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非恒名 · 2023年01月25日


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Based on Choate’s final comments and the COF portfolio positions in Exhibit 1, Choate is most likely expecting:


A.improved real estate markets and higher interest rate volatility.

B.lower interest rate volatility and increasing default correlations.

C.lower interest rate volatility and decreasing default correlations.



B is correct. Choate expresses his belief that market expectations of interest rate volatility will decrease, so he buys agency MBS in the COF portfolio. The correlation of expected defaults on the collateral of a CDO affects the relative value between the senior and subordinated tranches; as default correlations increase, the value of mezzanine tranches usually increases relative to the value of senior tranches. Because he expects the correlation to be highly positive, he can try to profit by selling the lower yielding (or selling short) Class A and buying the higher yielding Class B.

A is incorrect because an investor buying MBS expects lower, not higher, volatility.

C is incorrect because an investor that expects higher correlations would short Class A and go long Class B.

能再解释一下default correlation这部分吗?

1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2023年01月27日


default correlation是CDO不同层级之间的违约相关系数,default correlation越大,意味着CDO的优先、夹层、劣后都有可能违约或者都有可能不违约。default correlation越小,意味着CDO的越劣后,违约的可能性越大,越优先,违约的可能性越小。

所以,预期default correlation上升,应该buy更劣后级别的份额,sell更优先级别的份额,


反之,如果预期default correlation下降,应该buy更优先的份额,sell更劣后的份额。


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NO.PZ202209060200004406问题如下Baseon Choate’s fincomments anthe COF portfolio positions in Exhibit 1, Choate is most likely expecting:A.improvereestate markets anhigher interest rate volatility.B.lower interest rate volatility anincreasing fault correlations.C.lower interest rate volatility ancreasing fault correlations.SolutionB is correct. Choate expresses his belief thmarket expectations of interest rate volatility will crease, so he buys agenMin the COF portfolio. The correlation of expectefaults on the collaterof a C affects the relative value between the senior ansubornatetranches; fault correlations increase, the value of mezzanine tranches usually increases relative to the value of senior tranches. Because he expects the correlation to highly positive, he ctry to profit selling the lower yielng (or selling short) Class A anbuying the higher yielng Class B.A is incorrebecause investor buying Mexpects lower, not higher, volatility.C is incorrebecause investor thexpects higher correlations woulshort Class A ango long Class B.如题,为什么是increasing fault correlation

2024-07-05 08:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004406 问题如下 Baseon Choate’s fincomments anthe COF portfolio positions in Exhibit 1, Choate is most likely expecting: A.improvereestate markets anhigher interest rate volatility. B.lower interest rate volatility anincreasing fault correlations. C.lower interest rate volatility ancreasing fault correlations. SolutionB is correct. Choate expresses his belief thmarket expectations of interest rate volatility will crease, so he buys agenMin the COF portfolio. The correlation of expectefaults on the collaterof a C affects the relative value between the senior ansubornatetranches; fault correlations increase, the value of mezzanine tranches usually increases relative to the value of senior tranches. Because he expects the correlation to highly positive, he ctry to profit selling the lower yielng (or selling short) Class A anbuying the higher yielng Class B.A is incorrebecause investor buying Mexpects lower, not higher, volatility.C is incorrebecause investor thexpects higher correlations woulshort Class A ango long Class 如题

2023-05-21 12:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004406 问题如下 Baseon Choate’s fincomments anthe COF portfolio positions in Exhibit 1, Choate is most likely expecting: A.improvereestate markets anhigher interest rate volatility. B.lower interest rate volatility anincreasing fault correlations. C.lower interest rate volatility ancreasing fault correlations. SolutionB is correct. Choate expresses his belief thmarket expectations of interest rate volatility will crease, so he buys agenMin the COF portfolio. The correlation of expectefaults on the collaterof a C affects the relative value between the senior ansubornatetranches; fault correlations increase, the value of mezzanine tranches usually increases relative to the value of senior tranches. Because he expects the correlation to highly positive, he ctry to profit selling the lower yielng (or selling short) Class A anbuying the higher yielng Class B.A is incorrebecause investor buying Mexpects lower, not higher, volatility.C is incorrebecause investor thexpects higher correlations woulshort Class A ango long Class interest rate volatility will crease, so he buys agenMin the COF portfolio,请问老师,interest rate volatility的变动和MBS存在什么关系,可以下么,谢谢。

2023-01-30 09:31 1 · 回答