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米妮涵 · 2023年03月13日

为什么不选择Manger B?



For the large-cap US equity portion of Sapphire’s investment portfolio, Cullen believes that there are some existing passive indexed-based funds that track the S&P 500 Index that the foundation should consider. Cullen presents Exhibit 2 to Sapphire’s board.Exhibit 2 S&P 500 Index Funds

Based on Exhibit 2, the portfolio manager most likely to have the largest tracking error is:



Manager A


Manager C


Manager B


Tracking errorindicates how closely the portfolio behaves like its benchmark and measures amanager’s ability to replicate the benchmark return. Manager C is most likelyto have the largest tracking error for three reasons:

l The portfolio contains a smaller number of the index holdings thanthe other two portfolios, resulting in a lower level of replication.

l Dividends are reinvested the day following receipt rather than thesame day, which would cause cash drag relative to Manager B.

l The portfolio is reconstituted less frequently than the other twoportfolios.

Although Manager Chas a slightly lower management fee, which would result in a lower trackingerror, the benefit is unlikely to offset the combined higher tracking errorrelated to the other portfolio characteristics.

A and C areincorrect.

B跟踪的股票最多,误差应该是最大啊? 这道题的解题思路是什么?

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2023年03月14日




所以跟踪股票数量的多少并不作为tracking error的判断依据。



portfolio的数量和benchmark数量的差距:tracking errorC最大。

股息再投资,C是next day,tracking error偏大。

管理费较少,C的费用少,tracking error小。

重构:C是半年一次,tracking error偏大。

C只有1个因素是让tracking error小,其他因素都是大,所以C的tracking error最大。


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NO.PZ2019012201000070 问题如下 For the large-cUS equity portion of Sapphire’s investment portfolio, Cullen believes ththere are some existing passive inxebasefun thtrathe S P 500 Inx ththe fountion shoulconsir. Cullen presents Exhibit 2 to Sapphire’s boarExhibit 2 S P 500 Inx Fun Baseon Exhibit 2, the portfolio manager most likely to have the largest tracking error is: A.Manager B.Manager C.Manager Tracking errorincates how closely the portfolio behaves like its benchmark anmeasures amanager’s ability to replicate the benchmark return. Manager C is most likelyto have the largest tracking error for three reasons:l The portfolio contains a smaller number of the inx holngs thanthe other two portfolios, resulting in a lower level of replication. l vin are reinvestethe y following receipt rather ththesame y, whiwoulcause cash relative to Manager B.l The portfolio is reconstituteless frequently ththe other twoportfolios.Although Manager Cha slightly lower management fee, whiwoulresult in a lower trackingerror, the benefit is unlikely to offset the combinehigher tracking errorrelateto the other portfolio characteristics.A anC areincorrect. 跟踪误差的主要判断依据是什么

2024-07-23 01:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000070问题如下 For the large-cUS equity portion of Sapphire’s investment portfolio, Cullen believes ththere are some existing passive inxebasefun thtrathe S P 500 Inx ththe fountion shoulconsir. Cullen presents Exhibit 2 to Sapphire’s boarExhibit 2 S P 500 Inx Fun Baseon Exhibit 2, the portfolio manager most likely to have the largest tracking error is:A.Manager A B.Manager C C.Manager B Tracking errorincates how closely the portfolio behaves like its benchmark anmeasures amanager’s ability to replicate the benchmark return. Manager C is most likelyto have the largest tracking error for three reasons:l The portfolio contains a smaller number of the inx holngs thanthe other two portfolios, resulting in a lower level of replication. l vin are reinvestethe y following receipt rather ththesame y, whiwoulcause cash relative to Manager B.l The portfolio is reconstituteless frequently ththe other twoportfolios.Although Manager Cha slightly lower management fee, whiwoulresult in a lower trackingerror, the benefit is unlikely to offset the combinehigher tracking errorrelateto the other portfolio characteristics.A anC areincorrect. 我想请问一下rebalance和Reconstitution都是指benchmark调整的频率吧?recons是里面个股的组成?rebalance是权重改变?这两个因素怎么影响TE呢?只知道benchmark的,并不知道portfolio的呢。另外,总结一下,是不是inx数量影响TE,组合和inx数量差越大,TE越大。v要当天投资,不然有cash ag有TE?management fee越高TE越大?谢谢。

2024-05-20 17:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000070问题如下For the large-cUS equity portion of Sapphire’s investment portfolio, Cullen believes ththere are some existing passive inxebasefun thtrathe S P 500 Inx ththe fountion shoulconsir. Cullen presents Exhibit 2 to Sapphire’s boarExhibit 2 S P 500 Inx Fun Baseon Exhibit 2, the portfolio manager most likely to have the largest tracking error is:A.Manager A B.Manager C C.Manager B Tracking errorincates how closely the portfolio behaves like its benchmark anmeasures amanager’s ability to replicate the benchmark return. Manager C is most likelyto have the largest tracking error for three reasons:l The portfolio contains a smaller number of the inx holngs thanthe other two portfolios, resulting in a lower level of replication. l vin are reinvestethe y following receipt rather ththesame y, whiwoulcause cash relative to Manager B.l The portfolio is reconstituteless frequently ththe other twoportfolios.Although Manager Cha slightly lower management fee, whiwoulresult in a lower trackingerror, the benefit is unlikely to offset the combinehigher tracking errorrelateto the other portfolio characteristics.A anC areincorrect. 看了还是不懂。股票数量多于benchmark不是会更有tracking error吗?调仓频率更高不是才有tracking error吗?

2024-05-12 16:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000070 问题如下 For the large-cUS equity portion of Sapphire’s investment portfolio, Cullen believes ththere are some existing passive inxebasefun thtrathe S P 500 Inx ththe fountion shoulconsir. Cullen presents Exhibit 2 to Sapphire’s boarExhibit 2 S P 500 Inx Fun Baseon Exhibit 2, the portfolio manager most likely to have the largest tracking error is: A.Manager B.Manager C.Manager Tracking errorincates how closely the portfolio behaves like its benchmark anmeasures amanager’s ability to replicate the benchmark return. Manager C is most likelyto have the largest tracking error for three reasons:l The portfolio contains a smaller number of the inx holngs thanthe other two portfolios, resulting in a lower level of replication. l vin are reinvestethe y following receipt rather ththesame y, whiwoulcause cash relative to Manager B.l The portfolio is reconstituteless frequently ththe other twoportfolios.Although Manager Cha slightly lower management fee, whiwoulresult in a lower trackingerror, the benefit is unlikely to offset the combinehigher tracking errorrelateto the other portfolio characteristics.A anC areincorrect. 几个点想明确一下Manager B 的 portfolio有504支股票,manager A 的portfolio有498支股票,S P 500 inx中是500只股票,那么manger A和inx更接近还是manager B和inx更接近manager C 调仓频率比较低,那么有两个角度,一方面调仓频率低会导致长时间不调仓和inx差异较大,增加tracking error, 但是另一方面,调仓频率低,对应调仓成本也低,这方面是降低tracking error.所以这里我无法判定调仓频率对于tracking error的最终影响是怎样的

2024-03-01 23:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000070问题如下For the large-cUS equity portion of Sapphire’s investment portfolio, Cullen believes ththere are some existing passive inxebasefun thtrathe S P 500 Inx ththe fountion shoulconsir. Cullen presents Exhibit 2 to Sapphire’s boarExhibit 2 S P 500 Inx Fun Baseon Exhibit 2, the portfolio manager most likely to have the largest tracking error is:A.Manager A B.Manager C C.Manager B Tracking errorincates how closely the portfolio behaves like its benchmark anmeasures amanager’s ability to replicate the benchmark return. Manager C is most likelyto have the largest tracking error for three reasons:l The portfolio contains a smaller number of the inx holngs thanthe other two portfolios, resulting in a lower level of replication. l vin are reinvestethe y following receipt rather ththesame y, whiwoulcause cash relative to Manager B.l The portfolio is reconstituteless frequently ththe other twoportfolios.Although Manager Cha slightly lower management fee, whiwoulresult in a lower trackingerror, the benefit is unlikely to offset the combinehigher tracking errorrelateto the other portfolio characteristics.A anC areincorrect. b的组合个数与基准更接近,代表他的调仓换股非常频繁,同时费率最高,成本非常高,为什么不选c呢

2024-01-30 07:10 1 · 回答