Current portfolio of an University Endowment Fund (the fund) is invested primarily in public equities, with the rest is invested in fixed income. The fund’s investment objective is to support an annual expenditure rate of 6% and maintain the purchasing power of the asset base within a 10-year time horizon. The fund also hopes to invest in assets that provide the highest degree of diversification to withstand the risks of its dominant stocks. The fund's portfolio manager will consider the potential alternative investment options that best fit the fund's diversification strategy..
Which asset class would best satisfy the Fund’s diversification strategy?
A.Private equity
Private real estate
Absolute return hedge fund
C is correct.
C是正确的。 与私募股权或私人房地产相比,An absolute return hedge fund在分散基金主要公共股权风险方面具有更大的潜力。 绝对回报对冲基金的股票贝塔系数通常低于私募股权或私人房地产的贝塔系数。 此外,An absolute return hedge fund在分散公开股票方面往往表现出很高的潜力,而股票多头/空头对冲基金则表现出适度的潜力来发挥这一作用。
A 是不正确的,因为尽管私募股权相对于公共股权提供适度的多元化,但An absolute return hedge fund有更大的潜力这样做。 私募股权的主要优势是资本增长。
B 是不正确的,因为私人房地产仅提供相对于公共股票的适度多元化,而An absolute return hedge fund有更大的潜力这样做。 私人房地产的主要优势是创收。
由于私人房地产和二级市场上的上市公司一样会受到一些宏观因素的影响(例如利率),所以只是部分的分散化的效果,但是分散化更好的主要还是Absolute return hedge fund,其β对冲掉了,基本只剩α的影响了,所以不受宏观因素的影响,使得其分散化更好。
这个absolute return咋理解?除了答案贴的那个M H的表格,基础/强化是不是就没讲这件事?(虽然我选对了 但是走的排除法路子 想问下C这玩意儿是个啥哈