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小壹万万呀 · 2022年08月01日

请问 B 说的Conventional approach是在哪里讲的



Which of the following statements regarding extreme value theory (EVT) is incorrect?



In contrast to conventional approaches for estimating VaR, EVT only considers the tail behavior of the distribution.


Conventional approaches for estimating VaR that assume that the distribution of returns follows a unique distribution for the entire range of values may fail to properly account for the fat tails of the distribution of returns.


EVT attempts to find the optimal point beyond which all values belong to the tail and then models the distribution of the tail separately.


By smoothing the tail of the distribution, EVT effectively ignores extreme events and losses that can generally be labeled outliers.


D is correct.

考点 Extreme Value

解析 EVT only uses information in the tail, so statement a. is correct. Conventional approaches such as delta-normal VaR assume a fixed p.d.f. for the entire distribution, which may understate the extent of fat tails. So, statement b. is correct. The first step in EVT is to choose a cutoff point for the tail, then to estimate the parameters of the tail distribution, so statement c. is correct. Finally, EVT does not ignore extreme events (as long as they are in the sample).

如题 请问 B 说的Conventional approach是在哪里讲的

1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2022年08月01日



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NO.PZ2018122701000026 问题如下 Whiof the following statements regarng extreme value theory (EVT) is incorrect? In contrast to conventionapproaches for estimating VaR, EVT only consirs the tail behavior of the stribution. Conventionapproaches for estimating VaR thassume ththe stribution of returns follows a unique stribution for the entire range of values mfail to properly account for the ftails of the stribution of returns. EVT attempts to finthe optimpoint beyonwhiall values belong to the tail anthen mols the stribution of the tail separately. smoothing the tail of the stribution, EVT effectively ignores extreme events anlosses thcgenerally labeled outliers. is incorrect. 考点 Extreme Value 解析 EVT only uses information in the tail, so statement is correct. Conventionapproaches sulta-normVassume a fixep.f. for the entire stribution, whimunrstate the extent of ftails. So, statement is correct. The first step in EVT is to choose a cutoff point for the tail, then to estimate the parameters of the tail stribution, so statement is correct. Finally, EVT es not ignore extreme events (long they are in the sample). lta-normVaR老师这个概念在题目中一直出现,我有点似懂非懂的感觉,它究竟是什么方法?能不能给我讲个比较明确的定义

2023-06-30 11:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018122701000026 问题如下 Whiof the following statements regarng extreme value theory (EVT) is incorrect? In contrast to conventionapproaches for estimating VaR, EVT only consirs the tail behavior of the stribution. Conventionapproaches for estimating VaR thassume ththe stribution of returns follows a unique stribution for the entire range of values mfail to properly account for the ftails of the stribution of returns. EVT attempts to finthe optimpoint beyonwhiall values belong to the tail anthen mols the stribution of the tail separately. smoothing the tail of the stribution, EVT effectively ignores extreme events anlosses thcgenerally labeled outliers. is correct. 考点 : Extreme Value 解析 : EVT only uses information in the tail, so statement is correct. Conventionapproaches sulta-normVaR assume a fixep.f. for the entire stribution, whimunrstate the extent of ftails. So, statement is correct. The first step in EVT is to choose a cutoff point for the tail, then to estimate the parameters of the tail stribution, so statement is correct. Finally, EVT es not ignore extreme events (long they are in the sample). 如题

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