我记得去年学习的时候,有看到说mutual fund要月度披露,Real estate要季度披露,PE年度披露,现在在讲义里面好像没看到这个知识点总结了。
还有,能不能请老师总结一下,GIPS有关于reporting frequency的内容,因为有monthly也有quarterly,有点分不清
伯恩_品职助教 · 2022年05月21日
还有,能不能请老师总结一下,GIPS有关于reporting frequency的内容,因为有monthly也有quarterly,有点分不清——
•Once the firm has provided a GIPS composite report to a prospective client, the firm must provide an updated GIPS composite report at least once every 12 months if the prospective client is still a prospective client.
•1.A.14 Once the firm has provided a GIPS pooled fund report or GIPS composite report to a limited distribution pooled fund prospective investor, the firm must provide an updated GIPS pooled fund report or GIPS composite report at least once every 12 months if the limited distribution pooled fund prospective investor is still a limited distribution pooled fund prospective investor.
•1.A.16 When providing GIPS reports to prospective clients and prospective investors, the firm must update these reports to include information through the most recent annual period end within 12 months of that annual period end.
今年教材提到季度的只有Private market investment portfolios在计算TWR的时候是季度评估。没有报告的问题
•Private market investment portfolios must be valued quarterly.
Jackylin · 2022年05月21日
今年的教材说法,是不是除了Private investment是quarterly,其他类型的asset,都是按照monthly return