Young decides to accept the retirement offer. Having very low liquidity needs, she wants to save part of the retirement payout for unforeseen costs that might occur more than a decade in the future. The broker’s view on long term stock market prospects is positive and recommends additional equity investment.
Determine which of Young’s accounts (education, retirement, reallocated money market, or unexpected needs) is best suited for implementing the broker’s recommendation.
我对这道题的考点理解,没有错的话,其实是考goal-based中第二步select sub-portfolio. 但我看到young 想用retirement payment的一部分钱来fund unexpected payment, 但是是长期以后才发生的payment( in a decade),然后题目又说broker 建议投长期股票。因为我看到long-term, 潜意识就会想到growth,就会觉得unexpected account 投股票也可以。现在看来这个条件是不是干扰项(但我看到young 想用retirement payment的一部分钱来fund unexpected payment, 但是是长期以后才发生的payment( in a decade))?因为其实题目中的unexpected account本来就是urgent的,high liquidity needs的?