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Monica219 · 2022年08月01日

想问下 这里为什么不需要计算t=0.5时刻的新swap rate?

* 问题详情,请 查看题干



From the bank’s perspective, using data from Exhibits 4 and 5, the fair value of the equity swap is closest to:









B is correct.

The value of an equity swap at time t is calculated as


The swap was initiated six months ago, so the first reset has not yet passed; thus, there are five remaining cash flows for this equity swap. The fair value of the swap is determined by comparing the present value of the implied fixed- rate bond with the return on the equity index. The fixed swap rate of 2.00%, the swap notional amount of $20,000,000, and the present value factors in Exhibit 5 result in a present value of the implied fixed-rate bond’s cash flows of $19,818,678:

The value of the equity leg of the swap is calculated as (103/100)($20,000,000) = $20,600,000

Note the swap’s notional amount and the implied fixed-rate bond’s par value are both $20,000,000; therefore, the term – PV(Par – NAE ) reduces to zero.

The swap was designed to profit if rates fell or equities declined. Neither happened, so the swap value will be negative for the bank. The fair value of the equity swap, from the perspective of the bank (receive-fixed, pay-equity party) is calculated as

VEQ = $19,818,678 - $20,600,000 = -$781,322


本题考察的是equity swap的估值。

这里的头寸是收固定付equity return。

因此在t时刻的value,即为互换中隐含的固定利率债券在t时刻的价值-权益端在t时刻的价值。需要注意权益端价值的计算为 (103/100)($20,000,000) = $20,600,000。

想问下 这里为什么不需要计算t=0.5时刻的新swap rate?然后新swap rate和旧swap rate做差算一个value?

3 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2022年08月04日


equity swap在现实中,就是一份合约(白纸黑字盖章的合同),交易双方可以协商交易要素,约定swap rate即互换固定利率,以及支付频率,因此在t 时刻,我们可以用未来现金流折现的方法,算出固定端的value,同时根据股价的变动,算出equity端的value,轧差后就是这份合约在t时刻的value~

这个fixed rate在这整份合约中是不变的。到0.5时刻如果重新签订一份合约,确实可能有新的swap rate,但那就是另一份合约了,不是本题中我们讨论的这份合约哦,我觉得你说的应该是FRA估值的重新定价法,这个方法不适用equity swap


Lucky_品职助教 · 2022年08月03日




Monica219 · 2022年08月04日

这时候swap rate变了,新的swap rate和旧的swap rate之间不也会产生一个value么。。

Lucky_品职助教 · 2022年08月03日


这是一份合约,只是分段结算,每半年结算一次,fixed rate没有变化

站在long的一方,这合约的本质有点类似借钱(支付固定利率)加杠杆买股票(换取名义本金金额的股票收益),本题中银行是short 方,可能是本来就持有股票,想锁定收益,于是把股票收益付出去同时赚点利息。


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NO.PZ202108100100000204 问题如下 From the bank’s perspective, using ta from Exhibits 4 an5, the fair value of the equity swis closest to: A.-$1,139,425. B.-$781,323. C.-$181,323. B is correct. The value of equity swtime t is calculateasVEQ,t=VFIX(C0)−(StSt−1)NAE−PV(Par−NAE)−PV(Par−NAE)V_{EQ,t}=V_{FIX}(C_0)-(\frac{S_t}{S_{t-1}})NA_E-PV(Par-NA_E)-PV(Par-NA_E)VEQ,t​=VFIX​(C0​)−(St−1​St​​)NAE​−PV(Par−NAE​)−PV(Par−NAE​)The swwinitiatesix months ago, so the first reset hnot yet passe thus, there are five remaining cash flows for this equity swap. The fair value of the swis terminecomparing the present value of the impliefixe rate bonwith the return on the equity inx. The fixeswrate of 2.00%, the swnotionamount of $20,000,000, anthe present value factors in Exhibit 5 result in a present value of the impliefixerate bons cash flows of $19,818,678:The value of the equity leg of the swis calculate(103/100)($20,000,000) = $20,600,000Note the swap’s notionamount anthe impliefixerate bons pvalue are both $20,000,000; therefore, the term – PV(P– N) reces to zero.The swwsigneto profit if rates fell or equities cline Neither happene so the swvalue will negative for the bank. The fair value of the equity swap, from the perspective of the bank (receive-fixe pay-equity party) is calculateasVEQ = $19,818,678 - $20,600,000 = -$781,322中文解析本题考察的是equity swap的估值。这里的头寸是收固定付equity return。因此在t时刻的value,即为互换中隐含的固定利率债券在t时刻的价值-权益端在t时刻的价值。需要注意权益端价值的计算为 (103/100)($20,000,000) = $20,600,000。 EQUITY SWAP课上说期末不交换本金,为啥PV固定端要计算期末本金折现?

2024-05-28 09:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202108100100000204 问题如下 From the bank’s perspective, using ta from Exhibits 4 an5, the fair value of the equity swis closest to: A.-$1,139,425. B.-$781,323. C.-$181,323. B is correct. The value of equity swtime t is calculateasVEQ,t=VFIX(C0)−(StSt−1)NAE−PV(Par−NAE)−PV(Par−NAE)V_{EQ,t}=V_{FIX}(C_0)-(\frac{S_t}{S_{t-1}})NA_E-PV(Par-NA_E)-PV(Par-NA_E)VEQ,t​=VFIX​(C0​)−(St−1​St​​)NAE​−PV(Par−NAE​)−PV(Par−NAE​)The swwinitiatesix months ago, so the first reset hnot yet passe thus, there are five remaining cash flows for this equity swap. The fair value of the swis terminecomparing the present value of the impliefixe rate bonwith the return on the equity inx. The fixeswrate of 2.00%, the swnotionamount of $20,000,000, anthe present value factors in Exhibit 5 result in a present value of the impliefixerate bons cash flows of $19,818,678:The value of the equity leg of the swis calculate(103/100)($20,000,000) = $20,600,000Note the swap’s notionamount anthe impliefixerate bons pvalue are both $20,000,000; therefore, the term – PV(P– N) reces to zero.The swwsigneto profit if rates fell or equities cline Neither happene so the swvalue will negative for the bank. The fair value of the equity swap, from the perspective of the bank (receive-fixe pay-equity party) is calculateasVEQ = $19,818,678 - $20,600,000 = -$781,322中文解析本题考察的是equity swap的估值。这里的头寸是收固定付equity return。因此在t时刻的value,即为互换中隐含的固定利率债券在t时刻的价值-权益端在t时刻的价值。需要注意权益端价值的计算为 (103/100)($20,000,000) = $20,600,000。

2023-10-20 15:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202108100100000204问题如下 From the bank’s perspective, using ta from Exhibits 4 an5, the fair value of the equity swis closest to: A.-$1,139,425.B.-$781,323.C.-$181,323. B is correct. The value of equity swtime t is calculateasVEQ,t=VFIX(C0)−(StSt−1)NAE−PV(Par−NAE)−PV(Par−NAE)V_{EQ,t}=V_{FIX}(C_0)-(\frac{S_t}{S_{t-1}})NA_E-PV(Par-NA_E)-PV(Par-NA_E)VEQ,t​=VFIX​(C0​)−(St−1​St​​)NAE​−PV(Par−NAE​)−PV(Par−NAE​)The swwinitiatesix months ago, so the first reset hnot yet passe thus, there are five remaining cash flows for this equity swap. The fair value of the swis terminecomparing the present value of the impliefixe rate bonwith the return on the equity inx. The fixeswrate of 2.00%, the swnotionamount of $20,000,000, anthe present value factors in Exhibit 5 result in a present value of the impliefixerate bons cash flows of $19,818,678:The value of the equity leg of the swis calculate(103/100)($20,000,000) = $20,600,000Note the swap’s notionamount anthe impliefixerate bons pvalue are both $20,000,000; therefore, the term – PV(P– N) reces to zero.The swwsigneto profit if rates fell or equities cline Neither happene so the swvalue will negative for the bank. The fair value of the equity swap, from the perspective of the bank (receive-fixe pay-equity party) is calculateasVEQ = $19,818,678 - $20,600,000 = -$781,322中文解析本题考察的是equity swap的估值。这里的头寸是收固定付equity return。因此在t时刻的value,即为互换中隐含的固定利率债券在t时刻的价值-权益端在t时刻的价值。需要注意权益端价值的计算为 (103/100)($20,000,000) = $20,600,000。 如题,请问这里C为什么不2%/2=1%?

2023-10-03 17:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202108100100000204 问题如下 From the bank’s perspective, using ta from Exhibits 4 an5, the fair value of the equity swis closest to: A.-$1,139,425. B.-$781,323. C.-$181,323. B is correct. The value of equity swtime t is calculateasVEQ,t=VFIX(C0)−(StSt−1)NAE−PV(Par−NAE)−PV(Par−NAE)V_{EQ,t}=V_{FIX}(C_0)-(\frac{S_t}{S_{t-1}})NA_E-PV(Par-NA_E)-PV(Par-NA_E)VEQ,t​=VFIX​(C0​)−(St−1​St​​)NAE​−PV(Par−NAE​)−PV(Par−NAE​)The swwinitiatesix months ago, so the first reset hnot yet passe thus, there are five remaining cash flows for this equity swap. The fair value of the swis terminecomparing the present value of the impliefixe rate bonwith the return on the equity inx. The fixeswrate of 2.00%, the swnotionamount of $20,000,000, anthe present value factors in Exhibit 5 result in a present value of the impliefixerate bons cash flows of $19,818,678:The value of the equity leg of the swis calculate(103/100)($20,000,000) = $20,600,000Note the swap’s notionamount anthe impliefixerate bons pvalue are both $20,000,000; therefore, the term – PV(P– N) reces to zero.The swwsigneto profit if rates fell or equities cline Neither happene so the swvalue will negative for the bank. The fair value of the equity swap, from the perspective of the bank (receive-fixe pay-equity party) is calculateasVEQ = $19,818,678 - $20,600,000 = -$781,322中文解析本题考察的是equity swap的估值。这里的头寸是收固定付equity return。因此在t时刻的value,即为互换中隐含的固定利率债券在t时刻的价值-权益端在t时刻的价值。需要注意权益端价值的计算为 (103/100)($20,000,000) = $20,600,000。 课程中讲的是equity swap的期初、末的本金不用互换,但题目中103/100 x NP和fix coupon折现时均考虑了本金折现

2023-07-19 16:11 1 · 回答