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皓月 · 2022年11月21日


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Atlantic Preserves Case Scenario

Jim Loris is the Food and Beverage analyst at Eastern Trust & Investments. Jeremy Paul is an intern under Loris’s supervision. Loris is planning on reviewing the financial statements of Atlantic Preserves, Inc., in the next few days. The company has recently signed a new collective agreement with its workers, and Loris is interested in seeing how the company’s employment costs have been affected. The company prepares its financial statements in accordance with US GAAP, and the new collective agreement became effective 1 January 2018.

Paul extracts portions of the new collective agreement related to the pension plan and mentions to Loris that there have been two changes related to the plan:

  • The benefit formula has been changed to 1.75% × Final year’s salary × Number of years of service under the plan. Previously, the same formula was used, but with a factor of 1.65%.

  • The vesting period has been changed from four years to three years.

Paul makes the following two comments about these changes to the pension plan:

  1. The new formula will have a big impact on income because the past service costs that arise will be expensed immediately.

  2. The change to a shorter vesting period will give rise to an actuarial gain.

Loris responds: “The past service costs that arise will be reported in other comprehensive income and amortized on the profit and loss statement over the average service lives of the employees.”

Loris provides Paul with the information in Exhibit 1 about John Smith, an employee who has just started working for Atlantic, and other information taken from the company’s pension plan disclosures. Loris asks Paul to calculate the pension liability arising from Smith.

Exhibit 1

Assumptions Relating to the Liability Arising from John Smith’s Pension

Following his calculation of the pension plan liability, Paul asks Loris two questions about the discount rate that is used:

  1. Exhibit 1 does not mention how you determined the discount rate that was used. What rate is the most appropriate rate to use?

  2. What would be the effect of using a higher discount rate on various components of the company’s pension plan obligation?

Loris answers Paul’s questions and then provides him with selected information from Note F of the 2017 Annual Report of Atlantic Preserves, shown in Exhibit 2. He mentions to Paul that he is aware that the company’s actual return on pension plan assets exceeds its expected return, and asks him to use the information in Exhibit 2 to calculate the periodic pension cost included in Atlantic’s 2017 income statment.

Exhibit 2

Selected Information from Note F of Atlantic’s 2017 Annual Financial Statements ($ thousands)

Finally, Loris tells Paul that he intends to adjust Atlantic’s operating income so that it excludes the non-operating components of the reported pension expense. Paul asks what portion of Atlantic’s reported pension expense should be considered as an operating expense.

The amount of Atlantic Preserve’s 2017 periodic pension cost reported in net income (in $ thousands) is closest to:


A.1,995.00 B.976 C.2,267.00



C is correct. Under US GAAP, the periodic pension cost is calculated as follows:

A is incorrect. It ignores the amortization of past service costs: 1,151 + 5,441 – 4,597 = 1,995 (or 2,267 – 272).

B is incorrect. It deducts actual ROA not expected: 1,151 + 5,441 – 5,888 + 272 = 976.


3 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2022年11月22日


1.(5888-4597)这一项是actual return-expected return.我们看表格里面,这一项是放在OCI,只有它的摊销会放在I/S里面。

2.在美国通用会计准则下,对广义精算利得和损失的摊销适用缓冲区法(corridor approach),只有当一定条件被满足时才进行摊销:当广义精算利得和损失的期初金额太高,比如超过计划资产公允价值期初数和预计给付义务期初数两项中的较高者的10%时,企业应将超过部分按照所涉及职工的平均剩余服务期限进行摊销;反之,则无须对广义精算利得和损失进行摊销。当满足缓冲区法的条件时,企业也可以使用更快速的方法对精算利得和损失进行摊销,需要注意的是,一旦企业选择使用更快速的摊销方法就不得随意进行更改。



袁园_品职助教 · 2022年11月21日


这种题目是常规考法,就是求Periodic pension cost,就是期间的 pension cost。

拿到题目找两个关键的条件,1.是GAAP还是IFRS;2.是问在I/S里面的 pension cost,还是在OCI的 pension cost。

这道题,是GAAP,然后是问在I/S里面的pension cost. 然后找到这张表,把画框的加起来.

你把这张表先记下来,再把之前错的题目找出来,对照的做做,这种题型就是排列组合四个,1.求GAAP下 I/S里的PPC是多少;2.求GAAP下OCI里的PPC是多少;3.求IFRS下 I/S里的PPC是多少;4.求IFRS下OCI里的PPC是多少.


董大慧 · 2022年11月21日


首先在gaap下 csc,net int exp 计入损益表 ,其中int income用expected return计算

acturail G/L 先判断 ,超过corridor的部分进损益表,

psc 先进入oci ,摊销的部分进损益表

  • 3

  • 0

  • 388
