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FrankSun · 2023年01月04日




Representative Bias (cognitive bias) is the bias that People estimate outcomes and classify new information based on their prior experience.

Ilusion of Control (cognitive bias) is the bias that People think that they may have certain control over but actually not.

Conservative Bias (cognitive bias) is the bias that People seek for what confirms their belief but reject what contradicts their belief.

Confirmation Bias (cognitive bias) is the bias that Peole maintain the views by inadequetely processing new information.

Hingsight Bias (cognitive bias) is the bias that People see the past outcome as eassily having been predictable.

Framing Bias (cognitive bias) is the bias that answer questiones based on the way it is asked.

Anchoring and Adjustment (cognitive bias) is the bias that People anchor a target by an initial default number.

Mental Accounting (cognitive bias) is the bias that People classify the sum of money differently into different mental accounts.

Availabilty Bias (cognitive bias) is the bias that People estimates the outcome based on how easily it comes to the mind.


Loss Aversion bias (emotional bias) is the bias that People tend to hold when loss but to sell when gain.

Overconfidence bias (emotional bias) is tha bias that People feel coverconfident when estimate the result.

Self-control bias (emotional bias) is the bias that People fail to act for the long term because of lack of self-discipline.

Status Quo Bias (emotional bias) is the bias that People tend to do nothing instead of making any changes.

Endowment Bias (emotional bias) is the bias that People value more the assets based on when they hold rights and endow them than when they do not.

Regret aversion Bias (emotional bias) is the bias that People are worried about the results in turns out of fears that the outcome is negative.

FrankSun · 2023年01月04日

另外就是关于representative bias, Conservative bias & confirmation bias这三个bias的英文定义老是记混,理解倒是理解的,但是好像就是表达起来定义很像,尤其是最后两个,可以帮个忙怎么办么?

1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2023年01月05日




第一个,同学可能手误了,关于 Conservatism bias 和 Confirmation bias 的定义,写反了

第二个,关于 Regret aversion bias,建议增加表述 "avoid making decisions",因为同学写的只是表达了担忧,但是没有写出最关键的结果,就是避免决策


2)另外就是关于representative bias, Conservative bias & confirmation bias这三个bias的英文定义老是记混,理解倒是理解的,但是好像就是表达起来定义很像,尤其是最后两个,可以帮个忙怎么办么?


第一组就是 Confirmation bias,确认偏差,这个偏差其实非常好理解

比如我觉得疫情三年,2023 年股市应该反弹大牛了,所以我去网上找资料信息,都会倾向于去找和我观点相同的信息,所有预测 2023 年股市仍然是熊市的观点,我都看不到

第二组就是 Representative bias 和 Conservatism bias


两个偏差,都涉及 base information 和 new information

Representativeness 是重视 new information, 轻视 base information, 结果是采纳观点或预测时,几乎完全基于新信息

"Adopt a view or a forecast based almost exclusively on new information or a small sample."

Conservatism bias 是重视 base information,轻视 new information,保持或缓慢地更新一个观点或预测,即使有新的信息出现。

"Maintain or be slow to update a view or a forecast, even when presented with new information."

历年真题中,有两道题考查过: [2018-4-B](1.4) , [2017-5-A](1.2)

格式说明: [真题](经典题) 。例: [2018-4-B](1.4) ,即真题 2018 年第 4 题的 B 问,经典题 R1 的 1.4 题

建议同学先把这两道题做一下,解题思路可以听一下经典题老师的讲解,感觉一下协会对 representativeness 的考查



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