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  • 原创 2019-06-02
  • 品职教研团队














The final topic of the day was the impact of behavioral finance on capital markets. After a rigorous debate for and against the Efficient Market Hypothesis, Green and Weaver reached the following conclusions:

Conclusion 1 Support exists for both efficient markets and anomalous markets.

Conclusion 2 By understanding investor behavior, the investment solutions that are constructed will be closer to the rational solution provided by traditional finance.

Conclusion 3 If a market is strong form efficient,sophisticated investors may be better positioned to outperform less savvyparticipants.

Which of Green and Weaver’s conclusions regarding market behavior is least likely correct?

  1. Conclusion 1

  2. Conclusion 3

  3. Conclusion 2



Conclusion 3 is least likely correct. Green and Weaver’s conclusion regarding sophisticated investors being better positionedto outperform less savvy participants in efficient markets is incorrect. 

Only in inefficient markets may sophisticated investors have an advantage. In theory if markets are strong form efficient neither investor would have an advantage.Both Conclusion 1 regarding support for both efficient markets and anomalousmarkets and Conclusion 2 regarding the construction of investment are both correct.


Conclusion1说的是有效市场和有异常的市场都有支持,正确。Efficient market有效市场假说,分为三大类:weak form, semi-strong, strong form。Anomalousmarket也有支持,比如说calendar anomalies, fundamentalanomalies (size, value) 。




这道题是提问比较多的一道题。很多同学不理解conclusion 2,看到“investorbehavior”就觉得肯定不是traditional finance, 就选了C。但是我们学习行为金融,了解行为偏差,并不是为了更好地放飞自我,而是为了尽量克服这些偏差,从而做出最接近传统金融中rational solution的决定。所以conclusion2 是正确的。



Over the years, Chee regularly surveyed her clients to detect any behavioral biases in their investment decision-making processes.

She determined that her clients routinely exhibited the biases summarized in Exhibit 1.


Client 1

Rodriquez asks Client 1 to consider two equities, UnoInc. and Deux Co., which each had purchased for their respective portfolios.The purchase price and current price are shown in Exhibit 2. Neither equitypays dividends.

Determine, assuming Chee’s bias assessments arecorrect, which action (buy additional shares, take no action, sell) client 1 will most likely choose for each of the following equities:

i. Uno Inc.

ii. Deux Co.

Justify each response.



Regret aversion指的是因为害怕后悔而避免做决定。已经持有股票,client 1既担心股票跌遭受损失,又怕股票涨自己抛的早,所以保持现状不动。因此,当没有其他人影响时,无论股价涨跌,client 1 都不会买卖。



Regret aversion 并不代表一定不会有行动。Regret aversion的一个后果就是herding behavior 羊群效应。客户容易受到其他人的影响。具体请看下一道题的对比。



Laura Stone is a financial advisor at an investment firm with clients who are active traders. She determines that several of her clients routinely exhibit the behavioral biases shown in Exhibit 1.

Stone believes that these clients act primarily on the basis of their biases. She schedules meetings with these clients to evaluate their investment portfolios and make recommendations.

Client 4

One year later, the equity market is up 30% and both trading volume and market volatility have increased. All client accounts have benefited and Client 4 has been actively buying equities as the market rises. Stone believes the market is overvalued and that the collective behavior of investors is contributing to the formation of a market bubble.

Explain how Client 4’s trading behavior is consistent with his observed bias.


The regret aversion bias can initiate herding behaviorin individuals. Regret aversion causes financial market participants to avoid the pain of regret resulting from a poor investment decision, whether the loss comes from an investment that goes down or a perceived loss resulting from astock that went up that they did not own.

Client 4’s trading behavior of actively buying equities as the market rises is consistent with their regret aversion bias.Regret aversion can also encourage investors to participate in a bubble,believing they are potentially missing out on profit opportunities as stocks continue to appreciate.


Regret aversion会导致羊群效应,也就是跟风,看到大家都在买或者都在抛,就跟着一起买卖。题干中说股票市场涨了30%,所有人都受益了",大家都买了,所以regret-aversion的人也跟风一起买了。



Regret aversion 的本质是不想犯错,害怕后悔。因此它并不代表一定不动,如果是有别人的影响,regret aversion的人会想要和别人一样。如果没有别人影响,regret aversion的人就不动。这道题与上题考核知识点类似,因此放在一起对比。



An advisor for Alesi Capital Management is workingwith a new client, Melanie Stoffer. Prior to meeting with her, the advisor asksStoffer a series of diagnostic questions to determine whether she may have anyof the following investment behavioral biases:

• anchoring

• hindsight

• regret aversion

• representativeness

• status quo

Sample diagnostic questions are shown in Exhibit 1.

Identify the behavioral bias thateach diagnostic question in Exhibit 1 is most likely to reveal.


Regret aversion refers to the influence of pastdecisions (associated with poor investment performance) on similar choices inthe present. Often, rational actions are not taken in order to avoid arecurrence of the regret experienced after the past decision(s).

Status quo bias is an emotional bias in which peopledo nothing (i.e., maintain the “status quo”) instead of making a change. Peopleare generally more comfortable keeping things the same. This bias might preventan investor from looking for opportunities where change may be beneficial.

Anchoring is the tendency to continue usinginformation that had been used in past decisions despite the availability andrelevance of new information. As a result, investment decisions becomedifficult to reverse when the new information indicates that a change isadvisable.


Regret aversion指的是因为害怕后悔而避免做决定。第一个问题的regret aversion主要体现在后半句,“even if thenew investment appears to be the best alternative”,即使新投资看起来是最好的选择也不选,因为以前类似的投资亏损过,害怕投资再亏损,是一种担心自己后悔的心理的表现。

Status quo指的是因为懒得动而不做决定。




这道题是提问次数很高的一题。第一个问题很多同学选了representativeness. Representativeness指的是因为投资人见识少,根据自身有限的经历总结了错误的规律/模版,把新信息往模版上套,是处理新信息的方式不对。而regretaversion主要体现在后半句,即使新投资看起来是最好的选择也不选,因为害怕会后悔。要注意区分。



Emerald believes there are significant benefits to incorporating behavioral finance as part of their client assessment process andhas recently made changes to this effect.

Benefits of the recent changes to Emerald's clientassessment process least likely include:

  1. closer adherence to client expectations.

  2. reducing portfolio risk.

  3. improving Emerald's client retention metrics.



Incorporating behavioral finance does not have adirect impact on portfolio risk. In some cases, this approach will help encouragea reduction in portfolio risk, but it may also help other clients to take onmore risk as appropriate. 

Investing as the client expects and improvements to client retention metrics are both benefits of incorporating behavioral finance.











Philly’s investment committee also met with the irresearch analyst that covers the computer hardware industry to discuss thepotential purchase of LTop Computers, a leading manufacturer of personal computer and tablets.

Philly’s research analyst presented his investment recommendation and upgraded his rating on the stock to buy from hold given LTop’s new product introductions and an improved earnings outlook. 

During the discussion, committee chair Jackson Burke commented that he had suffered amajor loss in LTop stock in the past so he would not be able to support buying the stock regardless of the improved outlook. There was little furtherdiscussion and the remaining committee members supported Burke’s view.

What behavioral bias most likely influenced the investment committee members to decide against the purchase of LTop stock?

  1. Loss Aversion.

  2. Overconfidence.

  3. Social Proof.



Burke’scomment that he had suffered a major loss in LTop stock in the past and becauseof that experience he would not be able to support buying the stock regardless of the improved outlook and analyst upgrade unduly influenced the othercommittee members. 

The committee member’s actions demonstrated Social Proof,they wrongly endorsed the Investment Committee Chair’s judgement and they maynot have been fully aware they were doing so.


Loss aversion是损失厌恶。题干中亏损这件事情发生在过去,现在已经结束了。


Social proof 指的是社会认同,是一种从众心理。个人会做出和他人一样的行为,来获得群体的认同。题干中说“There was little further discussion and the remaining committee members supported Burke’s view”.Committee members 为了得到他人的认同,没怎么讨论就支持了Burke的观点。



这道题的关键点在最后一句话。Social proof 强调的是在集体环境中做决定,而且通常这个决定的结果比较差。



Over the next week, Owen and Yang are scheduled to meet with Fillman Associates, Philly’s largest institutional client. Owen mentions that Fillman is more sophisticated than Philly’s typical client. To prepare for the meeting Yang reviews several of Fillman’s annual due diligence forms completed by Owen. 

One question in particular catches her attention: it asked how the firm’s equity portfolios performed during the 2005–2007residential property boom and how the equity turnover rates varied fromprevious years when the markets were more efficient. In part, the response read, “During the residential property boom of 2005–2007 equity trading activity was significantly higher than previous years when the markets were moreefficient. Our trading expertise allowed us to consistently harvest profits.”

What behavioral bias is most likely indicated by Philly’s equity turnover rates during the 2005–2007 residential boom?

  1. Herding.

  2. Overconfidence.

  3. Recency effect.



Philly’s increased trading activity is indicative of overconfidence. In bubbles investors often exhibit symptoms of overconfidence;overtrading, under-estimation of risks, failure to diversify, and rejection of contradictory information.

With overconfidence, investors are more active andtrading volume increases, thus lowering their expected profits. Overconfidence and excessive trading are linked to confirmation bias and self-attribution biasas well as hindsight bias and the illusion of knowledge.



Overconfidence过度自信。题干中的最后一句话“Our trading expertise allowed usto consistently harvest profits”是关键。Consistently harvestprofits说明是持续性的收益,明显的过度自信。

Recency effect,就是availability bias, 题干中也没有表现。



有的同学觉得herding 会导致bubble,就选了A.追涨杀跌确实是bubble形成的一个可能的因素,但是题目中并没有提到。做选择时还是要仔细看题目中的说法。