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庄园monar · 2022年10月04日

B和present value model的区别是什么?



Jack,an analyst of a PE, is trying to calculate the intrinsic value of a stock. He collected the following data about the firm: EBITDA, total market value, and the market value of cash and short-term investments, debt and preferred shares. This analyst is least likely using an:



an asset-based valuation model.


The discounted cash flow model.


a multiplier model.


B is correct.

To use a discounted cash flow model, an analyst will need dividend data or FCFE . In addition, analysts need data to calculate the appropriate discount rate.

考点:Asset-based Valuation


B和present value model的区别是什么?

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2022年10月04日


同学你好,请看以下原版书截图,黄色部分——这里的意思是present value model和discounted cash flow model是一组同义词,两者是一样的,没有区别


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NO.PZ2018062002000157 问题如下 Jack,analyst of a PE, is trying to calculate the intrinsic value of a stock. He collectethe following ta about the firm: EBIT, totmarket value, anthe market value of cash anshort-term investments, anpreferreshares. This analyst is least likely using an: A.asset-basevaluation mol. B.The scountecash flow mol. C.a multiplier mol. B is correct.To use a scountecash flow mol, analyst will neevinta or FCFE . In aition, analysts neeta to calculate the appropriate scount rate.考点Asset-baseValuation这道题问的是根据题目条件,最不可能用哪个模型估值。因为要用折现模型那么就需要有红利或自由现金流以及折现率,但是题目都没给,所以不能用折现模型。 如题

2022-10-18 04:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062002000157 问题如下 Jack,analyst of a PE, is trying to calculate the intrinsic value of a stock. He collectethe following ta about the firm: EBIT, totmarket value, anthe market value of cash anshort-term investments, anpreferreshares. This analyst is least likely using an: A.asset-basevaluation mol. B.The scountecash flow mol. C.a multiplier mol. B is correct.To use a scountecash flow mol, analyst will neevinta or FCFE . In aition, analysts neeta to calculate the appropriate scount rate.考点Asset-baseValuation这道题问的是根据题目条件,最不可能用哪个模型估值。因为要用折现模型那么就需要有红利或自由现金流以及折现率,但是题目都没给,所以不能用折现模型。 如题,谢谢老师!

2022-10-05 20:28 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062002000157问题如下Jack,analyst of a PE, is trying to calculate the intrinsic value of a stock. He collectethe following ta about the firm: EBIT, totmarket value, anthe market value of cash anshort-term investments, anpreferreshares. This analyst is least likely using an:A.asset-basevaluation mol.B.The scountecash flow mol.C.a multiplier mol. B is correct.To use a scountecash flow mol, analyst will neevinta or FCFE . In aition, analysts neeta to calculate the appropriate scount rate.考点Asset-baseValuation这道题问的是根据题目条件,最不可能用哪个模型估值。因为要用折现模型那么就需要有红利或自由现金流以及折现率,但是题目都没给,所以不能用折现模型。 请一下C答案,不明白

2022-10-02 07:20 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062002000157 EV如何从题中获得?是totmarket value吗?公司价值(EV)就是总市值吗?

2022-03-07 22:51 2 · 回答