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❤Oliva · 2023年01月29日


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Connor Wagener, a student at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, has been asked to prepare a presentation on foreign exchange rates for his International Business course. Wagener has a basic understanding of exchange rates, but would like a practitioner’s perspective, and he has arranged an interview with currency trader Hannah McFadden. During the interview, Wagener asks McFadden:

Could you explain what drives exchange rates? I’m curious as to why our New Zealand dollar was affected by the European debt crisis in 2011 and what other factors impact it.”

In response, McFadden begins with a general discussion of exchange rates. She notes that international parity conditions illustrate how exchange rates are linked to expected inflation, interest rate differences, and forward exchange rates as well as current and expected future spot rates. McFadden states:

Statement 1 “Fortunately, the international parity condition most relevant for FX carry trades does not always hold.”

McFadden continues her discussion:

FX carry traders go long (i.e. buy) high-yield currencies and fund their position by shorting, that is borrowing in, low-yield currencies. Unfortunately, crashes in currency values can occur which create financial crises as traders unwind their positions. For example, in 2008, the New Zealand dollar was negatively impacted when highly leveraged carry trades were unwound. In addition to investors, consumers and business owners can also affect currency exchange rates through their impact on their country’s balance of payments. For example, if New Zealand consumers purchase more goods from China than New Zealand businesses sell to China, New Zealand will run a trade account deficit with China.”

McFadden further explains:

Statement 2 A trade surplus will tend to cause the currency of the country in surplus to appreciate while a deficit will cause currency depreciation. Exchange rate changes will result in immediate adjustments in the prices of traded goods as well as in the demand for imports and exports. These changes will immediately correct the trade imbalance.”

McFadden next addresses the influence of monetary and fiscal policy on exchange rates:

Countries also exert significant influence on exchange rates through both the initial mix of their fiscal and monetary policies, and also by subsequent adjustments to those policies. Various models have been developed to identify how these policies affect exchange rates. The Mundell-Fleming model addresses how changes in both fiscal and monetary policies affect interest rates and ultimately exchange rates in the short-term.”

McFadden describes monetary models by stating:

Statement 3 Monetary models of exchange rate determination focus on the effects of inflation, price level changes, and risk premium adjustments.”

McFadden continues her discussion:

So far, we’ve touched on balance of payments and monetary policy. The portfolio-balance model addresses the impacts of sustained fiscal policy on exchange rates. I must take a client call, but will return shortly. In the meantime, here is some relevant literature on the models I mentioned along with a couple of questions for you to consider:

Question 1 Assume an emerging market (EM) country has restrictive monetary and fiscal policies under low capital mobility conditions. Are these policies likely to lead to currency appreciation, currency depreciation, or to have no impact?

Question 2 Assume a developed market (DM) country has an expansive fiscal policy under high capital mobility conditions. Why is its currency most likely to depreciate in the long-run under an integrated Mundell-Fleming and portfolio-balance approach?”

Upon her return, Wagener and McFadden review the questions. McFadden notes that capital flows can have a significant impact on exchange rates and have contributed to currency crises in both EM and DM countries. She explains that central banks, like the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, use FX market intervention as a tool to manage exchange rates. McFadden states:

Statement 4 Some studies have found that EM central banks tend to be more effective in using exchange rate intervention than DM central banks, primarily because of one important factor.”

McFadden continues her discussion:

Statement 5 I mentioned that capital inflows could cause a currency crisis, leaving fund managers with significant losses. In the period leading up to a currency crisis, I would predict that an affected country’s:

Prediction 1 foreign exchange reserves will increase.

Prediction 2 broad money growth in nominal and real terms will increase.

Prediction 3 real exchange rate will be substantially higher than its mean level during tranquil periods.

After the interview, McFadden agrees to meet the following week to discuss more recent events on the New Zealand dollar.

4. The best response to Question 1 is that the policies will:



have no impact.


lead to currency appreciation.


lead to currency depreciation.


B is correct.

The currency is likely to appreciate. The emerging market country has both a restrictive monetary policy and restrictive fiscal policy under conditions of low capital mobility. Low capital mobility indicates that interest rate changes induced by monetary and fiscal policy will not cause large changes in capital flows. Implementation of restrictive policies should result in an improvement in the trade balance, which will result in currency appreciation.

考点Mudell-Fleming model的经典考法要求考生熟练掌握在不同的政策下对汇率的影响






1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2023年01月30日




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NO.PZ201512020800000204 问题如下 4. The best response to Question 1 is ththe policies will: A.have no impact. B.leto currenappreciation. C.leto currenpreciation. B is correct.The currenis likely to appreciate. The emerging market country hboth a restrictive monetary polianrestrictive fiscpoliunr contions of low capitmobility. Low capitmobility incates thinterest rate changes incemonetary anfiscpoliwill not cause large changes in capitflows. Implementation of restrictive policies shoulresult in improvement in the tra balance, whiwill result in currenappreciation.考点Mull-Fleming mol的经典考法,要求考生熟练掌握在不同的政策下对汇率的影响。解析比如这道题,在资本限制流动的情况下,紧缩的货币政策会抬升利率,吸引资本流入,但是由于资本账户是受到管制的,资本流出规模非常有限,因此本币小幅度升值。一方面,紧缩的财政政策阻碍经济增长,国民收入减少,进口减少,贸易顺差扩大,本币升值。另一方面,紧缩的财政政策导致利率下降,资金流出,但由于资本账户管制,流出的资金有限,本币贬值幅度很小,最终结果就是在资本管制下紧缩的财政政策导致本币升值。 这个考点是否删掉了

2023-09-25 00:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512020800000204 问题如下 4. The best response to Question 1 is ththe policies will: A.have no impact. B.leto currenappreciation. C.leto currenpreciation. B is correct.The currenis likely to appreciate. The emerging market country hboth a restrictive monetary polianrestrictive fiscpoliunr contions of low capitmobility. Low capitmobility incates thinterest rate changes incemonetary anfiscpoliwill not cause large changes in capitflows. Implementation of restrictive policies shoulresult in improvement in the tra balance, whiwill result in currenappreciation.考点Mull-Fleming mol的经典考法,要求考生熟练掌握在不同的政策下对汇率的影响。解析比如这道题,在资本限制流动的情况下,紧缩的货币政策会抬升利率,吸引资本流入,但是由于资本账户是受到管制的,资本流出规模非常有限,因此本币小幅度升值。一方面,紧缩的财政政策阻碍经济增长,国民收入减少,进口减少,贸易顺差扩大,本币升值。另一方面,紧缩的财政政策导致利率下降,资金流出,但由于资本账户管制,流出的资金有限,本币贬值幅度很小,最终结果就是在资本管制下紧缩的财政政策导致本币升值。 1、扩张性的财政政策+扩张性的货币政策 导致货币贬值2、紧缩性的财政政策+紧缩性的货币政策 导致货币升值3、扩张性的财政政策+紧缩性的货币政策 不确定4、紧缩性的扩张政策+扩张性的财政政策 不确定我这个理解对不对?

2023-01-30 14:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512020800000204 问题如下 4. The best response to Question 1 is ththe policies will: A.have no impact. B.leto currenappreciation. C.leto currenpreciation. B is correct.The currenis likely to appreciate. The emerging market country hboth a restrictive monetary polianrestrictive fiscpoliunr contions of low capitmobility. Low capitmobility incates thinterest rate changes incemonetary anfiscpoliwill not cause large changes in capitflows. Implementation of restrictive policies shoulresult in improvement in the tra balance, whiwill result in currenappreciation.考点Mull-Fleming mol的经典考法,要求考生熟练掌握在不同的政策下对汇率的影响。解析比如这道题,在资本限制流动的情况下,紧缩的货币政策会抬升利率,吸引资本流入,但是由于资本账户是受到管制的,资本流出规模非常有限,因此本币小幅度升值。一方面,紧缩的财政政策阻碍经济增长,国民收入减少,进口减少,贸易顺差扩大,本币升值。另一方面,紧缩的财政政策导致利率下降,资金流出,但由于资本账户管制,流出的资金有限,本币贬值幅度很小,最终结果就是在资本管制下扩张的财政政策导致本币升值。 老师所以在low mobility的时候,财政政策的影响是考虑经常账户的影响?资本账户的影响可以忽略?

2022-09-12 08:46 1 · 回答

上课讲Munll-Fleming模型对于紧缩的货币政策和财政政策对汇率的影响不是下面这样么 1)对于capitaccount a)紧缩的货币政策导致本币小幅度升值 b)紧缩的财政政策导致本币小幅度贬值-----最终capitaccount对汇率影响不确定 2)对于current account 紧缩的财政政策会引起本币升值 但由于本身capitaccount的影响大于current account,所以最后的汇率变动结果不能确定 为什么这个题就是确定升值?

2020-10-10 19:41 2 · 回答