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婷 · 2022年06月28日

题干是不是误将prudent bias写成confirmation bias了?

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Brian O'Reilly Case Scenario

Brian O’Reilly is a capital markets consultant for the Tennessee Teachers’ Retirement System (TTRS). O’Reilly is meeting with the TTRS board to present his capital market expectations for the next year. Board member Kay Durden asks O’Reilly about the possibility that data measurement biases exist in historical data. O’Reilly responds:

“One bias results from the use of appraisal data in the absence of market transaction data. Appraisal values tend to be less volatile than market determined values for identical assets. As a result, measured volatilities are biased downward and correlations with other assets tend to be exaggerated.”

Board member Arnold Brown asks O’Reilly about the use of high-frequency (daily) data in developing capital market expectations. O’Reilly answers, “Sometimes it is necessary to use daily data to obtain a data series of the desired length. Ironically, high-frequency data improves the precision of sample variances, covariances, and correlations but not the precision of the sample mean. High-frequency data are more sensitive to asynchronism across variables.”

Durden states that he recently read an article on psychological biases related to making accurate and unbiased forecasts. She asks O’Reilly to inform the board about the anchoringand prudence biases. O’Reilly offers the following explanation:

“The anchoring bias is the tendency for forecasts to be overly influenced by the memory of catastrophic or dramatic past events that are anchored in a person’s memory. The confirming evidence trap is the bias that leads individuals to give greater weight to information that supports a preferred viewpoint than to evidence that contradicts it.”

The board asks about forecasting expected returns for major markets, given that price earnings ratios are not constant over time and that many companies are repurchasing shares instead of increasing cash dividends. O’Reilly responds that the Grinold–Kroner model accounts for those factors and then makes the following forecasts for the European equity market:

  • The dividend yield will be 1.95%.

  • Shares outstanding will decline 1.00%.

  • The long-term inflation rate will be 1.75% per year.

  • An expansion rate for P/E multiples will be 0.15% per year.

  • The long-term corporate earnings growth premium will be 1% above expected real GDP growth.

  • Expected real GDP growth will be 2.5% per year.

  • The risk-free rate will be 2.0%.

O’Reilly’s explanation for the anchoring bias and the prudence bias is most likely incorrect?


A.for both.

B.only for the prudence bias.

C.only for the anchoring bias.



A is correct. Both of O’Reilly’s explanations are incorrect. His description of the prudence bias is incorrect—he is referring to the confirmation bias. The prudence bias is the tendency to temper forecasts so that they do not appear extreme or the tendency to be overly cautious in forecasting. His explanation of the anchoring bias is also incorrect. The anchoring bias is the tendency of the mind to give disproportionate weight to the first information it receives on a topic: initial impressions, estimates, or data, anchor subsequent thoughts and judgments.

B is incorrect. His description of the prudence bias is incorrect—he is referring to the confirmation bias.

C is incorrect. O’Reilly’s statement regarding the anchoring trap is incorrect. This is a description of availability bias.




题干是不是误将prudent bias写成confirmation bias了?

1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2022年06月29日


题干“O’Reilly’s explanation for the anchoring bias and the prudence bias is most likely incorrect?”

因为O’Reilly的确判断成了prudence bias

只是她的这个判断是不对的(不是笔误),应该是confirmation bias


  • 1

  • 0

  • 1089


NO.PZ202206070100000103 问题如下 Whiof O'Reilly'sexplanations regarng the anchoring bianprunbiis most likely incorrect? A.for both. B.only for the prunbias. C.only for the anchoring bias. SolutionA is correct. Both of O’Reilly’s explanations are incorrect. His scription of the prunbiis incorrect—he is referring to the confirmation bias. The prunbiis the tennto temper forecasts so ththey not appeextreme or the tennto overly cautious in forecasting. His explanation of the anchoring biis also incorrect. The anchoring biis the tennof the minto give sproportionate weight to the first information it receives on a topiinitiimpressions, estimates, or tanchor subsequent thoughts anjuments.B is incorrect. His scription of the prunbiis incorrect—he is referring to the confirmation bias.C is incorrect. O’Reilly’s statement regarng the anchoring tris incorrect. This is a scription of availability bias.A是正确的。奥莱利的两种都是不正确的。他对审慎偏差的描述是不正确的——他指的是确认偏差。审慎偏差是指为使预测不显得极端而调整预测的倾向,或预测时过于谨慎的倾向。他对锚定偏差的也是不正确的。锚定偏误是一种倾向,即大脑会对接收到的关于某个主题的第一个信息给予不成比例的权重:最初的印象、估计或数据,从而锚定随后的想法和判断。B是不正确的。他对审慎偏差的描述是不正确的——他指的是确认偏差。C是不正确的。奥莱利关于锚定陷阱的声明是不正确的。这是对可得性偏差的描述。 记得上课有个例题,说到某个经理有过金融危机的经理,所以他投资很小心。书本给的是available bias。如果anchoring 的定义,是不是这个例子也可也是anchoring bias?

2024-07-12 08:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206070100000103 问题如下 Whiof O'Reilly'sexplanations regarng the anchoring bianprunbiis most likely incorrect? A.for both. B.only for the prunbias. C.only for the anchoring bias. SolutionA is correct. Both of O’Reilly’s explanations are incorrect. His scription of the prunbiis incorrect—he is referring to the confirmation bias. The prunbiis the tennto temper forecasts so ththey not appeextreme or the tennto overly cautious in forecasting. His explanation of the anchoring biis also incorrect. The anchoring biis the tennof the minto give sproportionate weight to the first information it receives on a topiinitiimpressions, estimates, or tanchor subsequent thoughts anjuments.B is incorrect. His scription of the prunbiis incorrect—he is referring to the confirmation bias.C is incorrect. O’Reilly’s statement regarng the anchoring tris incorrect. This is a scription of availability bias.A是正确的。奥莱利的两种都是不正确的。他对审慎偏差的描述是不正确的——他指的是确认偏差。审慎偏差是指为使预测不显得极端而调整预测的倾向,或预测时过于谨慎的倾向。他对锚定偏差的也是不正确的。锚定偏误是一种倾向,即大脑会对接收到的关于某个主题的第一个信息给予不成比例的权重:最初的印象、估计或数据,从而锚定随后的想法和判断。B是不正确的。他对审慎偏差的描述是不正确的——他指的是确认偏差。C是不正确的。奥莱利关于锚定陷阱的声明是不正确的。这是对可得性偏差的描述。 anchoring bi不就是第一印象过于深刻,会锚定第一印象来做出预测从而导致偏差吗?

2024-06-03 10:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206070100000103问题如下 O’Reilly’s explanation for the anchoring bianthe prunbiis most likely incorrect?A.for both.B.only for the prunbias.C.only for the anchoring bias. SolutionA is correct. Both of O’Reilly’s explanations are incorrect. His scription of the prunbiis incorrect—he is referring to the confirmation bias. The prunbiis the tennto temper forecasts so ththey not appeextreme or the tennto overly cautious in forecasting. His explanation of the anchoring biis also incorrect. The anchoring biis the tennof the minto give sproportionate weight to the first information it receives on a topiinitiimpressions, estimates, or tanchor subsequent thoughts anjuments.B is incorrect. His scription of the prunbiis incorrect—he is referring to the confirmation bias.C is incorrect. O’Reilly’s statement regarng the anchoring tris incorrect. This is a scription of availability bias.A是正确的。奥莱利的两种都是不正确的。他对审慎偏差的描述是不正确的——他指的是确认偏差。审慎偏差是指为使预测不显得极端而调整预测的倾向,或预测时过于谨慎的倾向。他对锚定偏差的也是不正确的。锚定偏误是一种倾向,即大脑会对接收到的关于某个主题的第一个信息给予不成比例的权重:最初的印象、估计或数据,从而锚定随后的想法和判断。B是不正确的。他对审慎偏差的描述是不正确的——他指的是确认偏差。C是不正确的。奥莱利关于锚定陷阱的声明是不正确的。这是对可得性偏差的描述。 如题正确描述应该什么什么呢?

2024-03-27 09:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206070100000103问题如下O’Reilly’s explanation for the anchoring bianthe prunbiis most likely incorrect?A.for both.B.only for the prunbias.C.only for the anchoring bias. SolutionA is correct. Both of O’Reilly’s explanations are incorrect. His scription of the prunbiis incorrect—he is referring to the confirmation bias. The prunbiis the tennto temper forecasts so ththey not appeextreme or the tennto overly cautious in forecasting. His explanation of the anchoring biis also incorrect. The anchoring biis the tennof the minto give sproportionate weight to the first information it receives on a topiinitiimpressions, estimates, or tanchor subsequent thoughts anjuments.B is incorrect. His scription of the prunbiis incorrect—he is referring to the confirmation bias.C is incorrect. O’Reilly’s statement regarng the anchoring tris incorrect. This is a scription of availability bias.A是正确的。奥莱利的两种都是不正确的。他对审慎偏差的描述是不正确的——他指的是确认偏差。审慎偏差是指为使预测不显得极端而调整预测的倾向,或预测时过于谨慎的倾向。他对锚定偏差的也是不正确的。锚定偏误是一种倾向,即大脑会对接收到的关于某个主题的第一个信息给予不成比例的权重:最初的印象、估计或数据,从而锚定随后的想法和判断。B是不正确的。他对审慎偏差的描述是不正确的——他指的是确认偏差。C是不正确的。奥莱利关于锚定陷阱的声明是不正确的。这是对可得性偏差的描述。 如何区分availability和anchoring bias?谢谢老师。

2023-06-13 20:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206070100000103 问题如下 O’Reilly’s explanation for the anchoring bianthe prunbiis most likely incorrect? A.for both. B.only for the prunbias. C.only for the anchoring bias. SolutionA is correct. Both of O’Reilly’s explanations are incorrect. His scription of the prunbiis incorrect—he is referring to the confirmation bias. The prunbiis the tennto temper forecasts so ththey not appeextreme or the tennto overly cautious in forecasting. His explanation of the anchoring biis also incorrect. The anchoring biis the tennof the minto give sproportionate weight to the first information it receives on a topiinitiimpressions, estimates, or tanchor subsequent thoughts anjuments.B is incorrect. His scription of the prunbiis incorrect—he is referring to the confirmation bias.C is incorrect. O’Reilly’s statement regarng the anchoring tris incorrect. This is a scription of availability bias.A是正确的。奥莱利的两种都是不正确的。他对审慎偏差的描述是不正确的——他指的是确认偏差。审慎偏差是指为使预测不显得极端而调整预测的倾向,或预测时过于谨慎的倾向。他对锚定偏差的也是不正确的。锚定偏误是一种倾向,即大脑会对接收到的关于某个主题的第一个信息给予不成比例的权重:最初的印象、估计或数据,从而锚定随后的想法和判断。B是不正确的。他对审慎偏差的描述是不正确的——他指的是确认偏差。C是不正确的。奥莱利关于锚定陷阱的声明是不正确的。这是对可得性偏差的描述。 让描述 A B两个偏差, 结果是A C 然后 让判断对不对, 那B 明显不是 C啊

2023-05-11 19:02 3 · 回答