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徐威廉 · 2022年05月18日

idiosyncratic risk

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Based on Exhibits 2 and 3, which portfolio best exhibits the risk characteristics of a well-constructed portfolio?



Portfolio X


Portfolio Y


Portfolio Z


A is correct. Well-constructed portfolios should have low idiosyncratic (unexplained) risk relative to total risk. Portfolio Y exhibits extremely high unexplained risk relative to total risk, and Portfolios X and Z have low unexplained risk relative to total risk. Therefore, Portfolio Y may be eliminated.

Portfolios X and Z have comparable factor exposures. In comparing portfolios with comparable factor exposures, the portfolio with lower absolute volatility and lower active risk will likely be preferred, assuming similar costs. Portfolio X has lower absolute volatility and lower active risk than Portfolio Z, although both have similar costs.

Finally, for managers with similar costs, fees, and alpha skills, if two products have similar active and absolute risks, the portfolio having a higher active share is preferred. Portfolio X has lower absolute volatility, lower active risk, and higher active share than Portfolio Z. As a result, Portfolio X best exhibits the risk characteristics of a well-constructed portfolio.

idiosyncratic risk对应题目中的哪个risk? volatility还是active risk?

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2022年05月18日


都不是,是特定风险,教材通常翻译为不可解释的风险。是指某一个equity的风险来自不可解释的风险来源,比如有些风险来自大盘,即the sensitivity of the benchmark to each rewarded factor(可以理解为β),但是有些就只能解释为运气或者noise


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  • 2

  • 711


NO.PZ201809170400000605 问题如下 Ayanna Chen is a portfolio manager Aycrig Fun where she supervises assistant portfolio manager MorchGarciAycrig Funinvests money for high-net-worth aninstitutioninvestors. Chen asks Garcia to analyze certain information relating to Aycrig Funs three submanagers, Managers anC.Manager A h$250 million in assets unr management (AUM), active risk of 5%, information coefficient of 0.15, ana transfer coefficient of 0.40. Manager A’s portfolio ha 2.5% expecteactive return this year.Chen rects Garcia to termine the maximum position size thManager A cholin shares of Pasliant Corporation, whiha market capitalization of $3.0 billion, inx weight of 0.20%, anaverage ily trang volume (A) of 1% of its market capitalization.Manager A hthe following position size policonstraints:Allocation: No investment in any security mrepresent more th3% of totAUM.Liquity: No position size mrepresent more th10% of the llvalue of the security’s A.Inx weight: The maximum position weight must less thor equto 10 times the security’s weight in the inx.Manager B hol a highly versifieportfolio thhbalanceexposures to rewarrisk factors, high active share, ana relatively low active risk target.Selecteta on Manager C’s portfolio, whicontains three assets, is presentein Exhibit 1.Chen consirs aing a fourth sub-manager anevaluates three managers’ portfolios, Portfolios X, Y, anZ. The managers for Portfolios X, Y, anZ all have similcosts, fees, analpha skills, antheir factor exposures align with both Aycrig’s aninvestors’ expectations anconstraints. The portfolio factor exposures, risk contributions, anrisk characteristiare presentein Exhibits 2 an3.Chen anGarcia next scuss characteristiof long–short anlong-only investing. Garcia makes the following statements about investing with long–short anlong-only managers:Statement 1 A long–short portfolio allows for a gross exposure of 100%.Statement 2 A long-only portfolio generally allows for greater investment capacity thother approaches, particularly when using strategies thfocus on large-cstocks.Chen anGarcia then turn their attention to portfolio management approaches.Chen prefers approathemphasizes security-specific factors, engages in factor timing, antypically lea to portfolios thare generally more concentrateththose built using a systematic approach. Baseon Exhibits 2 an3, whiportfolio best exhibits the risk characteristiof a well-constructeportfolio? Portfolio X Portfolio Y Portfolio Z A is correct. Well-constructeportfolios shoulhave low iosyncratic (unexplaine risk relative to totrisk. Portfolio Y exhibits extremely high unexplainerisk relative to totrisk, anPortfolios X anZ have low unexplainerisk relative to totrisk. Therefore, Portfolio Y meliminate Portfolios X anZ have comparable factor exposures. In comparing portfolios with comparable factor exposures, the portfolio with lower absolute volatility anlower active risk will likely preferre assuming similcosts. Portfolio X hlower absolute volatility anlower active risk thPortfolio Z, although both have similcosts. Finally, for managers with similcosts, fees, analpha skills, if two procts have similactive anabsolute risks, the portfolio having a higher active share is preferre Portfolio X hlower absolute volatility, lower active risk, anhigher active share thPortfolio Z. a result, Portfolio X best exhibits the risk characteristiof a well-constructeportfolio. CI just look whiones hthe lowest Active risk/Active share ratio?

2024-06-29 23:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000605问题如下 Baseon Exhibits 2 an3, whiportfolio best exhibits the risk characteristiof a well-constructeportfolio? Portfolio X Portfolio Y Portfolio Z A is correct. Well-constructeportfolios shoulhave low iosyncratic (unexplaine risk relative to totrisk. Portfolio Y exhibits extremely high unexplainerisk relative to totrisk, anPortfolios X anZ have low unexplainerisk relative to totrisk. Therefore, Portfolio Y meliminate Portfolios X anZ have comparable factor exposures. In comparing portfolios with comparable factor exposures, the portfolio with lower absolute volatility anlower active risk will likely preferre assuming similcosts. Portfolio X hlower absolute volatility anlower active risk thPortfolio Z, although both have similcosts. Finally, for managers with similcosts, fees, analpha skills, if two procts have similactive anabsolute risks, the portfolio having a higher active share is preferre Portfolio X hlower absolute volatility, lower active risk, anhigher active share thPortfolio Z. a result, Portfolio X best exhibits the risk characteristiof a well-constructeportfolio. 如何看出X和Z有similcost

2022-07-11 11:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000605问题如下 Baseon Exhibits 2 an3, whiportfolio best exhibits the risk characteristiof a well-constructeportfolio? Portfolio X Portfolio Y Portfolio Z A is correct. Well-constructeportfolios shoulhave low iosyncratic (unexplaine risk relative to totrisk. Portfolio Y exhibits extremely high unexplainerisk relative to totrisk, anPortfolios X anZ have low unexplainerisk relative to totrisk. Therefore, Portfolio Y meliminate Portfolios X anZ have comparable factor exposures. In comparing portfolios with comparable factor exposures, the portfolio with lower absolute volatility anlower active risk will likely preferre assuming similcosts. Portfolio X hlower absolute volatility anlower active risk thPortfolio Z, although both have similcosts. Finally, for managers with similcosts, fees, analpha skills, if two procts have similactive anabsolute risks, the portfolio having a higher active share is preferre Portfolio X hlower absolute volatility, lower active risk, anhigher active share thPortfolio Z. a result, Portfolio X best exhibits the risk characteristiof a well-constructeportfolio. 上课的例题(基础班讲义212页),老师说Annualizevolatility是绝对风险,annualizeactive risk是相对风险,两者矛盾的时候选active share最大的。在这道题里为什么不适用呢?谢谢

2022-03-20 20:27 1 · 回答


2022-01-11 02:00 4 · 回答