开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


小乔 · 2022年11月19日




Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitable foundation based in the United States. Although the foundation has significant exposure to alternative investments and hedge funds, Stein proposes to increase the foundation’s exposure to relative value hedge fund strategies. As part of Stein’s due diligence on a hedge fund engaging in convertible bond arbitrage, Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize different risks associated with the strategy.

Describe how Time decay of call option can create concerns for Stein’s proposed hedge fund strategy.



The convertible bond arbitrage strategy can lose money due to time decay of the convertible bond’s embedded call option during periods of reduced realized equity volatility and/or due to a general compression of market implied volatility levels.



这个问题 可能和考试无关,就想聊聊 考试内容和国内实际的区别?


也就是说 国内的可转债 ,有点像 【convertabel bond 和 callable bond的结合】对吗?

内嵌了 long call option 并且 又有个 short call option

问题2.考试中, convertable bond 相当于内嵌了long call option in stock 属于type 几类风险呢?

callable bond 相当于内嵌了 short call option in bond 属于tpye 2 类风险。

这两个bond 是不同的两个品种对吗?

问题3.国内现实中的对冲策略CTA 策略, 就是这里的 specialist strategy 的 managed futures 吗?

问题4.国内现实中的什么对冲策略 ,是这里说 的 dedicated short selling and short biasd 策略呢?

2 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2022年11月19日



也就是说 国内的可转债 ,有点像 【convertabel bond 和 callable bond的结合】对吗?——嗯

内嵌了 long call option 并且 又有个 short call option

问题2.考试中, convertable bond 相当于内嵌了long call option in stock 属于type 几类风险呢?——我觉得和这个无关吧,

callable bond 相当于内嵌了 short call option in bond 属于tpye 2 类风险。

这两个bond 是不同的两个品种对吗?

问题3.国内现实中的对冲策略CTA 策略, 就是这里的 specialist strategy 的 managed futures 吗?——对的

问题4.国内现实中的什么对冲策略 ,是这里说 的 dedicated short selling and short biasd 策略呢?——不是, dedicated short selling and short biasd 策略这个是指偏向做空策略,对冲是指买入股票时,在期货市场上做空期货来实现风险对冲,这样也不会赚,可能是为了赚差价或者分红


伯恩_品职助教 · 2022年11月20日


所以 ,convertiable bond 和 callable bond 是两个独立不同的品种吗?——也不是,CB可以赎回的,关键是有没有加入这个条款,有的有,有的没有,具体看发行人的发行条款


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NO.PZ2019122802000015 问题如下 Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitable fountion basein the UniteStates. Although the fountion hsignificant exposure to alternative investments anhee fun, Stein proposes to increase the fountion’s exposure to relative value hee funstrategies. part of Stein’s e ligenon a hee funengaging in convertible bonarbitrage, Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize fferent risks associatewith the strategy.scrihow Time cof call option ccreate concerns for Stein’s proposehee funstrategy. The convertible bonarbitrage strategy close money e to time cof the convertible bons embeecall option ring perio of recerealizeequity volatility anor e to a genercompression of market implievolatility levels.由于可转换债券的嵌入式看涨期权在已实现股票波动率降低期间的时间衰减和/或由于市场隐含波动率水平的普遍压缩,可转换债券套利策略可能会亏损。大概的意思是说可转债中内嵌的call随着时间的流逝,call的价值会逐渐降低,所以如果市场波动一直是不温不火甚至是波动下降的话,等到call到期,这个策略就失败了。 随着时间流逝convertible bon值不断降低, 而老师上课也说convertible bonarbitrage最后不会执行转股, 那这整个头寸最后怎么获利了结哪?又是在什么时间点?是到期前,整个头寸反向平仓吗?

2023-12-17 07:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019122802000015 问题如下 Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitable fountion basein the UniteStates. Although the fountion hsignificant exposure to alternative investments anhee fun, Stein proposes to increase the fountion’s exposure to relative value hee funstrategies. part of Stein’s e ligenon a hee funengaging in convertible bonarbitrage, Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize fferent risks associatewith the strategy.scrihow Time cof call option ccreate concerns for Stein’s proposehee funstrategy. The convertible bonarbitrage strategy close money e to time cof the convertible bons embeecall option ring perio of recerealizeequity volatility anor e to a genercompression of market implievolatility levels.由于可转换债券的嵌入式看涨期权在已实现股票波动率降低期间的时间衰减和/或由于市场隐含波动率水平的普遍压缩,可转换债券套利策略可能会亏损。大概的意思是说可转债中内嵌的call随着时间的流逝,call的价值会逐渐降低,所以如果市场波动一直是不温不火甚至是波动下降的话,等到call到期,这个策略就失败了。 time cof call option increases, the call option value on the boncreases, the enthe option value part wn to zero, anthe funstrategy might lose value.

2023-07-29 22:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019122802000015 问题如下 Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitable fountion basein the UniteStates. Although the fountion hsignificant exposure to alternative investments anhee fun, Stein proposes to increase the fountion’s exposure to relative value hee funstrategies. part of Stein’s e ligenon a hee funengaging in convertible bonarbitrage, Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize fferent risks associatewith the strategy.scrihow Time cof call option ccreate concerns for Stein’s proposehee funstrategy. The convertible bonarbitrage strategy close money e to time cof the convertible bons embeecall option ring perio of recerealizeequity volatility anor e to a genercompression of market implievolatility levels.由于可转换债券的嵌入式看涨期权在已实现股票波动率降低期间的时间衰减和/或由于市场隐含波动率水平的普遍压缩,可转换债券套利策略可能会亏损。大概的意思是说可转债中内嵌的call随着时间的流逝,call的价值会逐渐降低,所以如果市场波动一直是不温不火甚至是波动下降的话,等到call到期,这个策略就失败了。 如题老师你好请问可转债内嵌的call一般来说tenor是多久?

2023-06-27 08:48 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019122802000015 问题如下 Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitable fountion basein the UniteStates. Although the fountion hsignificant exposure to alternative investments anhee fun, Stein proposes to increase the fountion’s exposure to relative value hee funstrategies. part of Stein’s e ligenon a hee funengaging in convertible bonarbitrage, Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize fferent risks associatewith the strategy.scrihow Time cof call option ccreate concerns for Stein’s proposehee funstrategy. The convertible bonarbitrage strategy close money e to time cof the convertible bons embeecall option ring perio of recerealizeequity volatility anor e to a genercompression of market implievolatility levels.由于可转换债券的嵌入式看涨期权在已实现股票波动率降低期间的时间衰减和/或由于市场隐含波动率水平的普遍压缩,可转换债券套利策略可能会亏损。大概的意思是说可转债中内嵌的call随着时间的流逝,call的价值会逐渐降低,所以如果市场波动一直是不温不火甚至是波动下降的话,等到call到期,这个策略就失败了。 Time cof call option for onvertible bonarbitrage strategylong convertible bonis similto long pure bonanlong call option on unrlying stock.if the stopriincrease, the convertible bonholr must convert the bonto stoaccorng conversion ratio.the value of call option creases with the time cay.

2023-05-14 09:23 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019122802000015 1.可转债策略不就是在morate volatility下才合适吗?为什么说市场不温不火就会亏钱呢 2.可转债策略一般不是不行权的吗,为什么说到期会亏?

2023-01-13 18:08 1 · 回答