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黑仔君。 · 2023年01月28日


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Which of the trades undertaken by the Taurus Fund is most likely to accomplish the objective that Rivas sets as the reason for considering the strategy?


A.Trade 1

B.Trade 2

C.Trade 3



C is correct. Equities and volatility are negatively correlated. In order to hedge the equity exposure in the portfolio, a long volatility position is necessary. Trade 1, a short volatility position, will not hedge the equity position since a long volatility position is needed. Trade 2 is also a short position in volatility; the intent is to collect a premium for selling volatility. This trade will sell off at the same time as equities are selling off and, therefore, provide a hedge. Trade 3 is an outright purchase of volatility via a swap, which provides a pure long exposure and would hedge the existing equity exposure in the portfolio.

A is incorrect. A short volatility position will not hedge the equity position since a long volatility position is needed.

B is incorrect. Trade 2 is a short position in volatility; the intent is to collect a premium for selling volatility. This trade will sell off at the same time as equities are selling off and, therefore, does not provide a hedge.

receiver volatility不是receive fixed pay浮动volatility么,我们这里不应该是要receive 浮动volatility么

2 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2023年07月14日


不理解,一般receiver都是指receive固定,为何这里相反,是收浮动支固定?——不是呀,关键看receive后面的词,后面是啥,就是收什么,receiver volatility就是收浮动啊


伯恩_品职助教 · 2023年01月28日


receiver volatility是受浮动支固定


Lulubaobao · 2023年07月13日


  • 2

  • 0

  • 511


NO.PZ202206260100000504问题如下Whiof the tras unrtaken the Taurus Funis most likely to accomplish the objective thRivsets the reason for consiring the strategy?A.Tra 1B.Tra 2C.Tra 3SolutionC is correct. Equities anvolatility are negatively correlate In orr to hee the equity exposure in the portfolio, a long volatility position is necessary. Tra 1, a short volatility position, will not hee the equity position sina long volatility position is nee Tra 2 is also a short position in volatility; the intent is to collea premium for selling volatility. This tra will sell off the same time equities are selling off an therefore, provi a hee. Tra 3 is outright purchase of volatility via a swap, whiprovis a pure long exposure anwoulhee the existing equity exposure in the portfolio.A is incorrect. A short volatility position will not hee the equity position sina long volatility position is nee B is incorrect. Tra 2 is a short position in volatility; the intent is to collea premium for selling volatility. This tra will sell off the same time equities are selling off an therefore, es not provi a hee.以及C中做多波动为什么能对冲equity long position

2023-08-04 15:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206260100000504 问题如下 Whiof the tras unrtaken the Taurus Funis most likely to accomplish the objective thRivsets the reason for consiring the strategy? A.Tra 1 B.Tra 2 C.Tra 3 SolutionC is correct. Equities anvolatility are negatively correlate In orr to hee the equity exposure in the portfolio, a long volatility position is necessary. Tra 1, a short volatility position, will not hee the equity position sina long volatility position is nee Tra 2 is also a short position in volatility; the intent is to collea premium for selling volatility. This tra will sell off the same time equities are selling off an therefore, provi a hee. Tra 3 is outright purchase of volatility via a swap, whiprovis a pure long exposure anwoulhee the existing equity exposure in the portfolio.A is incorrect. A short volatility position will not hee the equity position sina long volatility position is nee B is incorrect. Tra 2 is a short position in volatility; the intent is to collea premium for selling volatility. This tra will sell off the same time equities are selling off an therefore, es not provi a hee. 请帮忙看看我的理解是否正确1)如果希望承受更低的波动,那就是降低波动的exposure。2)如果想要降低exposure,应该做空VIX futures, 或者做空variance/volatility sw(也就是作为payer进入swap;也就是收固定(strike volatility),付浮动(actuvolatility))。3)问题来了,tra 3不是在增加波动的敞口吗?如果想要hee掉equity risk,不是应该降低波动的敞口吗?所以需要麻烦老师帮忙一下这句话Equities anvolatility are negatively correlate In orr to hee the equity exposure in the portfolio, a long volatility position is necessary.

2023-07-10 02:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206260100000504问题如下Whiof the tras unrtaken the Taurus Funis most likely to accomplish the objective thRivsets the reason for consiring the strategy?A.Tra 1B.Tra 2C.Tra 3SolutionC is correct. Equities anvolatility are negatively correlate In orr to hee the equity exposure in the portfolio, a long volatility position is necessary. Tra 1, a short volatility position, will not hee the equity position sina long volatility position is nee Tra 2 is also a short position in volatility; the intent is to collea premium for selling volatility. This tra will sell off the same time equities are selling off an therefore, provi a hee. Tra 3 is outright purchase of volatility via a swap, whiprovis a pure long exposure anwoulhee the existing equity exposure in the portfolio.A is incorrect. A short volatility position will not hee the equity position sina long volatility position is nee B is incorrect. Tra 2 is a short position in volatility; the intent is to collea premium for selling volatility. This tra will sell off the same time equities are selling off an therefore, es not provi a hee.为什么AB不正确而C正确?另外receiver volatility swap是怎么用法?不是收固定支浮动吗?

2023-04-08 12:44 2 · 回答