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ciaoyy · 2018年03月22日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016032801000017 [ CFA I ]









1 个答案

韩韩_品职助教 · 2018年03月28日

同学你好,C选项里面陈述的是B允许A使用J交易商来为个人做股票交易服务,并且也告知了B他用J交易商来做股票交易。这里没有违反是因为,CFA准则并没有要求从业人员不能和公司的客户使用同样的交易商来进行个人账户的交易。所以本身这句话是没有错误的,B违反responsibility of supervisors这一条,主要违反的行为在于A没有及时上报个人交易的报告时B并没有进行核查。

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NO.PZ2016032801000017 问题如下 Anra portfolio manager for XYZ Investment Management Company — a registereinvestment organization thaises investment firms anprivate accounts — wpromoteto thposition three years ago. Bates, her supervisor, is responsible for reviewing Anrb’s portfolio account transactions anher requiremonthly reports of personstotransactions. Anrb hbeen using Jonelli, a broker, almost exclusively for brokerage transactions for the portfolio account. For securities in whiJonelli’s firm makes a market, Jonelli hbeen giving Anrb lower prices for personpurchases anhigher prices for personsales thJonelli gives to Anrb’s portfolio accounts another investors. Anrb hbeen filing monthly reports with Bates only for those months in whishe hno persontransactions, whiis about every fourth month. Whiof the following is most likely to a violation of the Co anStanr? A.Anrb faileto sclose to her employer her persontransactions. B.Anrb ownethe same securities those of her clients. C.Bates alloweAnrb to use Jonelli her broker for persontras. A is correct.This question involves three of the Stanr. Anrthe portfolio manager, hbeen obtaining more favorable prices for her personsecurities transactions thshe gets for her clients, whiis a breaof StanrIII(–Loyalty, Prunce, anCare. In aition, she violateStanrI( –Misconfailing to aere to company polianhing her persontransactions from her firm. Anrb’s supervisor, Bates, violateStanrIV(–Responsibilities of Supervisors; although the company hrequirements for reporting persontrang, Bates faileto aquately enforthose requirements. Answer B es not represent a violation because StanrVI(–Priority of Transactions requires thpersontrang in a security concteafter the trang in thsecurity of clients anthe employer. The Co anStanr not prohibit owning suinvestments, although firms mestablish policies thlimit the investment opportunities of members ancantes. Answer C es not represent a violation because the Co anStanr not contain a prohibition against employees using the same broker for their personaccounts ththey use for their client accounts. This arrangement shoulscloseto the employer so ththe employer mtermine whether a confliof interest exists. For securities in whiJonelli’s firm makes a market, Jonelli hbeen giving Anrb lower prices for personpurchases anhigher prices for personsales thJonelli gives to Anrb’s portfolio accounts another investors. 这句话什么意思,是和组合其他账户相比,jone给An个人账户低价买入,相对高价卖出。 是这个意思吗,这样没有violation吗

2024-10-28 21:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032801000017 问题如下 Anra portfolio manager for XYZ Investment Management Company — a registereinvestment organization thaises investment firms anprivate accounts — wpromoteto thposition three years ago. Bates, her supervisor, is responsible for reviewing Anrb’s portfolio account transactions anher requiremonthly reports of personstotransactions. Anrb hbeen using Jonelli, a broker, almost exclusively for brokerage transactions for the portfolio account. For securities in whiJonelli’s firm makes a market, Jonelli hbeen giving Anrb lower prices for personpurchases anhigher prices for personsales thJonelli gives to Anrb’s portfolio accounts another investors. Anrb hbeen filing monthly reports with Bates only for those months in whishe hno persontransactions, whiis about every fourth month. Whiof the following is most likely to a violation of the Co anStanr? A.Anrb faileto sclose to her employer her persontransactions. B.Anrb ownethe same securities those of her clients. C.Bates alloweAnrb to use Jonelli her broker for persontras. A is correct.This question involves three of the Stanr. Anrthe portfolio manager, hbeen obtaining more favorable prices for her personsecurities transactions thshe gets for her clients, whiis a breaof StanrIII(–Loyalty, Prunce, anCare. In aition, she violateStanrI( –Misconfailing to aere to company polianhing her persontransactions from her firm. Anrb’s supervisor, Bates, violateStanrIV(–Responsibilities of Supervisors; although the company hrequirements for reporting persontrang, Bates faileto aquately enforthose requirements. Answer B es not represent a violation because StanrVI(–Priority of Transactions requires thpersontrang in a security concteafter the trang in thsecurity of clients anthe employer. The Co anStanr not prohibit owning suinvestments, although firms mestablish policies thlimit the investment opportunities of members ancantes. Answer C es not represent a violation because the Co anStanr not contain a prohibition against employees using the same broker for their personaccounts ththey use for their client accounts. This arrangement shoulscloseto the employer so ththe employer mtermine whether a confliof interest exists. Bate作为supervisor没有制止这种情况发生,难道不算是违反stanr?

2023-01-29 21:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032801000017问题如下Anra portfolio manager for XYZ Investment Management Company — a registereinvestment organization thaises investment firms anprivate accounts — wpromoteto thposition three years ago. Bates, her supervisor, is responsible for reviewing Anrb’s portfolio account transactions anher requiremonthly reports of personstotransactions. Anrb hbeen using Jonelli, a broker, almost exclusively for brokerage transactions for the portfolio account. For securities in whiJonelli’s firm makes a market, Jonelli hbeen giving Anrb lower prices for personpurchases anhigher prices for personsales thJonelli gives to Anrb’s portfolio accounts another investors. Anrb hbeen filing monthly reports with Bates only for those months in whishe hno persontransactions, whiis about every fourth month. Whiof the following is most likely to a violation of the Co anStanr?A.Anrb faileto sclose to her employer her persontransactions.B.Anrb ownethe same securities those of her clients.C.Bates alloweAnrb to use Jonelli her broker for persontras.A is correct.This question involves three of the Stanr. Anrthe portfolio manager, hbeen obtaining more favorable prices for her personsecurities transactions thshe gets for her clients, whiis a breaof StanrIII(–Loyalty, Prunce, anCare. In aition, she violateStanrI( –Misconfailing to aere to company polianhing her persontransactions from her firm. Anrb’s supervisor, Bates, violateStanrIV(–Responsibilities of Supervisors; although the company hrequirements for reporting persontrang, Bates faileto aquately enforthose requirements. Answer B es not represent a violation because StanrVI(–Priority of Transactions requires thpersontrang in a security concteafter the trang in thsecurity of clients anthe employer. The Co anStanr not prohibit owning suinvestments, although firms mestablish policies thlimit the investment opportunities of members ancantes. Answer C es not represent a violation because the Co anStanr not contain a prohibition against employees using the same broker for their personaccounts ththey use for their client accounts. This arrangement shoulscloseto the employer so ththe employer mtermine whether a confliof interest exists.请问为什么违反了三A和一

2022-06-21 20:36 1 · 回答


2019-05-15 08:27 1 · 回答