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gracesunh · 2018年04月17日

问一道题:NO.PZ201604030300004603 第3小题 [ CFA III ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干

可以解释下里面那个net basis之类的嘛?还有个人和机构投资者有什么不同呀?







1 个答案

Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2018年04月22日

net basis指的是价差,这里Omega买入时股票价格为25,以25.01的价格卖出,net basis 为0.01。个人与机构投资者的区别在题干最开始的表格内,机构投资者交易可以有价差(may be traded on an net basis),个人投资者不能加价差(the same execution price without mark-up, mark-down, commissions, or fees).

Sure · 2020年04月18日


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NO.PZ201604030300004603问题如下 3. With regarto Chen’s tras in Xyo, the institutionanretail tras both comply with CFA Institute Stanr?A.Only the retail tras comply.B.Only the institutiontras comply.C.Neither the retail nor the institutiontras comply.B is correct.Only the institutiontras comply with CFA Institute Stanr. All the tras were processeon a net basis. Because the firm sclosethinstitutionorrs mexecuteon a net basis, the institutiontras not result in a violation. The firm scloseto clients thin riskless principtras, retail clients will receive the same execution priwithout mark-up. Executing the retail orrs on a net basis with a $.01 mark-up resultein a violation of Stanr I(anIII(relating to misrepresentation anfair aling.系统选择的最佳价格,价格也显示给客户确认,为啥都违反了?

2022-12-21 10:07 1 · 回答

Only the institutiontras comply. Neither the retail nor the institutiontras comply. B is correct. Only the institutiontras comply with CFA Institute Stanr. All the tras were processeon a net basis. Because the firm sclosethinstitutionorrs mexecuteon a net basis, the institutiontras not result in a violation. The firm scloseto clients thin riskless principtras, retail clients will receive the same execution priwithout mark-up. Executing the retail orrs on a net basis with a $.01 mark-up resultein a violation of Stanr I(anIII(relating to misrepresentation anfair aling.老师您好,这个case的6个题,我就做对了第一题,请问哪里有视频详细讲解(我找了一下当前app里放出来的课程,没找到)?如果没有视频讲解,请把3-6题的关键要点都一下呗,谢谢。

2020-10-14 00:54 1 · 回答