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jay1180 · 2023年01月11日




Which strategy would best mitigate or prevent endowment bias?



Actively seeking out information that challenges existing beliefs


When new information is presented, asking “How does this information change my forecast?”


Asking “Would you buy this security today at the current price?”


C is correct.

Endowment bias refers to people attributing additional, unwarranted value to things they possess versus things they do not. This bias is evident in FMPs that systematically and materially overvalue securities in their portfolio versus securities not in their portfolio. The question “Would you buy this security today at the current price?” turns the investor’s attention to assessing the reasonableness of the current price as a buy price rather than solely as a selling price.


1 个答案

pzqa27 · 2023年01月11日


A是用于客服confirmation bias的, 跟endoment bias 没关系


  • 1

  • 0

  • 536


NO.PZ2018101901000016 问题如下 Whistrategy woulbest mitigate or prevent enwment bias? A.Actively seeking out information thchallenges existing beliefs B.When new information is presente asking “How es this information change my forecast?” C.Asking “Woulyou buy this security toy the current price?” C is correct. Enwment birefers to people attributing aitional, unwarrantevalue to things they possess versus things they not. This biis evint in FMPs thsystematically anmaterially overvalue securities in their portfolio versus securities not in their portfolio. The question “Woulyou buy this security toy the current price?” turns the investor’s attention to assessing the reasonableness of the current pria buy prirather thsolely a selling price. enwment就是我会对我有的 增加一些value。A就是通过一些新的信息来挑战我的观点呀,B就是 有信息了,我要看一下 我是不是要调整一下预期,也就可以更理性的改变我的asset allocation了C就是 我再清醒的认识一下 这个值不值这么多钱。。感觉都能说通呢。我笔记里面记的enwment是需要proper asset allocation。。感觉三个都符合

2024-02-05 17:22 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2018101901000016 问题如下 Whistrategy woulbest mitigate or prevent enwment bias? A.Actively seeking out information thchallenges existing beliefs B.When new information is presente asking “How es this information change my forecast?” C.Asking “Woulyou buy this security toy the current price?” C is correct. Enwment birefers to people attributing aitional, unwarrantevalue to things they possess versus things they not. This biis evint in FMPs thsystematically anmaterially overvalue securities in their portfolio versus securities not in their portfolio. The question “Woulyou buy this security toy the current price?” turns the investor’s attention to assessing the reasonableness of the current pria buy prirather thsolely a selling price. 如题谢谢

2022-06-06 00:50 2 · 回答