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开泰-王飞 · 2022年01月14日




You are analyzing three investment managers for a new mandate. The following table provides the managers’ ex-ante active return expectations and portfolio weights. The last two columns include the risk and the ex post, realized active returns for the four stocks.

Suppose all three managers claim to be efficient in portfolio construction. According to the expanded fundamental law of active management, which manager is the best at building portfolios to make full use of their ability to correctly
anticipate returns?


A.Manager 1 B.Manager 2
C.Manager 3


B is correct. The proper statistic to calculate is the transfer coefficient, and it is defined as follows: TC = ρ(μi/σi,Δwiσi)
The TC is the cross-sectional correlation between the forecasted active security returns and the actual active weights, adjusted for risk.

The three managers have the following TCs:

Manager 2 has the highest TC.

考点: The Fundamental Law of Active Management

解析:三个基金经理都声称自己在构建组合时是有效的,而题目问哪个基金经理能够完全实现构建组合的想法,因此衡量指标是TC,也就是调整风险后的forecasted active returns与active weight之间的相关性。TC越大,构建组合时受到的限制越小,那么基金经理越能够实现自己的想法。

计算公式为$$\(TC=COR(\frac{\mu_i}{\sigma_i},\triangle w_i\sigma_i)\)$$。首先计算Risk-weighted forecasts return和Risk-adjusted weights,然后使用计算器求correlation:

以Manager 1为例:

首先清除历史记录【2nd】【7】【2nd】【CLR WORK】




1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2022年01月15日


仅从问题本身很难判断应该使用IC还是TC。解题点在于题干中给出的条件“uppose all three managers claim to be efficient in portfolio construction.”,也就是此时基金经理宣称的是可以有效的构建组合,这是对于TC的描述。

对比一下IC的描述:“Suppose all three managers claim to be good at forecasting returns.”就可以更明显的进行比较和区分。

  • 1

  • 3

  • 671


NO.PZ2015121810000079 问题如下 You are analyzing three investment managers for a new mante. The following table provis the managers’ ex-ante active return expectations anportfolio weights. The last two columns inclu the risk anthe ex post, realizeactive returns for the four stocks. Suppose all three managers claim to efficient in portfolio construction. Accorng to the expanfunmentlof active management, whimanager is the best builng portfolios to make full use of their ability to correctlyanticipate returns? A.Manager 1 B.Manager 2 C.Manager 3 B is correct. The proper statistic to calculate is the transfer coefficient, anit is finefollows: TC = ρ(μi/σi,Δwiσi)The TC is the cross-sectioncorrelation between the forecasteactive security returns anthe actuactive weights, austefor risk.The three managers have the following TCs:Manager 2 hthe highest TC.考点: The FunmentLof Active Management解析三个基金经理都声称自己在构建组合时是有效的,而题目问哪个基金经理能够完全实现构建组合的想法,因此衡量指标是TC,也就是调整风险后的forecasteactive returns与active weight之间的相关性。TC越大,构建组合时受到的限制越小,那么基金经理越能够实现自己的想法。计算公式为$$\(TC=COR(\frac{\mu_i}{\sigma_i},\triangle w_i\sigma_i)\)$$。首先计算Risk-weighteforecasts return和Risk-austeweights,然后使用计算器求correlation以Manager 1为例首先清除历史记录【2n【7】【2n【CLR WORK】依次输入两组数据X01=0.1765【↓】Y01=-0.0213【↓】X02=0.4000【↓】Y02=0.0025【↓】X03=0.4167【↓】Y03=0.0090【↓】X04=0.2400【↓】Y04=0.0063求出相关性系数【2n【8】一直按向下的箭头,直到出现r,r=0.7256。(与英文答案略有差异,是保留小数点的误差。) 这一类较为复杂的计算题现在考试还会考吗?答案的图表看不懂,不知道manager 1,2,3的risk-weighteforecasts 和 risk-ajusteweights怎么计算的?谢谢

2024-04-30 15:03 2 · 回答