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𝒜𝒩𝒥𝒜 安雅🎃 · 2023年02月08日

statement 1 如何修正?

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4. Regarding the two statements about discount rate estimates, Chin is:



correct with respect to adding the small stock premium and correct with respect to the weighted average cost of capital.


correct with respect to adding the small stock premium and incorrect with respect to the weighted average cost of capital.


incorrect with respect to adding the small stock premium and incorrect with respect to the weighted average cost of capital.


C is correct.

Both statements by Chin are incorrect. If the CAPM is used with public companies with similar operations and similar revenue size, as stated, then the calculation likely captures the small stock premium and should not be added to the estimate. Small stock premiums are associated with build-up models and the expanded CAPM, rather than the CAPM per se. The correct weighted average cost of capital should reflect the risk of Thunder’s cash flows not the risk of the acquirer’s cash flows.

看了解析和其他同学的提问,但助教还是没有明确说出到底怎么改正statement 1 。

是改成If the expanded CAPM method is used to estimate the discount rate with a beta estimate based on public companies with operations and revenues similar toThunder, then a small stock premium should be added to the estimate.这样就对了吗?

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年02月08日


同学你好,助教的建议是改成“If the CAPM is used with public companies with similar operations and similar revenue size, the small stock premium and should not be added to the estimate.”这样会更好一些



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NO.PZ201512300100001305 问题如下 4. Regarng the two statements about scount rate estimates, Chin is: A.correwith respeto aing the small stopremium ancorrewith respeto the weighteaverage cost of capital. B.correwith respeto aing the small stopremium anincorrewith respeto the weighteaverage cost of capital. C.incorrewith respeto aing the small stopremium anincorrewith respeto the weighteaverage cost of capital. C is correct.Both statements Chin are incorrect. If the CAPM is usewith public companies with similoperations ansimilrevenue size, state then the calculation likely captures the small stopremium anshoulnot aeto the estimate. Small stopremiums are associatewith builup mols anthe expanCAPM, rather ththe CAPM per se. The correweighteaverage cost of capitshoulreflethe risk of Thunr’s cash flows not the risk of the acquirer’s cash flows. 题目里说是收购thunr的股权,但是public应该没有control premium,这里为什么不因为控股权多给溢价呢?

2023-06-26 10:13 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100001305问题如下 4. Regarng the two statements about scount rate estimates, Chin is: A.correwith respeto aing the small stopremium ancorrewith respeto the weighteaverage cost of capital.B.correwith respeto aing the small stopremium anincorrewith respeto the weighteaverage cost of capital.C.incorrewith respeto aing the small stopremium anincorrewith respeto the weighteaverage cost of capital.C is correct.Both statements Chin are incorrect. If the CAPM is usewith public companies with similoperations ansimilrevenue size, state then the calculation likely captures the small stopremium anshoulnot aeto the estimate. Small stopremiums are associatewith builup mols anthe expanCAPM, rather ththe CAPM per se. The correweighteaverage cost of capitshoulreflethe risk of Thunr’s cash flows not the risk of the acquirer’s cash flows.如题????????。???????

2023-04-03 23:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100001305 您好,请问下statement2错在哪里,thunr不是卖出方么,所以,WACC反应了自由现金流的risk才对

2021-12-10 13:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100001305 老师 为什么不能用WACC去估计r 第二个statement错在哪?

2021-07-11 11:12 1 · 回答