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Arnie · 2022年11月01日

buy and hold 还有rolldown return?

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The rolldown returns over the 1-year investment horizon for the Buy-and-Hold and Yield Curve Rolldown portfolios are closest to:



1.00% for the Buy-and-Hold portfolio and 3.01% for the Yield Curve Rolldown portfolio, respectively.


0.991% for the Buy-and-Hold portfolio and 3.01% for the Yield Curve Rolldown portfolio, respectively.


0.991% for the Buy-and-Hold portfolio and 2.09% for the Yield Curve Rolldown portfolio, respectively.


A is correct.

Since both strategies use zero-coupon bonds, the rolldown return is calculated from expected bond price changes from “rolling down” the THB yield curve, which is assumed to be static.

  • Buy and Hold: 1.00% = (100.00 - 99.009)/99.009
  • Yield Curve Rolldown: 3.01% = (99.009 - 96.1169)/96.1169

表格中buy and hold 直接持有至到期刚好一年ytm=1%, 为啥题目让计算buy and hold 的rolldown return 没明白

2 个答案

pzqa015 · 2022年11月02日


这道题的表述不是很准确,应该让计算的是两个return,而不是rolldown return。rolldown return是指收益率曲线不变,期初期末用不同折现率折现带来的price return。

而题目的两个价格100.00和 99.009仅仅是随着时间的变化,债券价格趋向于面值,它是会计记账成本的变化,并不是rolldown return。


pzqa015 · 2022年11月01日




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NO.PZ202112010200000801 问题如下 The rollwn returns overthe 1-yeinvestment horizon for the Buy-anHolanYielCurve Rollwnportfolios are closest to: A.1.00% for the Buy-anHolortfolio an3.01% for the YielCurve Rollwn portfolio, respectively. B.0.991% for the Buy-anHolportfolio an3.01% for the YielCurve Rollwn portfolio, respectively. C.0.991% for the Buy-anHolportfolio an2.09% for the YielCurve Rollwn portfolio, respectively. A is correct.Sinboth strategiesuse zero-coupon bon, the rollwn return iscalculatefrom expectebonprichanges from “rolling wn” the THByielcurve, whiisassumeto static.Buy anHol 1.00% = (100.00 - 99.009)/99.009YielCurve Rollwn: 3.01% = (99.009 - 96.1169)/96.1169 老师能讲一下BUY anhol的roll wn return吗?没理解啥意思 ,能详细讲解一下 buy anhole 计算吗

2024-01-18 19:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200000801问题如下 The rollwn returns overthe 1-yeinvestment horizon for the Buy-anHolanYielCurve Rollwnportfolios are closest to: A.1.00% for the Buy-anHolortfolio an3.01% for the YielCurve Rollwn portfolio, respectively.B.0.991% for the Buy-anHolportfolio an3.01% for the YielCurve Rollwn portfolio, respectively.C.0.991% for the Buy-anHolportfolio an2.09% for the YielCurve Rollwn portfolio, respectively. A is correct.Sinboth strategiesuse zero-coupon bon, the rollwn return iscalculatefrom expectebonprichanges from “rolling wn” the THByielcurve, whiisassumeto static.Buy anHol 1.00% = (100.00 - 99.009)/99.009YielCurve Rollwn: 3.01% = (99.009 - 96.1169)/96.1169 我明白应该用spot rate而不是YTM, 但spot rate是怎么算出来的?

2023-06-07 09:44 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200000801 问题如下 The rollwn returns overthe 1-yeinvestment horizon for the Buy-anHolanYielCurve Rollwnportfolios are closest to: A.1.00% for the Buy-anHolortfolio an3.01% for the YielCurve Rollwn portfolio, respectively. B.0.991% for the Buy-anHolportfolio an3.01% for the YielCurve Rollwn portfolio, respectively. C.0.991% for the Buy-anHolportfolio an2.09% for the YielCurve Rollwn portfolio, respectively. A is correct.Sinboth strategiesuse zero-coupon bon, the rollwn return iscalculatefrom expectebonprichanges from “rolling wn” the THByielcurve, whiisassumeto static.Buy anHol 1.00% = (100.00 - 99.009)/99.009YielCurve Rollwn: 3.01% = (99.009 - 96.1169)/96.1169 2年期债券YTM=2%。 那么PB=100/((1+2%)^2) = 96 . 过了1年以后,PE=100/(1+2%)=98. 我理解PE/PB-1=2%为什么答案里面的PE是用100除以1.01作为期末债券价格呢?

2022-08-23 16:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200000801问题如下 The rollwn returns overthe 1-yeinvestment horizon for the Buy-anHolanYielCurve Rollwnportfolios are closest to: A.1.00% for the Buy-anHolortfolio an3.01% for the YielCurve Rollwn portfolio, respectively. B.0.991% for the Buy-anHolportfolio an3.01% for the YielCurve Rollwn portfolio, respectively. C.0.991% for the Buy-anHolportfolio an2.09% for the YielCurve Rollwn portfolio, respectively. A is correct.Sinboth strategiesuse zero-coupon bon, the rollwn return iscalculatefrom expectebonprichanges from “rolling wn” the THByielcurve, whiisassumeto static.Buy anHol 1.00% = (100.00 - 99.009)/99.009YielCurve Rollwn: 3.01% = (99.009 - 96.1169)/96.1169 看到解析答案中提到“Sinboth strategies use zero-coupon bon, the rollwn return is calculatefrom expectebonprichanges from “rolling wn” the THB yielcurve”为什么要强调zero-coupon bon? 难道付息债券的rollwn return之计算方法就会不同?

2022-04-17 22:10 1 · 回答