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Kellyselected · 2022年08月31日


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Is Cécile correct with respect to key features of liability-based mandates?





No, only Feature 1 is correct.


No, only Feature 2 is correct.


A is correct. Liability-based mandates are investments that take an investor’s future obligations into consideration. Liability-based mandates are managed to match expected liability payments with future projected cash inflows. These types of mandates are structured in a way to ensure that a liability or a stream of liabilities can be covered and that any risk of shortfalls or deficient cash inflows for a company is minimized.

没看明白feature 2哪里有提是principal还是liqudation price?
1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2022年09月01日



第一个截图的feature 2是cash flows come from coupons and liquidating bond portfolio positions。

CF matching的现金礼来自于到期的par,而不是liquidating bond portfolio positions,所以feature2是错误的。


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NO.PZ201812020100000105 问题如下 Is Cécile correctwith respeto key features of liability-basemantes? Yes. No, only Feature 1 is correct. No, only Feature 2 is correct. Ais correct. Liability-basemantes are investments thtake investor’s futureobligations into consiration. Liability-basemantes are manageto matchexpecteliability payments with future projectecash inflows. These types ofmantes are structurein a wto ensure tha liability or a streofliabilities ccovereanthany risk of shortfalls or ficient cashinflows for a company is minimize 本题是针对cash flow matching 问的还是针对上一级概念 liability-iven mante来问的?对于两个feature 有原版书对应的原文吗?

2024-07-02 23:23 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000105问题如下 Is Cécile correctwith respeto key features of liability-basemantes? Yes. No, only Feature 1 is correct. No, only Feature 2 is correct. Ais correct. Liability-basemantes are investments thtake investor’s futureobligations into consiration. Liability-basemantes are manageto matchexpecteliability payments with future projectecash inflows. These types ofmantes are structurein a wto ensure tha liability or a streofliabilities ccovereanthany risk of shortfalls or ficient cashinflows for a company is minimize 没说明是cash flow matching?

2023-07-15 23:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000105 问题如下 Is Cécile correctwith respeto key features of liability-basemantes? Yes. No, only Feature 1 is correct. No, only Feature 2 is correct. Ais correct. Liability-basemantes are investments thtake investor’s futureobligations into consiration. Liability-basemantes are manageto matchexpecteliability payments with future projectecash inflows. These types ofmantes are structurein a wto ensure tha liability or a streofliabilities ccovereanthany risk of shortfalls or ficient cashinflows for a company is minimize minimize cash flow ficient risk不是match才有的特点吗,但这道题只说是liability base approach

2023-02-08 14:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000105问题如下 Is Cécile correctwith respeto key features of liability-basemantes? Yes. No, only Feature 1 is correct. No, only Feature 2 is correct. Ais correct. Liability-basemantes are investments thtake investor’s futureobligations into consiration. Liability-basemantes are manageto matchexpecteliability payments with future projectecash inflows. These types ofmantes are structurein a wto ensure tha liability or a streofliabilities ccovereanthany risk of shortfalls or ficient cashinflows for a company is minimize 前面都懂,唯独不理解答案的这句话any risk of shortfalls or ficient cash inflows for a company is minimize怎么会扯到cash inflow呢?能否告知这个知识点在基础版讲义中的什么地方?

2022-04-08 14:30 1 · 回答