 将与免税投资者一起投资。因为 the relative value hee funalternative的投资者基本都是免税投资者,所以基本不会关心避税的方法,例如通常基金经理在卖出盈利的股票的时候同时卖出亏损的股票,然后再买回来,这样就可以避免卖出盈利的股票而交税,但是现在既然投资者都是免税的,也就无所谓这些避税的措施了,The company 作为纳税的投资者就会很吃亏在避税这方面。The tax-efficient angel investment 是一项专业投资,需要高度定制的投资方法。研究和管理此类投资将需要一个内部团队来定位和监督这些更专业的投资。增加这些资源会增加间接成本,违反了zhou的保持较低间接成本的投资考虑。 这样的主观题会考吗?感觉很难了

2024-06-23 20:41 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021060201000022 问题如下 Johnson is the investment aiser for Zhou, a relatively small investment manager company(the company),their return gois most . therefore,two key investment consirations for Zhou are maintaining low overhecosts anminimizing taxes in the portfolio. Zhou hnot been willing to incur the costs of in-house investment resources.Johnson scusses with Zhou its goofversifying the company’s portfolio to inclu alternative assets. Johnson suggestsconsiring the following potentiinvestment vehicles for consiration:· PubliclytraUS REIT· Relativevalue hee fun Tax-efficientangel investmentJohnson explains thatfor the relative value hee funalternative, the company woulinvestingalongsi tax-exempt investors. termine whichof the potentiinvestment vehicles best fits the company's the investment consirations. Justify your reaction.For eainvestment not selecte explain why the investment consirations are not met. Johnson shoulrecommen Publicly traUS REIT most suitable for the company. The publicly traUS REIT offers taantages to the company from the preciation of its US reestate assets. The preciation woulhelp offset income receiveon those assets. In aition, the REIT woulnot require in-house management team; thus, the company cmaintain low overhecosts.The relative value hee funis unlikely to a tax-efficient strategy for the company. This tinefficienis seen frequently with many hee funstrategies, especially those fun anfuncompanies where tax-exempt investors minate the client base. The funmanager minsensitive to tconsirations for a taxable investor suthe company.The tax-efficient angel investment is a specializeinvestment thwill require a highly customizeinvestment approach. Researching anmanaging this type of investment will require in-house teto locate ansupervise these more specializeinvestments. Aing these resources woulincrease overhecosts anviolate the Zhou’s investment consiration of maintaining low overhecosts.Johnson 应该推荐最适合该公司的Publicly traUS REIT。Publicly traUS REIT 为其美国房地产资产的贬值提供了税收优惠。折旧将有助于抵消这些资产的收入。此外,REIT 不需要内部管理团队;因此,公司可以保持较低的管理费用。The relative value hee fun太可能成为公司的节税策略。这种税收低效率在许多对冲基金策略中经常出现,尤其是那些免税投资者主导客户群的基金和基金公司。基金经理可能对应税投资者(例如zhou的公司)的税务考虑不敏感。原文中Johnson explains thfor the relative value hee funalternative, The company woulinvesting alongsi tax-exempt investors.翻译Johnson说,对于相对价值对冲基金的另类投资, The company 将与免税投资者一起投资。因为 the relative value hee funalternative的投资者基本都是免税投资者,所以基本不会关心避税的方法,例如通常基金经理在卖出盈利的股票的时候同时卖出亏损的股票,然后再买回来,这样就可以避免卖出盈利的股票而交税,但是现在既然投资者都是免税的,也就无所谓这些避税的措施了,The company 作为纳税的投资者就会很吃亏在避税这方面。The tax-efficient angel investment 是一项专业投资,需要高度定制的投资方法。研究和管理此类投资将需要一个内部团队来定位和监督这些更专业的投资。增加这些资源会增加间接成本,违反了zhou的保持较低间接成本的投资考虑。 我们有学过relative hee funstrategies吗,哪里有提到?

2024-04-08 05:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021060201000022问题如下 Johnson is the investment aiser for Zhou, a relatively small investment manager company(the company),their return gois most . therefore,two key investment consirations for Zhou are maintaining low overhecosts anminimizing taxes in the portfolio. Zhou hnot been willing to incur the costs of in-house investment resources.Johnson scusses with Zhou its goofversifying the company’s portfolio to inclu alternative assets. Johnson suggestsconsiring the following potentiinvestment vehicles for consiration:· PubliclytraUS REIT· Relativevalue hee fun Tax-efficientangel investmentJohnson explains thatfor the relative value hee funalternative, the company woulinvestingalongsi tax-exempt investors. termine whichof the potentiinvestment vehicles best fits the company's the investment consirations. Justify your reaction.For eainvestment not selecte explain why the investment consirations are not met. Johnson shoulrecommen Publicly traUS REIT most suitable for the company. The publicly traUS REIT offers taantages to the company from the preciation of its US reestate assets. The preciation woulhelp offset income receiveon those assets. In aition, the REIT woulnot require in-house management team; thus, the company cmaintain low overhecosts.The relative value hee funis unlikely to a tax-efficient strategy for the company. This tinefficienis seen frequently with many hee funstrategies, especially those fun anfuncompanies where tax-exempt investors minate the client base. The funmanager minsensitive to tconsirations for a taxable investor suthe company.The tax-efficient angel investment is a specializeinvestment thwill require a highly customizeinvestment approach. Researching anmanaging this type of investment will require in-house teto locate ansupervise these more specializeinvestments. Aing these resources woulincrease overhecosts anviolate the Zhou’s investment consiration of maintaining low overhecosts.Johnson 应该推荐最适合该公司的Publicly traUS REIT。Publicly traUS REIT 为其美国房地产资产的贬值提供了税收优惠。折旧将有助于抵消这些资产的收入。此外,REIT 不需要内部管理团队;因此,公司可以保持较低的管理费用。The relative value hee fun太可能成为公司的节税策略。这种税收低效率在许多对冲基金策略中经常出现,尤其是那些免税投资者主导客户群的基金和基金公司。基金经理可能对应税投资者(例如zhou的公司)的税务考虑不敏感。The tax-efficient angel investment 是一项专业投资,需要高度定制的投资方法。研究和管理此类投资将需要一个内部团队来定位和监督这些更专业的投资。增加这些资源会增加间接成本,违反了zhou的保持较低间接成本的投资考虑。 题目中都说了投资者是免税的,为什么还要把税收作为主要考虑因素?

2023-07-04 22:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021060201000022问题如下 Johnson is the investment aiser for Zhou, a relatively small investment manager company(the company),their return gois most . therefore,two key investment consirations for Zhou are maintaining low overhecosts anminimizing taxes in the portfolio. Zhou hnot been willing to incur the costs of in-house investment resources.Johnson scusses with Zhou its goofversifying the company’s portfolio to inclu alternative assets. Johnson suggestsconsiring the following potentiinvestment vehicles for consiration:· PubliclytraUS REIT· Relativevalue hee fun Tax-efficientangel investmentJohnson explains thatfor the relative value hee funalternative, the company woulinvestingalongsi tax-exempt investors. termine whichof the potentiinvestment vehicles best fits the company's the investment consirations. Justify your reaction.For eainvestment not selecte explain why the investment consirations are not met. Johnson shoulrecommen Publicly traUS REIT most suitable for the company. The publicly traUS REIT offers taantages to the company from the preciation of its US reestate assets. The preciation woulhelp offset income receiveon those assets. In aition, the REIT woulnot require in-house management team; thus, the company cmaintain low overhecosts.The relative value hee funis unlikely to a tax-efficient strategy for the company. This tinefficienis seen frequently with many hee funstrategies, especially those fun anfuncompanies where tax-exempt investors minate the client base. The funmanager minsensitive to tconsirations for a taxable investor suthe company.The tax-efficient angel investment is a specializeinvestment thwill require a highly customizeinvestment approach. Researching anmanaging this type of investment will require in-house teto locate ansupervise these more specializeinvestments. Aing these resources woulincrease overhecosts anviolate the Zhou’s investment consiration of maintaining low overhecosts.Johnson 应该推荐最适合该公司的Publicly traUS REIT。Publicly traUS REIT 为其美国房地产资产的贬值提供了税收优惠。折旧将有助于抵消这些资产的收入。此外,REIT 不需要内部管理团队;因此,公司可以保持较低的管理费用。The relative value hee fun太可能成为公司的节税策略。这种税收低效率在许多对冲基金策略中经常出现,尤其是那些免税投资者主导客户群的基金和基金公司。基金经理可能对应税投资者(例如zhou的公司)的税务考虑不敏感。The tax-efficient angel investment 是一项专业投资,需要高度定制的投资方法。研究和管理此类投资将需要一个内部团队来定位和监督这些更专业的投资。增加这些资源会增加间接成本,违反了zhou的保持较低间接成本的投资考虑。 Hee fun如何操作

2023-06-26 16:01 1 · 回答