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Ethan · 2022年06月20日


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7. Based on Exhibit 1, which portfolio best meets the Laws’ goal to fund an endowment for their alma mater?



Portfolio 1


Portfolio 2


Portfolio 3


B is correct.

Portfolio 2 best meets the Laws’ goal to fund an endowment for their alma mater in 20 years. In present value terms, the gift is valued at $500,000, with the Laws desiring a high probability of achieving this goal. Although slightly more conservative than the 75/25 global equity/bond mix, Portfolio 2 has a greater growth emphasis compared with Portfolios 1 and 3. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is best for funding the endowment at their alma mater given the goal’s long-term horizon and the Laws’ desire for a high probability of achieving it.

考点:goal-based approach

解析:投资期:20 years,长期。实现目标的程度:high probability(与education expense的very strong desire相比,程度略低)。

因为投资期长,所以cash占比可以放低:portfolio 1 cash占比35%偏高,排除。

因为实现目标的程度高,但不是非要满足,所以可以承担一些风险。Portfolio 2和3的差别不仅仅只有diversifying strategy,还有fixed income和global equities。发现portfolio 2的FI占比低,GE占比很高,虽然diversifying strategy略低于portfolio 3,但是由于投资了大量的股票,所以portfolio 2整体上更有成长空间。


2 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2022年06月21日




分析这道题,第一点就是同学提到的题目中“Raya concludes that a portfolio of 75% global equities and 25% bonds”,给出了一个75/25的参考。


不过不是没有任何理由证明增长潜力这个问题的。这道题中用到的Hedge funds虽然一般意义上我们都会理解为是高收益的投资标的,但是分类写的是diversifying strategies,说明题目中是更偏向于分散风险的作用。


lynn_品职助教 · 2022年06月22日




  • 2

  • 0

  • 475


NO.PZ201710200200000107问题如下7. Baseon Exhibit 1, whiportfolio best meets the Laws’ goto funenwment for their alma mater?A.Portfolio 1B.Portfolio 2C.Portfolio 3 B is correct. Portfolio 2 best meets the Laws’ goto funenwment for their alma mater in 20 years. In present value terms, the gift is value$500,000, with the Laws siring a high probability of achieving this goal. Although slightly more conservative ththe 75/25 globequity/bonmix, Portfolio 2 ha greater growth emphasis comparewith Portfolios 1 an3. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is best for funng the enwment their alma mater given the goal’s long-term horizon anthe Laws’ sire for a high probability of achieving it.考点goal-baseapproach解析投资期20 years,长期。实现目标的程度high probability(与ecation expense的very strong sire相比,程度略低)。因为投资期长,所以cash占比可以放低portfolio 1 cash占比35%偏高,排除。因为实现目标的程度高,但不是非要满足,所以可以承担一些风险。Portfolio 2和3的差别不仅仅只有versifying strategy,还有fixeincome和globequities。发现portfolio 2的FI占比低,GE占比很高,虽然versifying strategy略低于portfolio 3,但是由于投资了大量的股票,所以portfolio 2整体上更有成长空间。 如题,而且cequity和versify加起来占比也还行,不理解

2024-06-21 10:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710200200000107 问题如下 7. Baseon Exhibit 1, whiportfolio best meets the Laws’ goto funenwment for their alma mater? A.Portfolio 1 B.Portfolio 2 C.Portfolio 3 B is correct. Portfolio 2 best meets the Laws’ goto funenwment for their alma mater in 20 years. In present value terms, the gift is value$500,000, with the Laws siring a high probability of achieving this goal. Although slightly more conservative ththe 75/25 globequity/bonmix, Portfolio 2 ha greater growth emphasis comparewith Portfolios 1 an3. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is best for funng the enwment their alma mater given the goal’s long-term horizon anthe Laws’ sire for a high probability of achieving it.考点goal-baseapproach解析投资期20 years,长期。实现目标的程度high probability(与ecation expense的very strong sire相比,程度略低)。因为投资期长,所以cash占比可以放低portfolio 1 cash占比35%偏高,排除。因为实现目标的程度高,但不是非要满足,所以可以承担一些风险。Portfolio 2和3的差别不仅仅只有versifying strategy,还有fixeincome和globequities。发现portfolio 2的FI占比低,GE占比很高,虽然versifying strategy略低于portfolio 3,但是由于投资了大量的股票,所以portfolio 2整体上更有成长空间。 原文是The Laws also plto funenwment their alma mater in 20 years, whihestimatepresent value of $500,000. The Laws tell Raye they want a high probability of success funng the enwment,没有看出要有很大的成长空间和很高的收益啊

2023-10-13 10:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710200200000107 问题如下 7. Baseon Exhibit 1, whiportfolio best meets the Laws’ goto funenwment for their alma mater? A.Portfolio 1 B.Portfolio 2 C.Portfolio 3 B is correct. Portfolio 2 best meets the Laws’ goto funenwment for their alma mater in 20 years. In present value terms, the gift is value$500,000, with the Laws siring a high probability of achieving this goal. Although slightly more conservative ththe 75/25 globequity/bonmix, Portfolio 2 ha greater growth emphasis comparewith Portfolios 1 an3. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is best for funng the enwment their alma mater given the goal’s long-term horizon anthe Laws’ sire for a high probability of achieving it.考点goal-baseapproach解析投资期20 years,长期。实现目标的程度high probability(与ecation expense的very strong sire相比,程度略低)。因为投资期长,所以cash占比可以放低portfolio 1 cash占比35%偏高,排除。因为实现目标的程度高,但不是非要满足,所以可以承担一些风险。Portfolio 2和3的差别不仅仅只有versifying strategy,还有fixeincome和globequities。发现portfolio 2的FI占比低,GE占比很高,虽然versifying strategy略低于portfolio 3,但是由于投资了大量的股票,所以portfolio 2整体上更有成长空间。 何老师在押题Asset allocation课的3:50左右,里面先讲portfolio 2 最合适,然后在4:05左右讲portfolio 3的固收比例更高,更符合high probability。怎么自相矛盾了?这道题我个人觉得是选2,因为有75/25的参考

2023-08-13 17:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710200200000107问题如下7. Baseon Exhibit 1, whiportfolio best meets the Laws’ goto funenwment for their alma mater?A.Portfolio 1B.Portfolio 2C.Portfolio 3 B is correct. Portfolio 2 best meets the Laws’ goto funenwment for their alma mater in 20 years. In present value terms, the gift is value$500,000, with the Laws siring a high probability of achieving this goal. Although slightly more conservative ththe 75/25 globequity/bonmix, Portfolio 2 ha greater growth emphasis comparewith Portfolios 1 an3. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is best for funng the enwment their alma mater given the goal’s long-term horizon anthe Laws’ sire for a high probability of achieving it.考点goal-baseapproach解析投资期20 years,长期。实现目标的程度high probability(与ecation expense的very strong sire相比,程度略低)。因为投资期长,所以cash占比可以放低portfolio 1 cash占比35%偏高,排除。因为实现目标的程度高,但不是非要满足,所以可以承担一些风险。Portfolio 2和3的差别不仅仅只有versifying strategy,还有fixeincome和globequities。发现portfolio 2的FI占比低,GE占比很高,虽然versifying strategy略低于portfolio 3,但是由于投资了大量的股票,所以portfolio 2整体上更有成长空间。 为啥不选C只有投资更多的FI 才能达到更高的成功率完成他的目标呀

2023-05-09 13:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710200200000107问题如下 7. Baseon Exhibit 1, whiportfolio best meets the Laws’ goto funenwment for their alma mater?A.Portfolio 1B.Portfolio 2C.Portfolio 3 B is correct. Portfolio 2 best meets the Laws’ goto funenwment for their alma mater in 20 years. In present value terms, the gift is value$500,000, with the Laws siring a high probability of achieving this goal. Although slightly more conservative ththe 75/25 globequity/bonmix, Portfolio 2 ha greater growth emphasis comparewith Portfolios 1 an3. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is best for funng the enwment their alma mater given the goal’s long-term horizon anthe Laws’ sire for a high probability of achieving it.考点goal-baseapproach解析投资期20 years,长期。实现目标的程度high probability(与ecation expense的very strong sire相比,程度略低)。因为投资期长,所以cash占比可以放低portfolio 1 cash占比35%偏高,排除。因为实现目标的程度高,但不是非要满足,所以可以承担一些风险。Portfolio 2和3的差别不仅仅只有versifying strategy,还有fixeincome和globequities。发现portfolio 2的FI占比低,GE占比很高,虽然versifying strategy略低于portfolio 3,但是由于投资了大量的股票,所以portfolio 2整体上更有成长空间。 按照enwment的需求可以投equity,按照500/(800+450)=36%,难道不是portfolio 3最好嘛?

2022-10-20 15:56 1 · 回答