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逢考必过过过过过过 · 2022年07月31日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018123101000116 [ CFA II ]


Which of the following statements comparing the Ho–Lee and Kalotay–Williams–Fabozzi (KWF) equilibrium term structure models is correct?



The Ho–Lee model assumes constant volatility, while the KWF model does not.


The KWF model incorporates the possibility of negative rates, while the Ho–Lee model does not.


The KWF model describes the log of the dynamics of the short rate, while the Ho–Lee model does not.


C is correct. The Kalotay–Williams–Fabozzi equilibrium term structure model is similar to the Ho–Lee model in that it assumes constant drift, no mean reversion, and constant volatility, but the KWF model describes the log of the dynamics of the short rate, while the Ho–Lee model does not.

1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2022年08月01日




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NO.PZ2018123101000116 问题如下 Whiof the following statements comparing the Ho–Lee anKalotay–Williams–Fabozzi (KWF) equilibrium term structure mols is correct? A.The Ho–Lee mol assumes constant volatility, while the KWF mol es not. B.The KWF mol incorporates the possibility of negative rates, while the Ho–Lee mol es not. C.The KWF mol scribes the log of the namiof the short rate, while the Ho–Lee mol es not. C is correct. The Kalotay–Williams–Fabozzi equilibrium term structure mol is similto the Ho–Lee mol in thit assumes constant ift, no mereversion, anconstant volatility, but the KWF mol scribes the log of the namiof the short rate, while the Ho–Lee mol es not. 烦请老师讲解为何着重强调Short term,long term怎么不行?

2024-04-07 20:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000116问题如下 Whiof the following statements comparing the Ho–Lee anKalotay–Williams–Fabozzi (KWF) equilibrium term structure mols is correct? A.The Ho–Lee mol assumes constant volatility, while the KWF mol es not.B.The KWF mol incorporates the possibility of negative rates, while the Ho–Lee mol es not.C.The KWF mol scribes the log of the namiof the short rate, while the Ho–Lee mol es not. C is correct. The Kalotay–Williams–Fabozzi equilibrium term structure mol is similto the Ho–Lee mol in thit assumes constant ift, no mereversion, anconstant volatility, but the KWF mol scribes the log of the namiof the short rate, while the Ho–Lee mol es not. 知道对数不会有负数,但表达看不懂,到底是说没有负数,还是说有负数。

2024-02-04 20:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000116问题如下 Whiof the following statements comparing the Ho–Lee anKalotay–Williams–Fabozzi (KWF) equilibrium term structure mols is correct? A.The Ho–Lee mol assumes constant volatility, while the KWF mol es not.B.The KWF mol incorporates the possibility of negative rates, while the Ho–Lee mol es not.C.The KWF mol scribes the log of the namiof the short rate, while the Ho–Lee mol es not. C is correct. The Kalotay–Williams–Fabozzi equilibrium term structure mol is similto the Ho–Lee mol in thit assumes constant ift, no mereversion, anconstant volatility, but the KWF mol scribes the log of the namiof the short rate, while the Ho–Lee mol es not. B是哪里出错???i

2023-05-10 14:39 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000116 Ho–Lee anKalotay–Williams–Fabozzi (KWF) 是 arbitrage-free term structure mol 吧? 为什么题目要说是 Equilibrium Mol呢?

2022-02-20 20:59 1 · 回答