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Sissiwonglx · 2022年08月03日


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Brian Jordan is interviewing for a junior equity analyst position at Orion Investment Advisors. As part of the interview process, Mary Benn, Orion’s Director of Research, provides Jordan with information about two hypothetical companies, Alpha and Beta, and asks him to comment on the information on their financial statements and ratios. Both companies prepare their financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and are identical in all respects except for their accounting choices.

Jordan is told that at the beginning of the current fiscal year, both companies purchased a major new computer system and began building new manufacturing plants for their own use. Alpha capitalised and Beta expensed the cost of the computer system; Alpha capitalised and Beta expensed the interest costs associated with the construction of the manufacturing plants.

Benn asks Jordan, “What was the impact of these decisions on each company’s current fiscal year financial statements and ratios?”

Jordan responds, “Alpha’s decision to capitalise the cost of its new computer system instead of expensing it results in lower net income, lower total assets, and higher cash flow from operating activities in the current fiscal year. Alpha’s decision to capitalise its interest costs instead of expensing them results in a lower fixed asset turnover ratio and a higher interest coverage ratio.”

Jordan is told that Alpha uses the straight- line depreciation method and Beta uses an accelerated depreciation method; both companies estimate the same useful lives for long- lived assets. Many companies in their industry use the units- of- production method.

Benn asks Jordan, “What are the financial statement implications of each depreciation method, and how do you determine a company’s need to reinvest in its productive capacity?”

Jordan replies, “All other things being equal, the straight- line depreciation method results in the least variability of net profit margin over time, while an accelerated depreciation method results in a declining trend in net profit margin over time. The units- of- production can result in a net profit margin trend that is quite variable. I use a three- step approach to estimate a company’s need to reinvest in its productive capacity. First, I estimate the average age of the assets by dividing net property, plant, and equipment by annual depreciation expense. Second, I estimate the average remaining useful life of the assets by dividing accumulated depreciation by depreciation expense. Third, I add the estimates of the average remaining useful life and the average age of the assets in order to determine the total useful life.”

Jordan is told that at the end of the current fiscal year, Alpha revalued a manufacturing plant; this increased its reported carrying amount by 15 percent. There was no previous downward revaluation of the plant. Beta recorded an impairment loss on a manufacturing plant; this reduced its carrying by 10 percent.

Benn asks Jordan “What was the impact of these decisions on each company’s current fiscal year financial ratios?”

Jordan responds, “Beta’s impairment loss increases its debt to total assets and fixed asset turnover ratios, and lowers its cash flow from operating activities. Alpha’s revaluation increases its debt to capital and return on assets ratios, and reduces its return on equity.”

At the end of the interview, Benn thanks Jordan for his time and states that a hiring decision will be made shortly.

Jordan’s response about the effect of Alpha’s revaluation is most likely correct with respect to the impact on its:



return on equity.


return on assets.


debt to capital ratio.


A is correct. In an asset revaluation, the carrying amount of the assets increases. The increase in the asset’s carrying amount bypasses the income statement and is reported as other comprehensive income and appears in equity under the heading of revaluation surplus. Therefore, shareholders’ equity will increase but net income will not be affected, so return on equity will decline. Return on assets and debt to capital ratios will also decrease.


1 个答案

Kiko_品职助教 · 2022年08月04日


这道题考查的是revaluation model得会计计量。同学可以看下解析,在revaluation model下资产carrying value增加,增加的部分是计入到OCI得,所以equity增加,NI不变,所以ROE=NI/equity,减小


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NO.PZ201806201100001206 问题如下 Jorn’s response about the effeof Alpha’s revaluation is most likely correwith respeto the impaon its: A.return on equity. B.return on assets. C.to capitratio. A is correct. In asset revaluation, the carrying amount of the assets increases. The increase in the asset’s carrying amount bypasses the income statement anis reporteother comprehensive income anappears in equity unr the heang of revaluation surplus. Therefore, shareholrs’ equity will increase but net income will not affecte so return on equity will cline. Return on assets anto capitratios will also crease. carrying value 增加,记入OCI, equity上升。 asset=L+E 请问为什么asset没有上升?

2022-11-22 16:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201806201100001206 return on assets. to capitratio. A is correct. In asset revaluation, the carrying amount of the assets increases. The increase in the asset’s carrying amount bypasses the income statement anis reporteother comprehensive income anappears in equity unr the heang of revaluation surplus. Therefore, shareholrs’ equity will increase but net income will not affecte so return on equity will cline. Return on assets anto capitratios will also crease. revaluation最大不是原值吗 之间没有wnwarrevaluation 为什么还会增加asset呢

2021-09-19 14:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201806201100001206 return on assets. to capitratio. A is correct. In asset revaluation, the carrying amount of the assets increases. The increase in the asset’s carrying amount bypasses the income statement anis reporteother comprehensive income anappears in equity unr the heang of revaluation surplus. Therefore, shareholrs’ equity will increase but net income will not affecte so return on equity will cline. Return on assets anto capitratios will also crease. OCI的增加不影响NI么?那会影响损益表哪个科目呢?

2021-04-04 16:10 1 · 回答