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柠乐 · 2022年06月05日




Southwest Capital Advisors LLC manages a fixed-income composite in accordance with an enhanced indexing strategy that makes strategic use of high-yield and emerging market bonds in addition to investment grade bonds issued in developed markets. The Merrimack Company, a family office, has a portfolio that is included in the firm’s fixed-income enhanced indexing composite. Merrimack informs Southwest in writing that, because of changes in its investment policy, the portfolio can no longer hold high-yield or emerging market bonds. In accordance with the GIPS standards, Southwest decides to switch the Merrimack portfolio to another composite. The historical performance of the portfolio must be:



reflected in both composites.


switched to the new composite.


retained in the enhanced indexing composite.


C is correct.

The portfolio’s historical performance must remain with the original composite. Portfolios must not be switched from one composite to another unless either documented changes to a portfolio’s investment mandate, objective, or strategy or the redefinition of the composite make it appropriate.

投资组合的历史表现必须与原始组合保持一致。 投资组合不得从一种composite转换为另一种composite,除非对组合的投资授权、目标或策略进行了记录在案的更改,或者composite的重新定义使其适当。

老师:是不是可以这样理解:当portfolio移到了新的composite里了,它的历史业绩保留在原composite里。但是document change 和 redefine 的portfolio的历史业绩要从原来的composite移出来,放在新的composite?
2 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2022年06月06日


不对呀,我刚刚听何老师说只有这两种情况document change 和 redefine才允许在composite之间shift,但历史业绩还是保留在原来的composite里.你的回答和何老师的有冲突!请确定一下,谢谢——抱歉,老师刚看错了,我把“但是document change 和 redefine 的portfolio的历史业绩要从原来的composite移出来,放在新的composite?”里的历史业绩给漏看了,如果把这句话的历史业绩去掉就对的,仅仅是把portfolio转移到新的composite里去。



伯恩_品职助教 · 2022年06月06日


老师:是不是可以这样理解:当portfolio移到了新的composite里了,它的历史业绩保留在原composite里。但是document change 和 redefine 的portfolio的历史业绩要从原来的composite移出来,放在新的composite?—— 对的


柠乐 · 2022年06月06日

不对呀,我刚刚听何老师说只有这两种情况document change 和 redefine才允许在composite之间shift,但历史业绩还是保留在原来的composite里.你的回答和何老师的有冲突!请确定一下,谢谢

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NO.PZ2022010501000012 问题如下 Southwest CapitAisors LLC manages a fixeincome composite in accornwith enhanceinxing strategy thmakes strategic use of high-yielanemerging market bon in aition to investment gra bon issuein velopemarkets. The MerrimaCompany, a family office, ha portfolio this incluin the firm’s fixeincome enhanceinxing composite. Merrimainforms Southwest in writing that, because of changes in its investment policy, the portfolio cno longer holhigh-yielor emerging market bon. In accornwith the GIPS stanr, Southwest cis to switthe Merrimaportfolio to another composite. The historicperformanof the portfolio must be: A.reflectein both composites. B.switcheto the new composite. C.retainein the enhanceinxing composite. C is correct. The portfolio’s historicperformanmust remain with the origincomposite. Portfolios must not switchefrom one composite to another unless either cumentechanges to a portfolio’s investment mante, objective, or strategy or the refinition of the composite make it appropriate. 投资组合的历史表现必须与原始组合保持一致。 投资组合不得从一种composite转换为另一种composite,除非对组合的投资授权、目标或策略进行了记录在案的更改,或者composite的重新定义使其适当。 请问题目中客户写给manager的话不是说明要换一个composite吗?是不满足可以把历史业绩带到新的composite的条件吗?

2024-08-15 00:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022010501000012 问题如下 Southwest CapitAisors LLC manages a fixeincome composite in accornwith enhanceinxing strategy thmakes strategic use of high-yielanemerging market bon in aition to investment gra bon issuein velopemarkets. The MerrimaCompany, a family office, ha portfolio this incluin the firm’s fixeincome enhanceinxing composite. Merrimainforms Southwest in writing that, because of changes in its investment policy, the portfolio cno longer holhigh-yielor emerging market bon. In accornwith the GIPS stanr, Southwest cis to switthe Merrimaportfolio to another composite. The historicperformanof the portfolio must be: A.reflectein both composites. B.switcheto the new composite. C.retainein the enhanceinxing composite. C is correct. The portfolio’s historicperformanmust remain with the origincomposite. Portfolios must not switchefrom one composite to another unless either cumentechanges to a portfolio’s investment mante, objective, or strategy or the refinition of the composite make it appropriate. 投资组合的历史表现必须与原始组合保持一致。 投资组合不得从一种composite转换为另一种composite,除非对组合的投资授权、目标或策略进行了记录在案的更改,或者composite的重新定义使其适当。 我看以往同学们的提问 看的我更加一脸懵逼我浅浅总结下是不是这么个意思?非必要不能瞎移来移去 只有客户fine了的情况下,portfolio才能从composite A移到composite B那如果可以移的情况下,portfolio的历史return要放在composite A里,然后移过去以后的新return只反映在composite B里(历史return也不会被带到B里来)我的理解对吗?谢谢谢谢 提前新年快乐~

2023-01-16 00:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022010501000012 switcheto the new composite. retainein the enhanceinxing composite. C is correct. The portfolio’s historicperformanmust remain with the origincomposite. Portfolios must not switchefrom one composite to another unless either cumentechanges to a portfolio’s investment mante, objective, or strategy or the refinition of the composite make it appropriate. 投资组合的历史表现必须与原始组合保持一致。 投资组合不得从一种composite转换为另一种composite,除非对组合的投资授权、目标或策略进行了记录在案的更改,或者composite的重新定义使其适当。 如题如题如题…………

2022-07-02 13:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022010501000012 switcheto the new composite. retainein the enhanceinxing composite. C is correct. The portfolio’s historicperformanmust remain with the origincomposite. Portfolios must not switchefrom one composite to another unless either cumentechanges to a portfolio’s investment mante, objective, or strategy or the refinition of the composite make it appropriate. 投资组合的历史表现必须与原始组合保持一致。 投资组合不得从一种composite转换为另一种composite,除非对组合的投资授权、目标或策略进行了记录在案的更改,或者composite的重新定义使其适当。 如题,纠结A,请解答

2022-04-24 13:20 9 · 回答