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早睡早起快乐学习 · 2023年01月21日


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Calculate the contribution of foreign currency to the Bhatt account’s total return. Show your calculations.



Currency movements contributed 1.5% to the account’s 7.0% total (US dollar) return, calculated as follows:

The domestic-currency return (RDC ) on a portfolio of multiple foreign assets is

Where RFC ,i is the foreign-currency return on the ith foreign asset, RFX ,i is the appreciation of the ith foreign currency against the domestic currency, and Éi is the weight of the asset as a percentage of the aggregate domestic-currency value of the portfolio. This equation can be rearranged as

Therefore, the domestic-currency return is equal to the sum of the weighted asset return, the weighted currency return, and the weighted cross-product of the asset return and the currency return. The latter two terms explain the effects of foreign-currency movements on the Bhatt account’s total (US dollar) return of 7.0%.

The weighted asset return is equal to 5.5%, calculated as follows:

(0.50 × 10.0%) + (0.25 × 5.0%) + [0.25 × (–3.0%)] = 5.5%.

The weighted currency return is equal to 1.5% calculated as follows:

(0.50 × 0.0%) + (0.25 × 2.0%) + (0.25 × 4.0%) = 1.5%.

The weighted cross-product is equal to –0.005%, calculated as follows:

[0.50 × (10.0% × 0.0%)] + [0.25 × (5.0% × 2.0%)] + [0.25 × (–3.0% × 4.0%)] = –0.005%.

Therefore, the contribution of foreign currency equals 1.5%, calculated as the 7.0% total (US dollar) return less the 5.5% weighted asset return. Alternatively, the contribution of foreign currency to the total return can be calculated as the sum of the weighted currency return of 1.5% and the weighted cross-product of –0.005%:

1.5% + (–0.005%) = 1.495%, which rounds to 1.5%.



表格中给到的currency return是对应单个资产的,而本题中是投资了三个外币资产,因此是一个资产组合,所以涉及到加权平均的过程。

另外需要注意的是“the contribution of foreign currency”是包含了交叉项部分的return的。


1.为什么算weighted asset return直接是表1里面的asset return加权平均?不是应该算上currency的部分,得出domestic return,再进行加权吗?

这边我算出来eur的return是7.1%,Japan是0.88%,然后再加权是6.995% 为什么不是这样算的呀?

2.如果问percentage contribution,分母是用7%还是考虑汇率后的domestic return?

1 个答案

Hertz_品职助教 · 2023年01月24日




1.为什么算weighted asset return直接是表1里面的asset return加权平均?不是应该算上currency的部分,得出domestic return,再进行加权吗?



The weighted asset return is equal to 5.5%, calculated as follows:

(0.50 × 10.0%) + (0.25 × 5.0%) + [0.25 × (–3.0%)] = 5.5%.

注意这里求的是weighted asset return,其实是有省略的,确切的说是weighted foreign  asset return,所以求的是WiRfc,因此这里的加权求和是没有问题的。

同学说的加上foreign currency部分,那就是在求domestic currency return了。


2. 问题2:

2.如果问percentage contribution,分母是用7%还是考虑汇率后的domestic return?


问题问的是“ the contribution of foreign currency”,它其实相当于一个名词,它就代表与FC相关的return,

我们需要掌握的是 the contribution of foreign currency指的是Rfx + Rfx *Rfc,而本身这里的return就是百分比的概念了,所以不会再有一个求percentage的概念了哈。

另外, the contribution of foreign currency指的是Rfx + Rfx *Rfc,这一点其实是我们根据本题总结出来的这个表述的含义,可以看一下教材,除了在本题中提到这个名词,教材正文中完全没有这个定义,所以我们其实更需要通过本题来掌握这样一个名词,如果考试中遇到的话知道它求得是什么就好了哈。




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NO.PZ201601050100001201 问题如下 Calculate the contribution of foreign currento the Bhatt account’s totreturn. Show your calculations. Currenmovements contribute1.5% to the account’s 7.0% tot(US llar) return, calculatefollows:The mestic-currenreturn (R ) on a portfolio of multiple foreign assets isWhere RFC ,i is the foreign-currenreturn on the ith foreign asset, RFX ,i is the appreciation of the ith foreign currenagainst the mestic currency, anÉiis the weight of the asset a percentage of the aggregate mestic-currenvalue of the portfolio. This equation crearrangeasTherefore, the mestic-currenreturn is equto the sum of the weighteasset return, the weightecurrenreturn, anthe weightecross-proof the asset return anthe currenreturn. The latter two terms explain the effects of foreign-currenmovements on the Bhatt account’s tot(US llar) return of 7.0%.The weighteasset return is equto 5.5%, calculatefollows:(0.50 × 10.0%) + (0.25 × 5.0%) + [0.25 × (–3.0%)] = 5.5%.The weightecurrenreturn is equto 1.5% calculatefollows:(0.50 × 0.0%) + (0.25 × 2.0%) + (0.25 × 4.0%) = 1.5%.The weightecross-prois equto –0.005%, calculatefollows:[0.50 × (10.0% × 0.0%)] + [0.25 × (5.0% × 2.0%)] + [0.25 × (–3.0% × 4.0%)] = –0.005%.Therefore, the contribution of foreign currenequals 1.5%, calculatethe 7.0% tot(US llar) return less the 5.5% weighteasset return. Alternatively, the contribution of foreign currento the totreturn ccalculatethe sum of the weightecurrenreturn of 1.5% anthe weightecross-proof –0.005%:1.5% + (–0.005%) = 1.495%, whiroun to 1.5%.中文解析本题考察的是外汇投资中return的计算。表格中给到的currenreturn是对应单个资产的,而本题中是投资了三个外币资产,因此是一个资产组合,所以涉及到加权平均的过程。另外需要注意的是“the contribution of foreigncurrency”是包含了交叉项部分的return的。 那这样的话算出来不是应该是百分比吗?1.5/7= 21.43% 外国资产回报率占总回报率的 21.43%

2024-02-13 08:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001201 问题如下 Calculate the contribution of foreign currento the Bhatt account’s totreturn. Show your calculations. Currenmovements contribute1.5% to the account’s 7.0% tot(US llar) return, calculatefollows:The mestic-currenreturn (R ) on a portfolio of multiple foreign assets isWhere RFC ,i is the foreign-currenreturn on the ith foreign asset, RFX ,i is the appreciation of the ith foreign currenagainst the mestic currency, anÉiis the weight of the asset a percentage of the aggregate mestic-currenvalue of the portfolio. This equation crearrangeasTherefore, the mestic-currenreturn is equto the sum of the weighteasset return, the weightecurrenreturn, anthe weightecross-proof the asset return anthe currenreturn. The latter two terms explain the effects of foreign-currenmovements on the Bhatt account’s tot(US llar) return of 7.0%.The weighteasset return is equto 5.5%, calculatefollows:(0.50 × 10.0%) + (0.25 × 5.0%) + [0.25 × (–3.0%)] = 5.5%.The weightecurrenreturn is equto 1.5% calculatefollows:(0.50 × 0.0%) + (0.25 × 2.0%) + (0.25 × 4.0%) = 1.5%.The weightecross-prois equto –0.005%, calculatefollows:[0.50 × (10.0% × 0.0%)] + [0.25 × (5.0% × 2.0%)] + [0.25 × (–3.0% × 4.0%)] = –0.005%.Therefore, the contribution of foreign currenequals 1.5%, calculatethe 7.0% tot(US llar) return less the 5.5% weighteasset return. Alternatively, the contribution of foreign currento the totreturn ccalculatethe sum of the weightecurrenreturn of 1.5% anthe weightecross-proof –0.005%:1.5% + (–0.005%) = 1.495%, whiroun to 1.5%.中文解析本题考察的是外汇投资中return的计算。表格中给到的currenreturn是对应单个资产的,而本题中是投资了三个外币资产,因此是一个资产组合,所以涉及到加权平均的过程。另外需要注意的是“the contribution of foreigncurrency”是包含了交叉项部分的return的。 0.25x0.02+0.25x0.04=0.015=1.5%那么如果是这样算出来的1.5%是错的吗?只是和答案凑巧是一样的数字?

2023-08-12 16:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001201 问题如下 Calculate the contribution of foreign currento the Bhatt account’s totreturn. Show your calculations. Currenmovements contribute1.5% to the account’s 7.0% tot(US llar) return, calculatefollows:The mestic-currenreturn (R ) on a portfolio of multiple foreign assets isWhere RFC ,i is the foreign-currenreturn on the ith foreign asset, RFX ,i is the appreciation of the ith foreign currenagainst the mestic currency, anÉiis the weight of the asset a percentage of the aggregate mestic-currenvalue of the portfolio. This equation crearrangeasTherefore, the mestic-currenreturn is equto the sum of the weighteasset return, the weightecurrenreturn, anthe weightecross-proof the asset return anthe currenreturn. The latter two terms explain the effects of foreign-currenmovements on the Bhatt account’s tot(US llar) return of 7.0%.The weighteasset return is equto 5.5%, calculatefollows:(0.50 × 10.0%) + (0.25 × 5.0%) + [0.25 × (–3.0%)] = 5.5%.The weightecurrenreturn is equto 1.5% calculatefollows:(0.50 × 0.0%) + (0.25 × 2.0%) + (0.25 × 4.0%) = 1.5%.The weightecross-prois equto –0.005%, calculatefollows:[0.50 × (10.0% × 0.0%)] + [0.25 × (5.0% × 2.0%)] + [0.25 × (–3.0% × 4.0%)] = –0.005%.Therefore, the contribution of foreign currenequals 1.5%, calculatethe 7.0% tot(US llar) return less the 5.5% weighteasset return. Alternatively, the contribution of foreign currento the totreturn ccalculatethe sum of the weightecurrenreturn of 1.5% anthe weightecross-proof –0.005%:1.5% + (–0.005%) = 1.495%, whiroun to 1.5%.中文解析本题考察的是外汇投资中return的计算。表格中给到的currenreturn是对应单个资产的,而本题中是投资了三个外币资产,因此是一个资产组合,所以涉及到加权平均的过程。另外需要注意的是“the contribution of foreigncurrency”是包含了交叉项部分的return的。 请问题目求the contribution of foreign currency为什么要把美元计算在内?美元在本题是mestic currency吧

2023-05-11 17:30 3 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001201问题如下 Calculate the contribution of foreign currento the Bhatt account’s totreturn. Show your calculations. Currenmovements contribute1.5% to the account’s 7.0% tot(US llar) return, calculatefollows:The mestic-currenreturn (R ) on a portfolio of multiple foreign assets isWhere RFC ,i is the foreign-currenreturn on the ith foreign asset, RFX ,i is the appreciation of the ith foreign currenagainst the mestic currency, anÉiis the weight of the asset a percentage of the aggregate mestic-currenvalue of the portfolio. This equation crearrangeasTherefore, the mestic-currenreturn is equto the sum of the weighteasset return, the weightecurrenreturn, anthe weightecross-proof the asset return anthe currenreturn. The latter two terms explain the effects of foreign-currenmovements on the Bhatt account’s tot(US llar) return of 7.0%.The weighteasset return is equto 5.5%, calculatefollows:(0.50 × 10.0%) + (0.25 × 5.0%) + [0.25 × (–3.0%)] = 5.5%.The weightecurrenreturn is equto 1.5% calculatefollows:(0.50 × 0.0%) + (0.25 × 2.0%) + (0.25 × 4.0%) = 1.5%.The weightecross-prois equto –0.005%, calculatefollows:[0.50 × (10.0% × 0.0%)] + [0.25 × (5.0% × 2.0%)] + [0.25 × (–3.0% × 4.0%)] = –0.005%.Therefore, the contribution of foreign currenequals 1.5%, calculatethe 7.0% tot(US llar) return less the 5.5% weighteasset return. Alternatively, the contribution of foreign currento the totreturn ccalculatethe sum of the weightecurrenreturn of 1.5% anthe weightecross-proof –0.005%:1.5% + (–0.005%) = 1.495%, whiroun to 1.5%.中文解析本题考察的是外汇投资中return的计算。表格中给到的currenreturn是对应单个资产的,而本题中是投资了三个外币资产,因此是一个资产组合,所以涉及到加权平均的过程。另外需要注意的是“the contribution of foreigncurrency”是包含了交叉项部分的return的。 foreign curren不应该是求FC吗

2022-12-05 21:28 3 · 回答