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nuankaka · 2023年02月16日


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With respect to investment-grade bonds, Larent is most likely correct with respect to which risk consideration?


A.Credit risk

B.Spread risk

C.Interest rate risk



B is correct. With respect to risk considerations for investment-grade bonds, Larent is most likely correct with respect to spread risk. Spread risk is a function of credit migration. For investment-grade bonds, the risk of credit rating migration (credit deterioration) is greater than the risk of actual credit loss. Accordingly, credit spread volatility, as opposed to outright credit default loss, is a more relevant consideration as it relates to investment-grade bonds. Spread duration measures the credit spread volatility risk in a portfolio of investment-grade bonds.

A is incorrect. Credit loss is a lesser consideration than credit migration for investment-grade bonds. Credit loss is a primary consideration for high-yield bonds.

C is incorrect. For investment-grade corporate bonds, the correlation between credit spreads and the risk-free interest rate is negative, not positive.

尤其是选项B 里面的 谢谢

1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2023年02月18日



Larent responds by stating that the primary component of credit risk is loss severity.


这句话是错的,对于HYB来说,credit risk的主要风险是loss severity,IG一般不会违约,它的credit risk主要是credit migration带来的spread 变化。

she states that credit rating migration can cause spread risk to become realized.


这句话是正确的,credit rating migration是指发行人的评级向上或向下迁徙,会导致债券的spread变化,进而引起价格变化,这部分价格变化就是spread risk导致的。

Larent then states that interest rate risk reflects the positive correlation between risk-free interest rates and credit spreads.


这句话是错的,利率风险反映的是基准利率与债券价格的负向关系,而不是基准利率与credit spread的。


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NO.PZ202209060200004201 问题如下 With respeto investment-gra bon, Larent is most likely correwith respeto whirisk consiration? A.Cret risk B.Sprerisk C.Interest rate risk SolutionB is correct. With respeto risk consirations for investment-gra bon, Larent is most likely correwith respeto sprerisk. Sprerisk is a function of cret migration. For investment-gra bon, the risk of cret rating migration (cret terioration) is greater ththe risk of actucret loss. Accorngly, cret sprevolatility, opposeto outright cret fault loss, is a more relevant consiration it relates to investment-gra bon. Spreration measures the cret sprevolatility risk in a portfolio of investment-gra bon.A is incorrect. Cret loss is a lesser consiration thcret migration for investment-gra bon. Cret loss is a primary consiration for high-yielbon.C is incorrect. For investment-gra corporate bon, the correlation between cret sprea anthe risk-free interest rate is negative, not positive. RISK in liability-iven investing 知识点中中对sprerisk的定义是change in asset yielchange in hee yiel change in liability yiel变化不同步。但这道题的解析又说sprerisk主要来自 cret rating migration, 这不是很矛盾么?为什么不能选cret risk ?

2024-01-24 00:24 4 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004201 问题如下 With respeto investment-gra bon, Larent is most likely correwith respeto whirisk consiration? A.Cret risk B.Sprerisk C.Interest rate risk SolutionB is correct. With respeto risk consirations for investment-gra bon, Larent is most likely correwith respeto sprerisk. Sprerisk is a function of cret migration. For investment-gra bon, the risk of cret rating migration (cret terioration) is greater ththe risk of actucret loss. Accorngly, cret sprevolatility, opposeto outright cret fault loss, is a more relevant consiration it relates to investment-gra bon. Spreration measures the cret sprevolatility risk in a portfolio of investment-gra bon.A is incorrect. Cret loss is a lesser consiration thcret migration for investment-gra bon. Cret loss is a primary consiration for high-yielbon.C is incorrect. For investment-gra corporate bon, the correlation between cret sprea anthe risk-free interest rate is negative, not positive. 老师,麻烦讲一下C,谢谢

2023-12-22 21:41 2 · 回答