The second project for Serena is to help Trey immunize a $20 million portfolio of liabilities. The liabilities range from 3.00 years to 8.50 years with a Macaulay duration of 5.34 years, cash flow yield of 3.25%, portfolio convexity of 33.05, and basis point value (BPV) of $10,505. Serena suggested employing a duration-matching strategy using one of the three AAA rated bond portfolios presented in Exhibit 2.
Which portfolio in Exhibit 2 fails to meet the requirements to achieve immunization for multiple liabilities?
A.Portfolio A
B.Portfolio B
C.Portfolio C
Correct Answer: A
A is correct. The two requirements to achieve immunization for multiple liabilities are for the money duration (or BPV) of the asset and liability to match and for the asset convexity to exceed the convexity of the liability. Although all three portfolios have similar BPVs, Portfolio A is the only portfolio to have a lower convexity than that of the liability portfolio (31.98, versus 33.05 for the $20 million liability portfolio), and thus, it fails to meet one of the two requirements needed for immunization.
老师您好,到目前为止,我看到的题里面,BPV 相近的,按照出题者思路,都是算作相等。依照何老师在讲述duration matching的例题中,判断portfolio是否合适,固然使用了三个条件来判断,但听得出是有已重要程度来判断:BPV最重要,convexity大小次之,因为先通过BPV排除了一个portfolio,然后再根据convexity来筛出合适的portfolio。那在这题中,根据BPV判断,portfolio A 的BPV差距最大,明显可以初步判断A不行。但是答案居然给出的方向是convexity的原因(虽然的确是不符合条件3)。