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苏苏1124 · 2022年09月21日

请问C选项不是不能超过Carrying Value吗?



Under the revaluation model for property, plant, and equipment and the fair model for investment property:



fair value of the asset must be able to be measured reliably.


net income is affected by all changes in the fair value of the asset.


net income is never affected if the asset increases in value from its carrying amount.


A is correct.

Under both the revaluation model for property, plant, and equipment and the fair model for investment property, the asset’s fair value must be able to be measured reliably. Under the fair value model, net income is affected by all changes in the asset’s fair value. Under the revaluation model, any increase in an asset’s value to the extent that it reverses a previous revaluation decrease will be recognized on the income statement and increase net income.


2 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2022年09月23日




王园圆_品职助教 · 2022年09月22日


同学你好,题目问的是用revaluation model和fair model两种方法对PP&E记录carrying value时候的异同点

在fair model下,PP&E的fair value无论是上升还是下降,都是要计入I/S表并最终影响Net Income的;而revaluation model下,如果资产出现carrying value的下降,需要计入NI,资产carrying value的上升计入OCI。

但是C选项说,在两种方法下,资产fair value的上升都不会影响NI,显然和红色部分相违背,所以C错。

以下是讲义中关于fair model 该知识点的截图(黄色画线部分)

至于同学你说的不能超过carrying value ,是在revaluation model下出现了资产的价值先下降,再上升的情况时,才有要求,恢复的价值不能超过最开始的carrying value。和C选项没什么关系呢~


苏苏1124 · 2022年09月23日


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NO.PZ2017102901000061 问题如下 Unr the revaluation mol for property, plant, anequipment anthe fair mol for investment property: A.fair value of the asset must able to measurereliably. B.net income is affecteall changes in the fair value of the asset. C.net income is never affecteif the asset increases in value from its carrying amount. A is correct.Unr both the revaluation mol for property, plant, anequipment anthe fair mol for investment property, the asset’s fair value must able to measurereliably. Unr the fair value mol, net income is affecteall changes in the asset’s fair value. Unr the revaluation mol, any increase in asset’s value to the extent thit reverses a previous revaluation crease will recognizeon the income statement anincrease net income. Bfair mal 所有的change都反应在 损益表,不是对的吗?为啥解析的知识点我是懂得,但是做不对呢?麻烦把整个题目和都翻译一下。

2023-09-22 15:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000061 问题如下 Unr the revaluation mol for property, plant, anequipment anthe fair mol for investment property: A.fair value of the asset must able to measurereliably. B.net income is affecteall changes in the fair value of the asset. C.net income is never affecteif the asset increases in value from its carrying amount. A is correct.Unr both the revaluation mol for property, plant, anequipment anthe fair mol for investment property, the asset’s fair value must able to measurereliably. Unr the fair value mol, net income is affecteall changes in the asset’s fair value. Unr the revaluation mol, any increase in asset’s value to the extent thit reverses a previous revaluation crease will recognizeon the income statement anincrease net income. 老师好,我看到您别的回答“同学只需要知道fair value 下,资产价值的涨跌都是进入NI的,而revaluation mol下,只有不超过资产初始的购买价值(而不是carrying value)的涨涨跌跌是计入NI,超过部分是计入OCI的”可是revaluation mol里面是涨记oci,跌记入ni吗

2023-08-19 15:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000061问题如下 Unr the revaluation mol for property, plant, anequipment anthe fair mol for investment property:A.fair value of the asset must able to measurereliably.B.net income is affecteall changes in the fair value of the asset.C.net income is never affecteif the asset increases in value from its carrying amount.A is correct.Unr both the revaluation mol for property, plant, anequipment anthe fair mol for investment property, the asset’s fair value must able to measurereliably. Unr the fair value mol, net income is affecteall changes in the asset’s fair value. Unr the revaluation mol, any increase in asset’s value to the extent thit reverses a previous revaluation crease will recognizeon the income statement anincrease net income.unr revaluation mol,固定资产评估增值不是放在资产负债表的OCI科目吗?为啥说是放在income statement?是不是错了?

2023-08-09 16:34 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000061 问题如下 Unr the revaluation mol for property, plant, anequipment anthe fair mol for investment property: A.fair value of the asset must able to measurereliably. B.net income is affecteall changes in the fair value of the asset. C.net income is never affecteif the asset increases in value from its carrying amount. A is correct.Unr both the revaluation mol for property, plant, anequipment anthe fair mol for investment property, the asset’s fair value must able to measurereliably. Unr the fair value mol, net income is affecteall changes in the asset’s fair value. Unr the revaluation mol, any increase in asset’s value to the extent thit reverses a previous revaluation crease will recognizeon the income statement anincrease net income. 三个想要表达的考点各是什么?

2023-04-09 05:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000061 问题如下 Unr the revaluation mol for property, plant, anequipment anthe fair mol for investment property: A.fair value of the asset must able to measurereliably. B.net income is affecteall changes in the fair value of the asset. C.net income is never affecteif the asset increases in value from its carrying amount. A is correct.Unr both the revaluation mol for property, plant, anequipment anthe fair mol for investment property, the asset’s fair value must able to measurereliably. Unr the fair value mol, net income is affecteall changes in the asset’s fair value. Unr the revaluation mol, any increase in asset’s value to the extent thit reverses a previous revaluation crease will recognizeon the income statement anincrease net income. 在讲义的哪里?和revaluation mol有什么区别?

2023-02-02 17:15 1 · 回答